Whether you know it or not your life is constantly shifting and changing. Impermanence is an unavoidable facet of all of our lives, yet so many of us choose to ignore it. Our daily routine and interactions start to feel somewhat comfortable and welcoming; after all, as humans we value having a ... Views: 1230
How timely are you? For many people it seems like being punctual is an unobtainable skill, and it’s no surprise that regular tardiness can cause a lot of unnecessary stress. Whether it be work, school, or personal obligations, continuously being late will damage your reputation and can cost you ... Views: 1541
It’s no surprise that stress is a large problem for many, but did you know that it can be contagious? Secondhand stress is a very real issue, and constantly being around people who are generally anxious, preoccupied, or negative can have the same effects as having the stressful issues yourself! ... Views: 1063
What kind of impression does your appearance give off? Most of us never bother to think too deeply about how we present ourselves; after all, personal preferences often override any concerns over what others might think. We usually just strive for comfort and affordability, and while this may ... Views: 2537
As children we’re taught to never talk to strangers, but as we age it seems like this advice becomes less and less applicable. By time we’re adults strong social skills are a necessity for a successful life; the tables turn, yet many of us never catch up and develop these abilities. Talking to a ... Views: 1631
In the past we’ve discussed the importance of feeling loved and accepted. As humans we have an innate psychological need to feel like we belong, no matter the situation. That being said, a lack of acceptance can pose some serious hindrances to a healthy and productive life.
People in this ... Views: 1522
In more recent years it seems like our society has begun to shy away from physical contact. Gone are the days of constant touching and hugging, with most of us instead choosing to keep to ourselves. According to experts in the field many of us are currently “contact starved” in our current ... Views: 1352
Technology has progressed leaps and bounds since the turn of the century, and with these fantastic advancements comes a new issue: tech anxiety. This is a newly developing strain of anxiety that can be traced back to high levels of technology usage, especially regarding virtual communication. ... Views: 1082
Let's face it, actions will always speak louder than words. You can say something until you're blue in the face, but only by actually doing it can you make it true. That being said, are you living a life of real activity, or merely a life of wasted potential?
As much as I hate to ... Views: 1016
Dating can be a scary process, and the potential rejection that sometimes accompanies it is many people’s greatest fear come to life. It can be painful to be turned down by someone, especially when you get your hopes up. However, any suffering caused by dismissal can be avoided; all you need to ... Views: 1024
It would seem that in today’s world integrity is a rare trait possessed by only a seldom few. While it may be true that we all do have our own subjective values, our collective ability to maintain and meet these values could definitely use a little improvement.
This isn’t totally surprising; ... Views: 1583
Almost everybody has at least one past relationship that they can't seem to let go of. There's always that one love that left under unpleasant circumstances, that one person whom you still long for. While these feelings are by no means uncommon, they can have some very adverse effects on other ... Views: 1673