The first thing that comes to mind for most people after hearing the words demonic possession is the Exorcist movie, Halloween, or perhaps your in-laws.
We understand the reluctance to embrace the concept of ghosts and dark energy.
Many years ago we were unsure about the notion of demonic ... Views: 2184
Here’s a recent email we received about the law of attraction and fate:
Hi guys, despite all your interesting findings on fate and destiny, of which I firmly believe, I am stunned at the amount of new age information out there concerning the LOA, whereby, so many people, particularly in my ... Views: 3671
Numerous self-proclaimed spiritual groups are targeting the President of the United States with black magic. This suggests significant parts of the metaphysical community either lack understanding of the law of karma, or don’t care about the consequences.
Will they ever learn? Anyone who ... Views: 1155
One sure way to generate controversy is to bring up the topic of reincarnation in a group conversation.
In our experience, in the Western world, about 30% will say they believe in it, 40% will express mild skepticism, and 30% will vehemently speak out against it.
Elsewhere in the world, ... Views: 1138
Most people associate a spiritual approach to addiction with relying on a higher power for help. We do too, but based on our work with the hidden or spiritual side of life, we believe there’s another vital part of the addiction puzzle that most people miss.
Unfortunately, traditional drug ... Views: 1448
The concept of betrayal from a spiritual viewpoint is controversial. Since the dawn of time, many forms of betrayal, particularly romantic betrayal, have caused much emotional anguish.
Everyone knows from experience that betrayal isn’t pleasant. Nobody likes to be on the receiving end of ... Views: 3495
Possession and spirit attachment can be very tricky, both in identifying the problem and removing it. Sometimes people know they’re being spiritually attacked, but don’t realize their vices are making the situation worse.
The theory is simple and has been acknowledged by various cultures ... Views: 1241
Your spiritual-self, or higher-self sometimes contrasts with your ego-self’s expectations in everyday affairs.
According to the theories of reincarnation and karma, your soul selects conditions and circumstances prior to your birth in order to learn and understand.
But after incarnating, ... Views: 1425
While we embrace the concept of personal predetermination, we’ve always maintained everyone has the ability to make the most of their life within the bounds of their personal fate. Practical mysticism is one of the best ways to optimize life’s rewards and limit the challenges.
Our view is ... Views: 1035
Whenever we address the topic of demonic energy with others, we encounter one of four reactions: Disbelief, fear, contempt, or understanding.
Although you can’t see dark energy, our long-term empirical research shows us that it is as real as day turning into night every twenty-four ... Views: 1253
You may wonder sometimes what is spiritual and what isn’t. According to New Age and religious standards, ”spiritual” has to do partly with worship, meditation, compassion, and grace.
We agree that regular prayers, meditation, and other devout and paranormal activities are spiritual. But many ... Views: 1232
After removing discarnate entities from people and places for over twenty years, it’s as natural for us to perceive them as it is for you to spot a bird in the sky. What follows is a recent example when we visited our sister.
Our sister and her family have lived in their current home, built ... Views: 1214
You’ve probably heard about how affirmations can improve your life. Some people claim that you can achieve anything you want with the power of positive thoughts.
Anything? Does that mean you can become an NBA superstar, even though you’re 5’5”, 50 years old, can’t jump or run, and aren’t a ... Views: 1935
Most people don’t realize that you can’t have karma without reincarnation, and the theory of reincarnation dictates you are the sum total of all your prior existences.
Even though you don’t consciously remember, all your actions in past lives, negative and positive, created the challenges and ... Views: 1653
Most people don’t realize that you can’t have karma without reincarnation, and the theory of reincarnation dictates you are the sum total of all your prior existences.
Even though you don’t consciously remember, all your actions in past lives, negative and positive, created the challenges and ... Views: 1189
Sometimes the most spiritually aware and evolved individuals question whether or not they are good people, which is a sign of humility. Alternatively, some of the most difficult troublemakers on the planet assume they are advanced souls.
Many humans strive to treat others as they want to be ... Views: 1381
The life after death debate includes two main viewpoints. Either you believe in life after death (the afterworld, or heaven), or you believe that once you die your consciousness simply ceases to exist.
Below we outline the two general belief systems regarding the life after death debate ... Views: 1609
Thanks to modern technology and the Internet, you’ll find an abundance of spiritual information online when you seek answers to your spiritual questions. Unfortunately, so much of it is spiritual advice you should ignore.
Throughout over 30 years of extensive metaphysical and spiritual ... Views: 1157
There’s no shortage of spiritual information online. Seek answers, and you shall find helpful information. But you’ll also find plenty of spiritual advice you should ignore.
We started exploring metaphysical and spiritual subjects over thirty years ago. In our exhaustive searches and ... Views: 1061
Based on life-after-life accounts from past life regression, the research of Stafford Betty, and Near Death Experiences (NDEs), the afterworld is quite different than life on Earth. One main reason is that you, or your soul, is no longer confined by the limits of your body and mind.
The list ... Views: 1060
Based on our experience with past life regression, life-between-life regression, documented near death experiences, and the after life research of Stafford Betty, we believe there is nothing to fear about death.
When you shed your physical body, your soul moves on to a different dimension. ... Views: 957
The five stages of mysticism aren't as complex as you may think. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to have a long mane of white hair and live in an exotic, remote part of the world to be a mystic.
The American Heritage dictionary defines mysticism as "...consciousness of transcendent ... Views: 1800
September 9, 2016 is a date of significant mystical meaning, as are the dates September 18th and 27th, 2016. The Universal Year of nine occurs this year, as it does every nine years, and nine is a number with great occult meaning.
The Universal Year (e.g., 2016 = 2+0+1+6 = 9) peaks each year ... Views: 1185
How can you tell if someone is possessed? Does possession really happen, or is it a myth?
When we mention possession most people express skepticism or fear. Thanks to scary movies and novels, demonic and spirit possession seem like either science fiction, or something one has no control ... Views: 2185
The truth about meditation is quite different from what the average, inexperienced person thinks of it. Public opinion is shaped by a lifetime of societal influence, such as through Hollywood comedies, written by people who know little about meditation, that lampoon meditation and other “kooky” ... Views: 947
Severe possession by lost souls and sometimes even demonic entities is, we believe, a serious yet largely overlooked problem.
Spiritually sensitive and otherwise susceptible people, such as abused children or people who abuse alcohol and, or use drugs, can unknowingly be a host for all sorts ... Views: 1581
Everyone has phases in their life when they feel lonely, especially if they are different or unwilling or unable to conform and follow the herd.
For example, for spiritually sensitive people, who see the world differently and often perceive what most other people don’t (e.g, the truth behind ... Views: 1343
It’s hard enough dealing with unseen, toxic energy while living a quiet life, especially if you’re spiritually sensitive. Lost souls and dark energy are everywhere, thus it’s important to periodically clear the spiritual debris and protect yourself. Most people would benefit from a Spiritual ... Views: 1296
You've probably felt magical many times--those moments when time seems to stop, you feel like you can do anything, and all is well in your world.
Unfortunately, due to the pressures from everyday life and being pulled in multiple directions at once, being more magical is one of the last ... Views: 1495
More than twenty-five years ago, we didn't take demons and evil spirits seriously and were skeptical of the idea of dark and demonic energy.
Today, having pierced the veil that separates the mundane world and the higher and lower planes long ago, we deal with entities of various levels, from ... Views: 1248
The prevailing view involving modern marriage and astrology is that both individuals surely must have stellar love life timing at the time of the ceremony because marriage always equates to true love.
Regrettably, this is false.
Time and time again, the results of our empirical research ... Views: 1039
Almost everyone who lost a romantic partner or missed a love life opportunity has wondered if they will ever experience another rewarding love life connection. It's an exceedingly common concern, especially for those, such as divorcees or widows, finding themselves single for the first time in ... Views: 1068
A family member recently told us, “When you’re dead, you’re dead. There’s nothing after this life.”
Everyone has their own opinion, but that surprised us considering all we’ve written about the subject, and since she hadn’t told us her true views before.
We strive for impartiality, so ... Views: 766
Psychic (spiritual) attack is quite different than being possessed by disembodied souls or worse, one or more demons.
The problem is that it’s easy for the inexperienced to completely overlook the cause of the trouble, or to confuse spiritual attacks and possession.
Below we explain ... Views: 1263
Meditation seems challenging to many people, and rightly so. It requires steadfast discipline, yet the benefits of regular meditation are extraordinary, including peace of mind and even enhanced physical health.
Below we include questions from someone who wants to meditate more effectively, ... Views: 1217
Demonic possession, lost souls, and our philosophies about the topics are controversial, based on the feedback we receive.
Over twenty-five years ago, we were hesitant to embrace the concepts of unseen demonic influences and lost souls, otherwise known as ghosts. But today, we fully accept ... Views: 904
Have you ever utilized the power of positive affirmations?
Some say you can reach any goal, including improving your sex life, with positive thinking. Though we believe some things are out of reach no matter what you do, positive affirmations can help you with what is within reach. ... Views: 4598
The fate vs. free will debate involves three main points of view. Either you believe everything is fated, nothing is fated, or somewhere in between.
Below we outline the three general belief systems regarding fate vs. free will represented through three separate spiritual seekers.
1. The ... Views: 1200
Is it possible to lose your psychic ability? We’ve been meditating and exercising our psychic muscles for years, and we’ve found certain things can strengthen or weaken psychic ability.
Everyone has some degree of psychic ability, whether you want to call it your gut feeling, intuition, or ... Views: 3009
You’ve probably heard of the idea that thoughts create your reality. By reality, what motivational speakers and best-selling New Age authors refer to is the events and circumstances of your life, not just your state of mind.
In the real world, you’ll find it’s not so simple.
While we are ... Views: 1455
As identical twins, we are supposed to be genetic mirrors of each other and conventional scientists attribute our differences in personality to environmental influences.
Contrast that with our controversial viewpoint: we associate our unique personalities and distinct physical differences to ... Views: 1075
What’s the difference between spirit guides of the Light, and other unseen entities? How do you know if your spirit guide is of the Light, or instead a troublemaker or even a dark entity? We’ve had many experiences with both benevolent and malevolent spirits and want you to understand the ... Views: 1285
The views we hold about personal fate and karma, such as at least 75% of the core circumstances and events in everyone’s life are predestined, are controversial.
We regularly receive unsolicited (usually anonymous) feedback like this:
“What about the law of attraction? Don’t we co-create ... Views: 1103
The ultimate goal of many spiritual seekers is to find enlightenment, which is another way to say awakening to spiritual awareness or illumination. A tall order, but with discipline it’s possible to make serious progress on your spiritual path.
“I think a spiritual journey is not so much a ... Views: 962
Most relationships aren’t easy, and relationships are even harder for the spiritually sensitive because they not only need to connect with a partner mentally, emotionally, and physically, but also spiritually. For them, the unseen, spiritual connection is obvious, thus important.
Certain ... Views: 1039
Most singles searching for love believe they are ready for love. Who can blame them? They're doing all the things mainstream love experts recommend like keeping fit, making room in their life for that special person, and doing what it takes to meet new and interesting potential matches. But they ... Views: 984
According to Stephen J. Johnsonn, Ph.D., a marriage and family therapist in practice for 40 years and married for nearly 35, "Even stellar relationships lose their spark over time." In this article, he gives "the ingredients of a lasting, fruitful partnership, and techniques for weathering the ... Views: 1020
Famous people throughout history have said some interesting things about fate.
Napoleon Bonaparte, 19th century French military leader, one of the most triumphant military commanders of all time, said, "Circumstances--what are circumstances? I make circumstances." It seems Napoleon didn't ... Views: 1385
Fifty Hollywood actors of similar talent toil for years looking for that big break, frequently crossing paths through the same auditions and talent agencies. Eventually, two of them make it to A-list status, yet the others languish in obscurity. We don't call it luck, we call it fate.
"It ... Views: 1108
Perhaps you've experienced the power of affirmations.
Tell yourself a thousand times you can't do something, and you're that much closer to failure. Tell yourself repeatedly you can do something, and you're more likely to succeed.
Taken to the extreme, some people claim you can manifest ... Views: 5159