Karma is one of the most popular spiritual topics, and for a good reason; people want to know how to improve their karma, thus make their lives better. People also want to avoid the nasty surprise of bad karma.
However, there seems to be a lot of confusion about karma, what goes around (what ... Views: 839
One of the most popular topics in the New Age arena, and also in the mundane marketplace, is soul mates. It’s a very lucrative subject for New Age marketers, and they frequently promote the myth that everyone has the perfect match out there somewhere and all you have to do is take a few simple ... Views: 881
Praying, as it is done today, whether it is done by people of traditional faiths or those who don’t subscribe to organized religion, isn’t always enough, by itself.
It’s commonplace to essentially sit quietly and ask God (or whomever you pray to) for what you want. Granted, a lot of this ... Views: 1038
It’s perfectly understandable to be mystified as to why “bad” things happen to seemingly “innocent” people. We’ve found that it’s necessary to put aside conventional thinking in order to grasp what we believe to be the truth about karma and personal fate.
To further address this issue, ... Views: 1110
An empath is a highly sensitive person who can feel the emotional and physical states of people around them. This, of course, can be problematic for the individual while walking through crowds or being around people who are in a negative state of mind.
They also have the ability, if they set ... Views: 2505
Across the globe, it’s very common for spiritual seekers of all types to believe that enlightenment is something that you find through painstaking searching and sacrifice.
Tales of magicians and gurus in distant lands such as Tibet and India entice aspirants to travel abroad for a ... Views: 949
Gratitude is a powerful, even magical tool that you can use to improve your state of mind, deal with challenging situations, be more optimistic, and even transform your life.
When you accept a situation you can’t change, and even express gratitude for what it is teaching you, the situation ... Views: 994
Everyone wants to be free of love life problems, but few seem to be able to maintain satisfaction in this area of life.
Though following the advice below may not immediately reward you with the love life you dream about, instead we believe it's possible to create a good alternative in the ... Views: 1091
Long gone are the days when someone could easily be committed to a mental institution, or worse, simply for speaking up about their ability to perceive auras, past lives, or the future. Thank God. More and more people are receptive to metaphysical subjects, but still, you need to watch what you ... Views: 1274
You’ve probably come across love life promotions such as, “Hey, vulnerable, uninformed, desperately lonely person, find your soul mate in 30 days or less and delude yourself that you two are even moderately compatible because anyone is better than no one. It’s such a terrible thing to be single, ... Views: 1202
Since the late 1980s, we’ve developed our spiritual theories that stem from empirical study in conjunction with a very complex system of checks and balances involving handwriting analysis, intuition, and comprehensive astrology and numerology.
Personality, key life circumstances, and timing ... Views: 1532
Valentine’s day can be a wonderful day for happy couples. But what about everyone else? We don’t mean to be a downer for those of you who are romance fans, but it can be one of the most depressing days of the year for a large percentage of the population that is single or unhappily involved. ... Views: 1260
Imagine living in a society where everyone was extremely psychic, and also fully embraced the tenets of karma, fate, and reincarnation. What would your love life be like?
What follows is how we perceive things will be in 500 or more years, and also, according to our past life regression ... Views: 1628
Whether you call it a hunch, gut instinct, intuition, sixth sense, or just knowing, everyone has at least some psychic ability, even if they don’t acknowledge it. The more psychic you are, especially if you trust your judgment, the easier it can be to prepare for and navigate through the ... Views: 1244
Spirit possession has become a more popular topic in recent years due to it being featured in popular media, including TV shows and movies. Although extreme cases make for more potent entertainment, they aren't very common in the real world. Below we describe the other levels of possession so ... Views: 2601
Strife is a fact of life. No matter how much you try to get along with certain individuals in your life, disharmony prevails. It’s like they are driven by a demonic lord to make your life difficult.
Good news! You can’t rid yourself completely of the bad apples in your life, but you can ... Views: 1317
“Without fail, you will be tested,” said the wise man. We believe that how you respond to your spiritual tests in life determines how you progress spiritually, and it impacts your future personal fate.
Whether or not you’re successful with these tests depends on if you do the right thing and ... Views: 1745
Before you think that we are advocating censorship, hear us out. We’re all for freedom of expression and speech, but it pays to critically analyze what society embraces without contemplation, like the messages in pop music that can contribute to very unhealthy outlooks on love and ... Views: 1279
The Oxford Dictionaries defines redemption as “the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil: God’s plans for the redemption of his world [in singular] a thing that saves someone from error or evil...the action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for ... Views: 2927
Due to several movies in recent years about demonic possession and exorcisms, the subjects have gained in popularity.
Are they fictitious notions, merely part of a scary Hollywood storyline? 25 years ago, we thought so and naively assumed that in terms of spiritual energy, only God and ... Views: 1727
In your pursuit of spiritual awareness, you may have embraced the “consciousness” movement. After all, it sounds good, right? Become more conscious of yourself, humanity, and the environment, and strive to better the planet.
However, what you may not realize is that to many advocates, ... Views: 4169
Hangovers can seriously impede your success, as well as the advancement of your spirituality. Drinking more than a couple too often is a lethal trap that you need to avoid at all costs if you want to reach your full potential and accomplish your earthly missions.
You’re not alone, most people ... Views: 2204
We define karma as everything you say, do, or intend coming back to you in equal measure, mostly from past lives. What you do now will likely come back to you in a future life, not in your immediate future.
Everyone has endured a negative experience relating to career, relationships, family, ... Views: 1530
We believe everyone has at least one spirit guide whose main role is to encourage you to make the most appropriate choices in order to learn, grow and accomplish the goals you incarnated for this time.
But sometimes when life isn’t going well, it may seem like you’re severely lacking in ... Views: 6814
Our long-term findings firmly support the theories of reincarnation and karma. Until we prove them invalid, we will continue to accept them as viable Explanations for some of life’s “mysteries.”
Related to the theory of reincarnation is the notion that there are no accidents in life and that ... Views: 6291
Have you ever wondered why so many people experience love life heartache on a regular basis? Most people seem to
start out with good intentions but then many fall into the typical love life traps.
After over 25 years of empirical research with metaphysics, personality and compatibility ... Views: 1824
There’s an epidemic in this world and it’s as plain as day to us: A perception of dating and relationships that severely conflicts with reality. After over 25 years of empirical research with spirituality, personality and compatibility assessment, and as a matchmaker and writing a book about ... Views: 1369
We get many questions from young adults about love life dilemmas. So many of them fall into traps that could have been avoided with good guidance and advice. It leaves one wondering, “Didn’t their parents or mentors help them distinguish love life fantasies from reality?”
Sadly, many parents ... Views: 2303
Our metaphysical theories stem from empirical observation in conjunction with a comprehensive system of checks and balances using handwriting analysis, intuition, and in-depth astrology and numerology.
Clusters of indicators form patterns that symbolize character, key life events and ... Views: 2619
The most common reasons so many people are seemingly unable to find a long-lasting, ideal, harmonious, fulfilling, compatible relationship may include some of the following: they like being single; they aren’t comfortable with the prevailing relationship models of today; they’re holding on to ... Views: 1593
Abuse of financial power, such as manipulating, exploiting, or making false promises with the carrot and stick trick will downgrade your spirituality and earn you some tough future life karma. Most people who have studied the concept of karma and reincarnation understand this, even if they don't ... Views: 1505
Constantly witnessing the repetition of numerological and astrological patterns accurately reflecting personality and real life events and circumstances in peoples’ lives forms the basis for our related metaphysical theories.
In other words, the more you see specific patterns in the charts ... Views: 1877
Many years of empirical observation using a comprehensive system of checks and balances, including handwriting analysis, developed intuition, and in-depth astrology and numerology have allowed us to form well-defined theories.
Distinct patterns of multiple indicators symbolize personality, ... Views: 2419
Black magic is defined as the misuse of spiritual energy including harming another person or attempting to get someone to act in accordance with your desires, especially if your desires oppose theirs.
In our view, spiritual power is to be used only for good. The moment you try to control or ... Views: 7990
“Income inequality” has been a popular topic in the news lately. Some say that those who make more money should give to those who have less to “even the playing field.”
From the standpoint of karma and reincarnation, there is no such thing as inequality. Life is not supposed offer equal ... Views: 1672
Anyone who has dated has probably been dumped. It happens even to the most eligible singles for various reasons.
We recently heard from a 29 year-old woman who said that her ex "should be" with her, and that she had paid a few spell-casters to work their magic and bring him back, but he still ... Views: 1742
The power of the human mind is astonishing. You’re aware of your conscious mind, the part of you that is knowingly reading this right now, but your collective subconscious mind is of its own volition, and doesn’t always agree with your conscious desires.
Try as you might, you aren’t really in ... Views: 4587
One of the most common questions we receive is “What should I do for my career?”
Some are studying toward a degree and questioning if it’s right for them.
Some didn’t have parents or mentors who helped them develop interests other than TV, sports, or video games, or they were urged into ... Views: 806
Virtually everybody ends up wasting time somewhere along the line in their pursuit of spiritual awareness because the path is replete with pitfalls.
Don’t feel bad if you’ve taken a time consuming detour down a spiritual dead-end street. You’re not alone.
Below we list some of the most ... Views: 2093
After employing past life regression techniques for our own benefit and others for over 20 years, we frequently perceive spontaneous flashes of insight related to past lives without having to do a formal regression.
How do we know the insight is authentic? We cannot bring forth related ... Views: 11598
The concept of karma is often misinterpreted. It’s a mistake to confuse subjective morality, that which society considers “right and wrong,” with karma.
Karma is simply what you’ll get back (mostly in future lives) in equal measure from every action, thought, and intent and “bad karma” is not ... Views: 1356
New Age urban legend suggests that you’re empowered through “ascension” to consciously manipulate your past lives and future lives to live happily ever after in a never-ending utopia without any personal adversity.
All you have to do is spend enough money on the services of the gurus who spew ... Views: 1615
We received this inquiry recently:
“Just what is a psychic looking at? How do they ‘see’ the future? What in the world are they looking at? Where do they get their information about things 30 years in the future about people who were not even born yet?”
As professional mystics, we readily ... Views: 1960
It’s easy to get caught up in seemingly important material, physical, and other labels because it’s the nature of everyone in society to judge based on those labels.
The real, spiritual you is not your race, personality, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, height, weight, muscles, ... Views: 1018
We received the following question recently:
“What happens if you don’t take action at the right time to manifest your destiny? Does this mean you will miss it? Or miss important events in your life? Will the opportunity present itself again at a later time?”
Based on our empirical ... Views: 9998
If you've tried many times to quit smoking but you haven't been able to make it permanent, it may be time to consider the little talked about spiritual side of addiction: Ghosts.
What do ghosts have to do with an addiction to cigarettes? More than you may realize.
We've found through our ... Views: 8737
Although love life connections seldom offer pure romantic fantasy, they do offer fantastic opportunities for emotional and spiritual growth, inevitably drawing to the surface anything but bliss and your romantic expectations.
Almost everyone wants to be in love and be loved, but ... Views: 6690
According to Martha Stout, PhD, author of The Sociopath Next Door, about one in 25 individuals is a sociopath.
A sociopath is someone who lacks a sense of moral responsibility. They’re often very charming and will look you in the eye and smile, be your friend, then later when you’re not ... Views: 3443
You never want to be caught in the trap of thinking you can conjure up your "soul mate" in 90 days or less by following a New Age snake oil protocol.
Ready, set, go. You now have 90 days to find the love of your life. What a terrible approach to love. Just like square-dancing, you'll twirl ... Views: 1053
As you journey through your unique spiritual path, it may be helpful to know which sort of behavior won't come back to haunt you in a future life. Do you want to avoid some of the problems you've experienced in this life? Then you need to always be mindful of your actions.
Through over 25 ... Views: 2843