Every sales manager is searching for revenue from their salesforce, but the recipe to achieving the revenue target comes from the development of their unique sales metric management system.
Thinking back to one of the great cult films of the 1980s…Caddyshack. There is a conversation between ... Views: 1501
Life would be grand if we could sprinkle a few seeds in the ground, fertilize, add water…and a great sales person would sprout. This is truly a pipedream, but one often pursued by small business owners and sales management executives in their quest to find great sales talent. Rather than grow ... Views: 1566
Many business executives focus their search for sales management candidates from within their industry. They are restricting their ability to find the right person for the role.
One of the most critical decisions a company will make is the hiring of the right sales manager. However, many ... Views: 1271
The offer phase of a sales talent screening program takes preparation and finesse. The good news is that there are many parallels to sales that can be applied to this phase.
After a lengthy screening process, the hiring committee feels they have found the right sales candidate for the ... Views: 1327
One of the biggest mirages in sales is the proverbial rubber stamp. Sales people believe that they have won the business, but have left a deal-killer in play.
It's September, also known as back to school time. My neighbors and I escort our children to the bus stop for the first day of the new ... Views: 1199
There is a major difference between visibility and conversion. The key to success for any event is the understanding of the factors driving conversion.
You've told everyone that you are having a seminar, tele-seminar, webinar, etc. As a strategy to gain visibility, you invested in Google Ads ... Views: 1304
People are often told to "be a leader," but what does that mean? How do people know how to act as a leader when no one defines it for them? There is a simple mantra that defines leadership.
The other day my nine-year old daughter and two sons (seven and five years old respectively) were ... Views: 1476
Channeling the energy of a sales team can be challenging. How you compensate them determines where they invest their time and the results you get.
When I speak to business executives, one of the challenges I often hear is that their sales team is not doing the things they feel are most ... Views: 1365
It's that time of year again when salespeople peak their heads up from their cubicles to see if there is a better opportunity out there. So, what do I mean by "that time of the year?" Actually, it's most every day. The way most salespeople are wired, they have an insatiable urge for more. More ... Views: 1187
So, it's been another round of price squeezing. Very painful! They want it cheaper and your company has tasked you with protecting margin. To make matters worse, the prospect called you one of the worst things possible¡K a vendor! At this point, you have probably decided that sales really isn't ... Views: 1286
Albert Einstein formulated the theory that says that space and time are relative concepts rather than absolute concepts. For example, consider a car speedometer reading at 65 miles per hour. How fast is the car going? This question seems like the beginning of the joke of who is buried in Grant's ... Views: 943
You have been chasing this account for six months and feeling optimistic as the buying process is coming to a conclusion. The sale is between you and two other firms. The competition is fierce, but you feel you are ahead. At 11am, the Procurement Agent asks for three references to be provided to ... Views: 794
Ok. This is false advertising. There is no secret to "overcoming" the price objection. The truth is that the price objection cannot be overcome. That is because it isn't intended to be overcome. It is meant to be resolved through thought facilitation by a sales person. The sales person's role is ... Views: 794
The other day I was working out in the gym when a guy asked me to spot him on the bench press. For those of you not familiar with the term "spot," it means to watch and assist the lifter if they need help. Of course, I agreed to do this. As is customary when spotting, I asked him how many reps ... Views: 769
In the 70's and 80's, there was a great television show called "Quincy." This show revolved around a coroner who investigated deaths. Jack Klugman, a.k.a. Dr. Quincy, performed an autopsy on what appeared to be a death by natural causes and realized that the actual cause of death was murder. ... Views: 852
This is the time of year when salespeople begin to reflect on their performance. Was it a good year? Was it a great year? Some will say they earned the dollars they desired, so it was a great year. Others will hang their hat on an account that they won and say it was a good year. However, as Joe ... Views: 813
I spend much of my time working with companies to help them identify and hire the right sales talent for their company. One of the biggest frustrations that I hear from my clients is that they struggle to get people to apply for their jobs. Thus, they feel they have to settle for the few ... Views: 856
In my sales management career, I would bet that I've seen about 5,000 resumes for sales people. Yet, I still haven't seen one that shows someone who has achieved 40% of quota. Every single resume shows 100%, 200%, 2,000,000% of goal. Where are all of the people who have had less than stellar ... Views: 906
It's a great day at Newman Industries today! For the last month, they have been actively recruiting a hot candidate to join their sales team. Today, Steven Harmon agreed to join them. They see him as a true rainmaker. The recruiter and sales manager share high-fives. Mission accomplished! Spike ... Views: 803
I was never very good in science class which is probably why I'm not a doctor today. Yet, I remember vividly the exercise on heated atoms. The experiment started with a flask of water and a Bunsen burner. When the flame from the Bunsen burner was applied to the flask, the atoms would dart all ... Views: 851
There are few decisions more critical for a company than the hiring of the leadership of their sales organization. Yet, few know how to do it well.
There are few decisions more critical for a company than the hiring of the leadership of their sales organization. Yet, few know how to do it ... Views: 912
You have probably been told that the key to sales is closing. I beg to differ. In this article, a new perspective is shared on how sales really happens.
Recently, I was asked to provide my thoughts on sales people and the requirement that they "ask for the business" as a closing technique. ... Views: 888
Companies roll out the red carpet when they hire new employees. Yet, those that they elect not to hire are left out in the cold with a bad taste in their mouth about their experiences with the company. It doesn’t need to be this way.
Phil walks into his favorite retailer to apply for a job. ... Views: 941
There is a little test that professional buyers give to every sales person. It is a test to see if they are confident in the price they presented. They call it the flinch test. Will you pass the test?
After a lengthy buying process, the time has come to submit pricing. Countless hours are ... Views: 887
Not sure if your sales organization is up to snuff? Here are twelve keys to help ensure that your team is focused on the right things every day.
Many cars today tell the driver when it is time to perform maintenance. Even better, some tell the driver that maintenance is needed in 1,000 miles ... Views: 835
A disconnect exists between sales managers and recruiters that causes challenges for both. Together, they can resolve this issue by creating their company’s Sales Talent Screening Program.
Candidate screening is one of the most difficult tasks that recruiters and managers face. Most will ... Views: 958