I find it particularly disheartening when I hear someone refer to a person’s success and achievements as simply luck. Or even worse... dumb luck.
The word luck implies that the person had very little to do with the positive outcome they are currently enjoying. In fact, it even conjures up the ... Views: 1274
While I might concede that the spoils of life don't always go to the most deserving. I hold true to the belief that without a doubt the "spoils" are always more enjoyed when one has lived a life with integrity and not sold out on the things they value most.
I have known men and women who have ... Views: 1464
You have the idea so therefore you have within you the ability to make it a reality. Such is one of life's great truths. This may not always appear to be the case, but rest assured deep down you've got all the ability it takes.
The problem is that far to often we don't lay a foundation so ... Views: 1655
You had your new year's resolution all planned out. This was your year to "insert your missed goal here" :). You knew exactly what you needed to do; maybe you even got off to a blazing start!
You were absolutely sure this was going to be your year! This goal is as good as in the bag you ... Views: 1385
I'm often asked how it is that I stay so positive. Now allow me to clear up some misconceptions you might have based on that last statement. I am not one of those folks that walk around with what is commonly referred to as a career politician's smile painted across my face.
Although I do ... Views: 1592
I've long been a student of those who have achieved highlevels of success. Over the years I've noticed severalcommon threads in the makeup of the people I've studied. I'dlike to recount several of those traits for you in the hopethat in identifying them, you can implement these qualitiesinto ... Views: 2884
(c) 2004
"Leaders are born, not made." Right? Let me ask you a question: do you believe that?
I'll give you mine: I *don't* believe it.
Reason Number One: Look Around You
Look at the military, businesses, schools and other organizations. They are hiring people who ... Views: 2087
Never underestimate the power that comes from following your passion. It never ceases to amaze me what can happen when we put action to work for us and go after the things that we hold a true desire for. I'm not sure if you are familiar with the story of William Hung (www.williamhung.net) or ... Views: 1562
Find something you feel passionately about - Ok, I'll readily admit that on the surface this seems like a no-brainer. Yet it never ceases to amaze me by how many people I talk with that feel as though they're just going through the motions with regards to the events in their lives (both business ... Views: 1440
Anyone that has read my column knows well that I am a
collector of success stories. I believe they are extremely
important to us. Not to look in awe at others, but instead
to gain strength from them and in turn apply their lessons
to the challenges we face as we set out towards our ... Views: 1617