Just as muscles atrophy, or shrink and weaken, with lack of use relationships atrophy when the actions required to keep them strong are neglected. Most people understand that if you want to keep your body fit and healthy then you have to exercise fairly consistently. We do not gain strength or ... Views: 1075
I have been reading a fascinating and well-written book, Good to Great by Jim Collins, about how good businesses move to being great businesses. As I am reading I cannot help but wonder if the author has not uncovered universal truths about greatness that may apply not only to business, but ... Views: 1196
How often in a day do you find yourself saying things like I should do this or I have to that? Think about the feeling associated with those shoulds and have tos. It may range from resignation to resentment. Seldom do we experience excited anticipation for things we feel we should or have to do. ... Views: 1196
I wonder what would happen in your relationship, if each day you took a few minutes to consider what was awesome about your partner? Would that influence how you spoke to them? Or how you treated them? Or how you talked about them to others?
Neil Pasricha's insightful work, The Book Of ... Views: 1180
What do happy couples have in common? Why are some couples still in a satisfying relationships after 50+ years and others cannot make it through a year together?
There is some research that suggests that the wife being thinner and better looking than her husband makes for a more satisfying ... Views: 1526
Occasionally, it is helpful to get a reality check about how we are perceived by others. We may think that because we love our partner that they know it and feel it. But if we were to take a step back and consider our behavior and the messages we send and how those are received by our partner; ... Views: 1401
If your partner is having in-law problems, it is up to you as the son or daughter of the intrusive or disrespectful in-laws to set the boundaries to protect your partner. If your partner feels disrespected or mistreated by your family, it is best to deal with it as soon as possible.
It does ... Views: 1893
The state of our lives and our relationships are the result of our seemingly small everyday choices. If for some reason we are unhappy with our relationship or our life, the best place to begin is to consider the choices that we have been making. William James said, “Human beings, by changing ... Views: 1991
Too many couples quickly forget or never internalize the concept of for better, for worse. When their relationship becomes difficult, as all relationships do, they start to question whether it is working for them. Their lack of enjoyment in the relationship leads them to wonder if there might be ... Views: 1416
Creating time for just the two of you is a vital part of a healthy relationship. Make getting away a regular part of your life. Take a weekend at least once a year; better yet, make it a week, twice a year. Too often couples allow their relationship to fall on the priority list behind the myriad ... Views: 1236
I would like to challenge you to go 30 days without judgment, harsh words, criticism or complaint in your relationship. This challenge can seem daunting especially if your relationship is struggling. Think of this as an experiment. Take the challenge and notice what happens inside of you and ... Views: 898
Many relationships are suffering from a lack of empathy. This is often mislabeled as a communication problem. This communication problem manifests as being able hear the words our partner says, but failing to hear the message they are trying to give us. We do not understand how they could think ... Views: 1827
The state of our relationships in many ways is a reflection of who we are. Just as a thorn bush does not grow apples, being angry and bitter inside does not tend to produce happy, contented relationships. Too often how we see our partner says more about us that it does about them.
If we are ... Views: 2189
What is a lasting happy marriage worth? It is a precious thing—it contributes greatly to the health and wellbeing of the partners involved. Lasting happy marriages make for happy, secure, well-adjusted families. Strong, healthy families contributes to the stability of the community and strength ... Views: 1065
Research indicates that we needs at least 12 laughs a day to be healthy. Laughter helps to boost our immune system and makes us more resilient. As Reader Digest suggests, laughter really is the best medicine. It can help you to relax and boost your mood. It helps to protect your heart and to ... Views: 2212
Too many people are unhappy with their appearance, their abilities or their intelligence. They have measured themselves and found that they are lacking; that somehow they are not good enough, smart enough, wealthy enough, or attractive enough.
Far too many people look for acceptance outside ... Views: 2693
Jealousy is simply insecurity in hyperdrive. Feeling jealous means that we have weighed and measured ourself and found ourself wanting. We compare ourself to someone or something else and feel that we are coming up short.
With everything that we feel, do or say, we are trying to get our ... Views: 2089
How many times have you caught yourself walking away from a conversation feeling satisfied that you pounded your idea home? You knew that the other person was perfectly clear on what it was that you were trying to say.
An important concept to remember is that, as Benjamin Franklin said, “A ... Views: 1351
Love is not something that can be forced. We cannot guilt someone into loving us. We can demand that they love us; however, that tends to have the opposite effect. In order to gain love, we must give love. Consider that people love us because of the way they feel about themselves when they are ... Views: 7211
Too often people in relationships feel disconnected and alone. Perhaps they have been hurt in the past and want to avoid being hurt in the future. The problem is that cutting themselves off from intimacy not only strains their relationships, but strains their health as well. They may have built ... Views: 1845
Carl Reiner stated, “Lust is easy. Love is hard. Like is most important.”
What is the difference between lust and love, between loving and liking?
Love involves being as concerns for someone else’s welfare as you are for your own. Love allows us to care for, serve and sacrifice for each ... Views: 5880
Whether you are a mom with small children or you are now taking care of your mom, learning to take care of you first can be a challenge. There is a good reason airlines insist that, in the event of an emergency when traveling with small children or others needing care, that you put your on own ... Views: 1279
If you have ever gotten your rubber boots stuck in a muddy garden, you will remember how hard it is to lift your boot out of the mud. Sometimes you can manage it by holding onto the top of the boot and pulling up as you lift your foot. This requires excellent balance and could result in landing ... Views: 1931
Mary Jane Irion said, “Normal Day, let me be aware of the treasure that you are.” There are so many wonders around us each day, if we are awake and aware. Often times we are so busy getting to, coming from, hurrying from task to task that we seldom stop to smell the roses.
Years ago I came ... Views: 1721
Dr. Helen Fisher put it this way, “Not at any time on this planet have women been so educated, so interesting, so capable. I honestly think that if there was ever a time, in human evolution when we have the opportunity to make good marriages, that time is now.”
Being or falling in love is ... Views: 3776
We have heard many suggestions on how to be successful in life. Believe in yourself, persist, get up every time you fall down, understand there is no failure only feedback, learn from mistakes, reach for the stars and walk toward your goals. All this is true, plus for any career or trade you ... Views: 1209
In all of our relationships we have expectations of how things should be, this applies in our intimate relationships as well. Many of these expectations have not been clearly defined in our own mind and frequently we have not openly shared our expectations with our partner. As our partner bumps ... Views: 1807
Have you ever felt like you were talking to a wall when you were trying to talk to your partner? Getting your partner to listen, especially to your concerns can be difficult. Remember that you deserve to be heard in your relationship. There are some things that you can do that will make it ... Views: 1838
There are extreme pressures on relationships today. Fast paced lifestyles can leave little room for developing and maintaining intimate relationships. Yet, a healthy relationship is one of the things that make life worthwhile and helps us live a longer and healthier life. A successful ... Views: 4049
If you have difficulties in your relationship, your perspective may be part of the problem. Consider how you are looking at your relationship and how you are looking at your partner? Your perception of your partner and your relationship affects the reality that you experience.
Thinking and ... Views: 5847
Looking at any negative experiences in our lives as an opportunity for growth, rather than misfortune, will allow our lives to have an uphill rather than a downhill trend. When you use what you learned from a previous relationship to grow and mature you will be in a better position to form a new ... Views: 1790
Passion is not just limited to the bedroom. You can be passionate about many things in your life. The interesting thing is that the more you invite passion into your life, the greater the chances it will find its way to the bedroom.
What do you love to do? When do you lose track of time and ... Views: 1960
We live in a fast paced world particularly in the western hemisphere. There is a song, “I’m in a Hurry” by Alabama that aptly describes many of our lives:
“I'm in a hurry to get things done
Oh I rush and rush until life's no fun
All I really gotta do is live and die
But I'm in a hurry and ... Views: 1954
Intentionally or not, you have created a relationship climate for all of your relationships. The quality of those relationships has a lot to do with this climate. Relationship climate has little to do with the exact words that you speak or the things that you do. You can say or do the exact same ... Views: 6350
Have you ever found yourself stuck when trying to solve a problem in your relationship? You talk or battle round and round and never seem to reach any type of agreement. Granted some problems are complicated and difficult to solve, but sometimes we complicate our problems by approaching them ... Views: 1166
The importance of self-esteem is an unavoidable reality. All of us are impacted by our self-esteem, whether we recognize it or not. High self-esteem allows us to respect ourselves and makes it easier for others to respect us as well. When we feel good about ourselves we are more able to ... Views: 2166