"It’s the most wonderful time of year" for some, filled with anticipation and excitement. And, it’s the most difficult time of the year for others who are barely putting one foot in front of the other due to illness or sadness. Now’s your chance to bring some holiday cheer to someone who could ... Views: 1289
Many of us look forward to Thanksgiving with cheery visions of friends and family gathering around for a mouthwatering meal. However, some people, especially those who are going through a bad time, may actually dread the holiday, and see it as a lonely and disappointing time. For them, ... Views: 1515
When life throws us a curve, the gift of a "spa moment" can be the perfect touch. A local spa offers healing relief and is perfect for those who can’t venture far from home or the hospital.
Since spas typically offer a variety of massages, manicures, pedicures, facials, and packages, a ... Views: 1510
Everyone loves a good laugh, especially those who are going through tough times. Laughter gives a momentary break from the crisis at hand and the anxiety it brings. A touch of humor reminds us that the patient and the family are not defined by the illness, and that those who are sad and grieving ... Views: 1487
It's no fun to be sick and discouraged on the holidays while everyone else is having a good time. So, remember to include folks who are shut in even if it's with a short visit or a card. Everyone wants to celebrate and to have some distraction from the boredom of a slow recovery. So, what can ... Views: 1460
You visit your sick co-worker in the hospital or at home and he looks terrible. He's not sounding like himself and he's sharing way too much personal information. Then, you happen to see a pamphlet on the nightstand about a scary illness that you were not aware that he has. To top it off, some ... Views: 1521
Everyone knows to bring food when someone is sick or recovering. A snack or a meal sends along a kind wish that lingers with every bite.
Yummy food is the perfect gift for helping a distraught family when the loved one has landed in the hospital with a sudden illness, an accident, scheduled ... Views: 1590
Sick or exhausted parents can always use a short break. This is your chance to jump in to make a difference. Offer to spend an hour or two with the kids.
Here are ten quick and easy things you can do with children:
Watermelon seed spitting contest. Just slice up that watermelon, ... Views: 1095
Whether it’s the anniversary of a public event like the Boston Marathon bombings or the Columbine shootings, or a not-so-public anniversary of a friend or neighbor’s tragedy, it’s important to reach out and show that you have not forgotten. Many folks will jump in to help right away and that is ... Views: 1731
It's getting to be that time of year . . . filled with proms, graduation parties, and wedding bells. But, for some young people, there's a big emptiness because "that very important someone" won't be there for them due to deployment, illness or death.
So, what can we do as a "stand-in" to ... Views: 1304
It seems like the gray, cold skies of winter will never end, especially for folks who are discouraged, ill, injured, or housebound. Let’s treat them to an early peek at spring. Nothing brings hope like a bit of green!
Here’s how you can bring some cheer to someone who’s going through a ... Views: 1082
When my friend was diagnosed with cancer and was facing radiation and chemotherapy, I wondered what I could I do when I lived 2,000 miles away. I couldn’t do any of the usual things to help. Normally, I might offer to drive her to chemotherapy and radiation sessions, take care of her kids, or ... Views: 1875
It’s that wonderful time of year again when the holidays fill us with anticipation and excitement. It’s also a time when some folks are barely putting one foot in front of the other due to illness or sadness. You probably know someone who could use a “leg up” during the holidays.
Here are ... Views: 1783
The funeral was lovely. It was packed with friends paying their respects. But once everyone else has gone back to normal routines, close family and dear friends still grieve for the lost loved one. They may feel that the world has passed them by and feel very alone.
Now is a perfect moment to ... Views: 1289
We cringe as we hear of the latest mass tragedy whether it's another shooting, a hurricane, tornado, fire, or flood. It's just one more horrific event that fills our daily thoughts and hearts. Yet, we never believe that something so awful could ever happen to us or to anyone close to ... Views: 1573