Back in ancient times, more than 2000 years ago, the concept of karma was clearly defined in Buddhist teachings and Hindu texts such as the Mahabharata: Karma is inextricably linked to reincarnation and a person's actions dictate the circumstances in his future lives. The concept is ... Views: 1018
Everyone knows gratitude as thankfulness, though we also regard it as a process through which to increase spiritual power, thus get more out of life and progress toward self-actualization.
Commonly, those on the spiritual path to self-awareness experience three stages of gratitude.
The ... Views: 1156
The New Age marketplace includes countless well-meaning people. We applaud those who insist on honesty with their offerings and don’t put profits first.
However, like any industry, it has its share of tricksters and hucksters. Many don’t mean to mislead, but they feel pressure to generate ... Views: 1673
We’ve encountered many myths about psychic readings over the years. It’s not surprising there’s so much misinformation and fiction related to metaphysical readings; sometimes the practitioners are to blame.
Below are twelve psychic myths based on our over 30 years of experience with the ... Views: 1059
Everyone has heard about the law of attraction, but there are other spiritual laws about which you should be more excited.
Embracing these spiritual laws will help you get the most out of your life by minimizing negative circumstances and generating peace of mind and satisfaction.
Our ... Views: 1018
Faith, or having complete and unshakable confidence things will turn out okay, is a powerful spiritual practice. Along with gratitude, faith helps you make the most of your fate.
Typically, those on the path to self-actualization experience three stages of faith.
The first stage of faith ... Views: 1346
The world is currently experiencing a technology boom and the future looks incredibly exciting. We believe technology and the overall standard of living will be exponentially more advanced, beyond your imagination, in the near future.
However, many seemingly possible future life predictions ... Views: 1135
The power of affirmations can improve and even transform your life in many ways.
Can they help you reach any goal? Can you alter any situation to your liking? While positive thinking and the law of attraction are important, you need to consider other spiritual laws too. For example, the laws ... Views: 2231
Long-term empirical research tells us that the concept of karma is valid, though we regularly encounter people with misconceptions about the spiritual tenet.
For example, we received this anonymous e-mail recently: “Who are you to tell anyone they deserve what happens to them. This is your ... Views: 962
Spiritual law dictates you are free to act as you desire, as long as you don’t hurt yourself or anyone else. However, many existing U.S. laws and the never-ending enactment of new criminal laws and regulations seriously threatens, even blocks, the inalienable right to life, liberty, and the ... Views: 1016
The fate vs. free will argument has been around for eons. We believe you have free will to make the most of your fate and even shape it, but not how you may think.
The motivational and self-help marketplace is full of well-intentioned professionals promising to make you the captain of your ... Views: 1122
Have you lived previous lives? About two-thirds of the world’s population believes in reincarnation. Disbelievers reject the concept of reincarnation, though how many of them have investigated the concept objectively?
The “I’m just a hunk of meat with a brain-- no soul” types (typically ... Views: 1918
Are you aware of the power of affirmations? You can use them to transform your love life.
Some people claim that you can get anything you want with positive thinking. The law of attraction is important, though you need to also consider other spiritual laws, such as the laws of karma and ... Views: 2193
Are you passing your spiritual tests? We believe everyone frequently has the opportunity to pass spiritual tests, and in the process create a better world and good karma for the future.
Sometimes it’s not easy, but if you do the right thing and respond with honesty, unconditional love, and ... Views: 1389
Your current love life is the result of your past life actions, according to the theories of reincarnation and karma.
However, not all bad love life experiences are the result of bad karma. Your soul chooses experiences for growth, and some present day negative situations may be the result of ... Views: 1199
The theory of reincarnation suggests your past life actions create your present love life situations, both the good and the bad.
People who don’t like their love lives now might be making up for their actions in the distant past, but not always. Sometimes, even the best intentions in past ... Views: 1162
Sex can be spiritual, though it’s all too common to forget and feel guilty about sex, and much of the guilt is hidden in your subconscious mind. We’d like to help you escape the baseless sexual guilt trap.
It’s detrimental to your emotional, spiritual, and mental health to possess baseless ... Views: 1164
According to the theory of reincarnation, your past life actions have much to do with the state of your love life today.
You know the saying: what goes around, comes around. Our findings show your actions now are likely to come back to you in one of your future lives instead of in this ... Views: 1270
The law of attraction says that you attract what you focus on. But what about the other, equally important spiritual laws? Below we discuss them, and how spiritual laws affect your love life. Our findings are the result of our extensive empirical research.
Law of Higher-Self/Soul Influence ... Views: 1148
According to the theory of reincarnation, your past life behavior has a lot to do with the current state of your finances today.
Most people are acquainted with the basic concept of karma: whatever you do now will come back to you in the future, though our findings show it’s more likely to ... Views: 2461
We’ve developed our theories from empirical research in conjunction with a complex system of checks and balances involving comprehensive astrology and numerology, handwriting analysis, and intuition.
Our findings show that important life events, conditions, and trends are represented by ... Views: 1479
Why do good things happen to bad people?
An arrogant, cruel actor wins an Academy Award while many seemingly more deserving, talented actors never get noticed.
A ruthless business tycoon successfully builds a billion dollar empire while many ethical business owners fail.
The nasty ... Views: 1072
Many people feel trapped in a relationship, yet fail to do anything about it.
The reasons for staying stuck are numerous, including assuming it’s better for the children to stay, illness or lack of physical mobility or stamina, financial restrictions, fear of retaliation, fear of being ... Views: 1219
Spiritual guides are helpful entities on the other side. But there are some things you need to know to avoid trouble.
We base our advice on empirical evidence through regular meditation and other spiritual disciplines and practices, like past life regression and spiritual detox, since the ... Views: 1264
You want to avoid creating negative karma if you’re like us and believe that whatever you intend, say or do comes back to you.
We’re confident that our long-term empirical research with past life regression and interpreting personal fate through comprehensive astrology and numerology, has ... Views: 1354
The notion of rewriting your soul contract is about eliminating life’s challenges and getting what you want in a snap. We believe it’s impossible to rewrite your soul contract, though you do have free will to respond positively to it.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to suddenly live the life of ... Views: 1753
Deliver Us From Evil is a new film about an NYPD cop who battles demons.
The film is based on events in the life of Sgt. Ralph Sarchie who retired as a decorated NYPD cop after 18 years of service. He now dedicates himself to demonology cases full time.
Some people are giving this movie a ... Views: 1262
Marijuana is now legal in several states in the USA and other states may follow suit.
Many of the news stories about the American weed revolution compare pot to alcohol.
The pro-pot people say it’s less harmful than alcohol.
On the surface, pot does seem to help one relax and be more ... Views: 1019
Atheists don’t believe in God for various reasons, and they should be allowed to believe what they want. Religious freedom is a wonderful thing.
However, it’s our belief that some atheists base their viewpoint on misunderstandings.
Here are seven common convictions atheists hold, our ... Views: 1061
Spirituality and accountability go hand in hand; you reap what you sow. It may not catch up to you in this life, but based on our empirical research, we believe it will eventually.
Unfortunately, we sometimes encounter people on the spiritual path who seem to rationalize bad behavior. ... Views: 1298
Once you understand the truth about reincarnation, after sifting through the myths and misunderstandings, you’ll be surprised how the awareness can improve your quality of life.
Below are nine common questions or arguments about reincarnation and our responses, which are based on over 25 ... Views: 1116
How do you stop thinking about someone? Perhaps he betrayed you, she broke up with you, or maybe it’s someone you don’t even know. He enters your mind all the time and you know it isn’t healthy. Sometimes people take up residence in our minds and it’s difficult to get rid of the thoughts. ... Views: 3272
We believe the primary purpose of all love relationships is opportunity for spiritual growth, yet few seem to share our belief considering the three common questions about a new relationship partner that often lead to love life suffering.
It’s understandable why people today approach love ... Views: 1440
The most overlooked quality that makes or breaks your love life is not bad luck, but personal timing.
We’re not referring to trying to time the beginning of a relationship for success, such as planning a wedding on the day of a New Moon. Our findings tell us that other forces, such as an ... Views: 1370
Great, mind blowing sex can be healing and transformational, making you feel alive and full of energy, but unfortunately, it’s rare.
Common complaints about sex that is less than satisfying are selfishness, lack of interest, poor hygiene, low energy, being too quick or slow, being too ... Views: 2372
Myths abound surrounding the topics of sex, promiscuity, and spirituality.
Consider this anonymous feedback we received from "Emily": "So two guys who obviously aren't into commitment write about what a less-than-desirable ideal sexual commitment is, with no thought of feeding the kids. How ... Views: 1417
Meditation is vital for increased peace of mind and even enhanced physical health; we offer a meditation checklist below to help you finally reap all the benefits from deep meditation.
Twenty-five years ago, meditation was still viewed by almost everyone as something only practiced by ... Views: 1360
Our long-term empirical findings show that you’re here on planet Earth primarily to make spiritual progress. The more progress you make now, the more you’ll be rewarded later, and eventually you’ll complete the cycle of reincarnation.
You can’t control how you’re spiritually tested, but you ... Views: 1730
It’s that time of year again. Countless Valentine’s Day ads remind you of your happy love life, or if you’re like most people, your less than perfect romantic life.
Contrary to the implications of this commercial holiday, there’s nothing wrong with being single, or having a non-traditional ... Views: 1117
Are there different kinds of demons, and are demons even real? Yes, based on our experience of clearing places and people of dark energy for more than 13 years, we believe so. We didn’t believe in demonic energy prior to our findings, but we now believe that both positive and negative energies ... Views: 1715
Do demons exist and if so, are there different kinds of demons? We've been clearing people and places of dark energy for over 13 years and we believe the answer is yes to both questions.
We've learned that while there exists "good" and "bad" energies due to the polarity of the universe, there ... Views: 1569
After years of many past life regressions, we've learned to accept karma as a fact of life, and something that influences everyone, even if they don't believe in it.
We believe that many people don't understand the real meaning of karma, which is a reaction from an action that was most often ... Views: 1309
Karma is defined by as follows: "The cosmic principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation according to that person's deeds in the previous incarnation."
We agree with this definition mostly, except that we believe karma is never a ... Views: 1491
A friend recently told us that he is waking up to the fact that what you think you deserve may not be what you merit, and that it's a hard lesson to learn.
Although he's considered successful by almost everyone in his professional and personal life, it was instilled in him early on in his ... Views: 1179
The truth about money and karma is buried in mountains of misinformation.
Those who reject and, or ridicule the concepts of karma and reincarnation will probably criticize some of what we write below. Regardless, we believe it is important to contrast some of the more popular misconceptions ... Views: 1249
The statistics of recurring studies around the world show that cheating in relationships is far more common than everyday appearances let on; an average of 45% of respondents claim to have cheated in a relationship, and that doesn't include those who haven't admitted to an affair or ... Views: 5366
How to end a long-term relationship? It's never easy, especially when you've built your lives around each other and you thought it would last forever.
Before you end a long-term relationship, make sure you've done all you can to salvage it. In addition to solution-based communication (rather ... Views: 970
Countless individuals have experienced the three stages of seeking true love.
First, the person seeking true love looks for it everywhere, as if it will magically appear and elevate him to a blissful state of being, and sometimes projects what they want onto people who are not compatible. ... Views: 1142
It's common for people in the New Age arena to believe the myth about a vegetarian diet and spirituality, that it's necessary to become enlightened.
The pro-vegetarianism contention goes something like this: "I am 100% for life and I love animals, so I avoid eating meat. Animals are my ... Views: 2250
How do you get to heaven? Will you be turned away? Take this short quiz and find out.
Answer "yes" or "no" if you've ever done any of the following: cursed; eaten meat; enjoyed any of the finer things in life, such as designer clothing or expensive meals; used numerology, astrology, tarot ... Views: 1067