There is an excellent discussion going on in my private group: "For years we read from women that we should play hard to get. There are countless books written by women on this topic. What are your thoughts on why women believe we should play hard to get and men believe we should not? Do you ... Views: 23020
A fan wrote me a heartfelt email: Hi Katarina, me and my bf of almost 2 years broke up about 3 and a half months ago. It was not a bad break up, but he felt like he could not handle the pressure of a full-blown relationship. In the time that we have been apart I have learned a lot and recently ... Views: 20078
A lot has changed since the publication of my book. I shared my personal story dealing with an emotionally unavailable man (EUM) I was seeing at the time. The friendship was great -we couldn't have bonded any tighter- but true to my own integrity as an author and coach (as per my own advice ... Views: 15578
My editor Brenda who helped me edit my book out of her gratitude for the advice I have given him in the past dealing with her own emotionally unavailable man, told everyone how profoundly transformational my book is. She thinks this book is an excellent rebuttal that every woman should read to ... Views: 12092
Freedom, separation, aggression, conquest, goal seeking and sex are the basic nature of testosterone. You’ve seen how many wars and conquests have been waged by men since the beginning of time. That’s the side effect of testosterone.
It has also contributed to so much magnificence in the ... Views: 18690
Men have a love-hate relationship with their mothers. They love their moms to death, yet they loath the feeling of being mothered (i.e. being told what to do/not to do). Now they are adults and live on their own, they don't need another woman -and much younger at that- replacing their mother's ... Views: 12357
The key of dating an emotionally unavailable man who wants to take things slow is to let him set the pace. Expect that he will go hot and cold. Mirror him in everything he does. When he's hot, reciprocate that, this is your time to establish bonding. When he's cold, also keep a distance. ... Views: 32620
It is in our nature as a woman to want to feel cherished by the man we love. We want to be wooed and pursued, to be made to feel special, adored and to be treated like a princess. The question is how far would a man be inspired to satisfy our primal needs as a woman?
He's Really That Into ... Views: 25778
One of my best male friends was looking for me on IM feeling totally desperate because his wife was seriously talking about divorce now. They have been on that route before but this time she was totally serious. They have been having a rocky marriage as long as I can remember.
So I went ... Views: 12974
We've been told that the way to love is pretty linear and straightforward with guys. They take us to a first date, they like us, they make plans and ask us to be exclusive within a month or two, they fall in love and pop the question. Trust me when I say that very often guys don't know how they ... Views: 10390
We've been told that the way to love is pretty linear and straightforward with guys. They take us to a first date, they like us, they make plans and ask us to be exclusive within a month or two, they fall in love and pop the question. Trust me when I say that very often guys don't know how they ... Views: 17291
How many of you are confronted with a situation that the guy you are dating and attracted to is not really ready to move your relationship to the next level? Or that he hasn't taken down his profile from the dating site yet after a few months seeing each other? It feels scary for you now that ... Views: 46445
If you are a single woman over 30 and are actively dating, likelihood is you'll find many divorced men -recent or not- as your potential suitors. You -and your ex that you are not over with- are even perhaps on a rebound yourself! We all go through transitional relationships at one point or ... Views: 16407
Have you had a relationship with a man that has unfortunately always been on the on-and-off track? Wanting him back is a completely normal reaction to a breakup, regardless of whether the feelings come right away, or over time. Here are some proactive tips for turning your ex to be in love with ... Views: 13541
Are you a dumped girlfriend? What does it take to move on after a guy has broken up with you? Do you want to move on, but are paralyzed by sadness? Here is a dumped girlfriend guide to moving on.
While Still Mourning, Do Realize That You Can Still Seduce Your Ex Back. Here's How:
The ... Views: 27689
Rebound relationship is a common occurrence during a breakup. My clients usually get terribly anxious when they find out that their exes are dating again or entering a new relationship. They want to know how to stop this or how their exes can do this, what that means, etc. They ask, "Does it ... Views: 37295
If you are feeling desperate because you are trying to save marriage alone, do not despair. There are many others in the same boat as you and such cries for help can be heard from both men and women alike. This is probably because they have made the same common mistake; entering a relationship ... Views: 9919
Men are visual creatures, while looks will get you in the door, in the long run it is emotional attraction that will keep him glued to you.
What is emotional attraction to a man? It is everything in a woman that makes him feel supported, accepted and respected because all of that is the ... Views: 20105
If you think men just want to lead a bachelor life without any concern in the world while having you on the side because it's convenient to him, you are mistaken. Do realize that both men and women want to love and be loved. Both genders want a great relationship as it is our inherent need. ... Views: 15211
Being a relationship coach and dealing with breakup issues a good chunk of time, I have a lot of anxious female clients/readers who are on the brink of a nervous breakdown because they feel their world is falling apart: i.e. their men seem to fade into the state of indifference. They panic and ... Views: 11780
I know, you just want to get him back. It seems like it should be simple enough. After all, you won his heart over once before; why not just do it again? Well, the problem is that the first time around you were entering new territory with a clean slate. You had the thrill and excitement of ... Views: 12088
Maybe you’ve tried every strategy that you can think of to lure your ex boyfriend back into your arms and back into your life but it just doesn’t seem to be working. You have tried playing hard to get; you’ve tried obsessing over what he’s doing and calling every hour; you’ve showed up ... Views: 16184
Sometimes a relationship ends and for whatever reason one person is not able to let it go. They want to be back with the person that they were in the relationship with. They may have feelings that they cannot let go of. Or perhaps they have realized that the relationship ending was not the right ... Views: 18462
There comes a point in almost any successful relationship where things calm down and cool off. There is no longer a major spark between the partners. They get comfortable in their relationship and develop a routine. They no longer find as much time to spend together. Often, this is not due to a ... Views: 9676
Text messaging is one of the most powerful ways to flirt and build attraction and to lay a great foundation for a lasting relationship with a man.
Unfortunately, many women are at a loss for how to properly leverage this technology to make a man feel intense level of attraction toward her ... Views: 38338
Men are biologically different to women, and yet so many women seem to have no idea why their partners act the way they do. The very biological differences that draw so many people together are also sometimes the very things that can drive them apart.
Biologically, men have almost the ... Views: 14401
Text messaging is one of the most powerful ways to flirt and build attraction and to lay a great foundation for a lasting relationship with a man.
Unfortunately, many women are at a loss for how to properly leverage this technology to make a man feel intense level of attraction toward her ... Views: 18673
Relationship breakups don't always mean that the person you're breaking up with needs to be cut completely out of your life. Many people continue to have warm and satisfying friendships with their exes by making sure that their relationship breakups are done without hurting anyone more than ... Views: 8139
So the relationship is over and you're wondering how to deal with a break up. Maybe it's the first break up you've had that really upset you. Or maybe it's not your first and you're looking for answers because even after all this time you still don't know how to deal with a break up.
When a ... Views: 8644
Some women get really hurt from just a few month fling? Why? Because they invest too much, too soon in the relationship and have soaring expectations of it. They buy into the fairy tale they concoct themselves that this is it: he's the One and they're "in love" not realizing that the dizzying ... Views: 18327
The amount of time we get to spend with our partners is less and less. Commutes are longer, people often spend eight or ten hours at the computer and in meetings. Our increasingly complex lives also come with a host of professional, personal, and hobby-related commitments. As a result, the ... Views: 11042
If you have a new guy in your life and are in the early stages of courtship, chances are good you will be texting him and he will be texting you. Flirty texting is fun, but if you aren't careful, you can unknowingly put a huge damper on his attraction.
If he is pulling away from you, one of ... Views: 40008
The college aged daughter of a close friend of mine recently asked her mom "my boyfriend wants to take a break, what does that mean?" Her daughter was confused, heart broken and a little angry and was looking for advice.
If you're in the same situation here are a few tips than can help you ... Views: 22029
Wow, what a punch in the stomach. You were just dumped. It can be a shock, even if all the signs were there. Now comes the hard part, what to do next? If you've just said 'my boyfriend left me, what should I do now?" the answer might not be what you expected!
As humans it is our nature, ... Views: 15743
How does a woman attract amazing men who will give them what she wants: love, commitment, adoration?
By being a happy, independent, secure and self-confident woman. Your looks will get you in the door but to keep a man attracted to you for the long haul, you have to have those inner ... Views: 15851
I want to address an important issue from my reader, about guys who lose their sexual mojo when they're settled with you (something that isn't very uncommon -surprise, surprise- which is the main reason why my marriage fell apart). So here it goes:
I have been with the same man for almost 3 ... Views: 24649
I've received so many requests for advice from women who are desperate because their men either broke up with them or became more and more distant and less willing to keep in touch or show affection.
I can relate to that. I have had my share of similar experience in my 20's when a man whom I ... Views: 12329
My male best friend from my home country recently, in a state of panic, IMed me, "Where are you? I need to talk. It's really urgent." When we finally talked he was shaking in anguish: he found out his wife was cheating on him with the next-door neighbor and the guy's wife informed him at 3 am a ... Views: 10802
Eighty percent of men are distancers and 80% of women are pursuers. Women have 10-15 times more oxytocin (the bonding hormone) than men, and men have 10 times more testosterone (go-getter hormone) than women: so based on that chemical proportion alone, it's obvious women need more closeness than ... Views: 36403
We all fall hard, difference is some people know how to handle the end of relationship better than others. It's not the depth of the falling-in-love that hurts the most but the height of the expectations. The higher your expectation is, the more you hurt when it ends.
And we all learn from ... Views: 9426