A NDE or near death experience happens when a body is clinically dead, then comes back to life. During that time, his or her consciousness, or soul, goes to "the other side," and often returns with incredible insight. People from all over the world of different religions, races, backgrounds, ... Views: 660
A NDE or near death experience happens when a body is clinically dead, then comes back to life. During that time, his or her consciousness, or soul, goes to "the other side," and often returns with incredible insight. People from all over the world of different religions, races, backgrounds, ... Views: 643
Orthodox timelines suggest intelligent life and the modern form of humans have been around for about 200,000 years, and civilization began about 6000 years ago. But scientific anomalies suggest otherwise.
For example, a meteorite found in Colorado fell from the sky in 1931. Meteorites ... Views: 982
According to dictionary.com, the definition of a sociopath is "a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience."
The most common traits of a sociopath include irresponsibility, ... Views: 920
Numerology, as it’s known today, is rooted in number mysticism from over two thousand years ago.
But the wise ancient seers wouldn’t recognize today’s numerology; the modern approach often involves bastardizing the discipline in an effort to make it sexy and marketable. This is true with ... Views: 723
Today, sex is most commonly viewed as a physical and emotional act, with little or nothing to do with spirituality.
Couples experiencing sex life problems typically are unaware of or ignore the spiritual link. Most identify the causes of a sexless relationship to be one or more outlined in ... Views: 1679
In ancient times, more than two thousand years ago, mystics recognized that numbers symbolize qualities as well as quantities.
Number mysticism, otherwise known today as numerology, is one of the most popular forms of divination used to discern personality, compatibility, and personal ... Views: 874
What if angels really do exist and you’re never alone? Most spiritually inclined people believe in the other side, but imagine how the world would change if everyone believed in other-dimensional beings that you could call on for help.
It would be nice to witness the leap of faith around the ... Views: 863
In a perfect world, you could permanently avoid dark energies and forever sidestep demonic forces.
Alas, the polarity of the universe dictates otherwise; sinister forces and evil spirits are part of the balance of things and our findings show they are sometimes predetermined to interfere ... Views: 828
Either the soul is eternal and you reincarnate after death, or the soul does not exist and you’re nothing but a body and brain.
According to the theories of reincarnation and karma, your soul will live on and choose specific life circumstances in each lifetime in order to learn and understand ... Views: 913
It’s normal for all relationships to have low and high points. Open and honest communication can help you get back on track. But if that hasn’t helped, we have some unique options for you.
It’s best to try these suggestions together, but it’s ok if that’s not possible; changing your ... Views: 905
Every relationship has high and low points. If yours could use a boost, open and honest communication is one way to get back on track. But if communication hasn’t solved the problems, we have some unique options for you.
Trying these suggestions together, as a couple, is ideal. But if your ... Views: 852
The New Age marketplace includes many honorable individuals sincerely striving to offer genuine self-help and spiritual methods to help others and make this world a better place.
However, it also includes its share of scam artists. Unfortunately, much of the metaphysical market is rooted in ... Views: 1004
The metaphysical definition of karma is a direct and clear action, then reaction, such as diligently striving to be a successful performer in several lifetimes, then finally succeeding in a subsequent lifetime.
Many people toss around the word karma, even those who don’t believe in ... Views: 1142
Only reckless teenagers and hippies dared to trip on magic mushrooms in the past. Not anymore.
Based on two recent studies, magic mushrooms, or the psychedelic drug psilocybin, may have significant benefits for cancer patients experiencing anxiety and depression. One dose gave 80 percent of ... Views: 1180
Believe it or not, you are dabbling in black magic if you wish someone harm. Even worse is actively invoking dark energies to assist in harming someone.
You may not call yourself a dark magician, or even know anything about spell casting or the powers you summon, but the forces (positive and ... Views: 1732
After 25 years of experience in private practice and as a professor at New York Medical College and Columbia University, and evaluating hundreds of possession cases, Dr. Richard Gallagher believes possession is real. He is also the author of Demonic Foes, A Psychiatrist Investigates Demonic ... Views: 893
You’ve probably experienced delays, unanticipated expenses, and other nasty surprises in your travels; it’s just part of the overall adventure.
Aside from adopting a detached disposition, getting enough rest, focusing on the rewarding parts, and expecting the unexpected, there’s something ... Views: 1158
Over the past 25 years of reincarnation and past life regression research, we’ve encountered many disbelievers. Since you cannot prove reincarnation with physical evidence, some doubt is understandable. However, many skeptics ridicule the concept and refuse to even consider the vast body of ... Views: 1151
Neuroscientists study male and female brains to determine distinct differences but thus far arrive at no concrete conclusions.
We’re not surprised, since our findings show that, aside ... Views: 1089
Relatively young Hollywood director Kevin Smith had a brush with death earlier this year; a massive heart attack almost did him in. Fortunately, he’s still with us, and the health crisis puts the spotlight on the notion of prayer.
Another Hollywood star, openly Christian Chris Pratt, star of ... Views: 1097
The idea associating schizophrenia with demonic possession is very controversial; modern scientific thought rejects the spiritual.
One researcher is swimming upstream against the conventional current and believes there’s a viable connection between evil spirits and mental disorders.
... Views: 2088
Long-standing conventional scientific findings and modern political correctness dictate basic personality traits are due to environment, not genetics.
But advances in behavioral genetics contrast with that theory.
Steven Pinker, Johnstone Professor of Psychology at Harvard, says, “The ... Views: 992
The conventional notion of predetermination suggests you have no control over your personal fate. However, our findings show you have complete control over it, though in a way different than you may think.
“Nothing happens at random, but everything for a reason and by necessity.”
Greek ... Views: 1206
Over thirty years ago we marveled at how psychics could apply astrology and other forms of divination to infer character traits and personal timing.
We began doing our own soothsaying around the same time, and today recognize a general three-stage process in becoming proficient in astrology. ... Views: 1164
The debate about whether or not it's possible to wipe out karmic debts rages on. The Oxford Dictionary defines redemption as "...the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil...or clearing a debt."
Everyone who has a conscience feels guilt for wrongdoing. Sometimes the ... Views: 1107
Do you believe in life after death? Or is the death of the physical body the end of the road? Many people, through a near death experience (NDE) found out what it’s like to “die,” and then came back to life to share some incredible insight.
The Near Death Experience Research Foundation ... Views: 1357
The Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF) is the largest NDE website in the world with over 4000 experiences in over 23 Languages.
No one can prove a NDE with physical evidence, so it’s natural to be skeptical about the phenomenon. The FAQ page of the NDERF site contains helpful ... Views: 1452
The Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF) is the largest NDE website in the world with over 4000 experiences in over 23 Languages.
They are used to the understandable amount of skepticism and doubt about NDEs and provide a lot of helpful information, and address the typical ... Views: 1303
Have you ever wondered what will happen after the death of your physical body? Some believe they will cease to exist. Others, who had a NDE (near death experience), returned to the living to share their insight from the other side, what happened when their physical body “died,” yet their soul ... Views: 1272
What happens after death? Is that it, or does heaven really exist? We can find clues from the NDEs (near death experiences) of many people who returned from the dead to give their fascinating accounts of insight from the other side.
The Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF) is ... Views: 1208
What happens after death? Is that it, or does heaven really exist? We can find clues from the NDEs (near death experiences) of many people who returned from the dead to give their fascinating accounts of insight from the other side.
The Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF) is ... Views: 1175
What happens to the soul during a near death experience (NDE)? Many have returned to life after being clinically dead and shared amazing insight from the other side.
The Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF) is the largest NDE website in the world with over 4000 experiences in ... Views: 1208
What happens when the human body dies? Is that it, or is there such a thing as a soul and does it live on forever? If the latter, where does it go?
Many people who experienced a NDE (near death experience) have brought back intriguing information, and this valuable insight from the other ... Views: 1466
Have you ever wondered what will happen when you die or what heaven is like? Clues can be found through those who experienced a NDE (near death experience), when their physical body died and their soul went to the other side. Many have shared their incredible stories so others can from the ... Views: 1319
What happens during a NDE (near death experience)? Countless people have experienced the death of their physical bodies, then come back to life to share the insight from the other side.
The Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF) is the largest NDE website in the world with over ... Views: 1474
The most overlooked quality that makes or breaks your career success is not luck, but personal timing.
We’re not referring to electional astrology and numerology, where you utilize auspicious universal indicators such as a New Moon or 1 Universal Month to launch a new product or incorporate a ... Views: 1010
By definition, people practice mysticism far more than they realize.
The American Heritage dictionary defines mysticism as “consciousness of transcendent reality or of God through deep meditation or contemplation. Mystic is defined as relating to religious mysteries or occult rites and ... Views: 1160
Numerology, otherwise known as number mysticism, is one of many forms of divination and one of our favorites.
Our approach is comprehensive, employing hundreds of factors allowing for pattern recognition, because our findings show it to be the best way to assure consistently high rates of ... Views: 1486
Affirmations are powerful and can help transform any area of life if you use them correctly.
Can they buck fate, erase karma or help you create anything, no matter how ambitious the goal? We don’t believe so; we’ve found through our empirical research that many of the major events and ... Views: 1601
Conventional scientists say that identical twins are the result of a fertilized egg in the womb that splits into equal parts, thus two identical humans.
Modern astrologers claim that twins, or strangers born around the same time in the same place, have similar charts.
But if you’ve ever ... Views: 2131
You’ve been lied to about what makes two people compatible. As long as two people enjoy mutual physical attraction and share basic likes such as baseball games and pizza, and dislikes such as cold weather, they are compatible, right? Wrong.
Isn’t compatibility just a matter of a couple ... Views: 1227
Many of the world’s religious and spiritually inclined adhere to the belief that evil forces exist. Then there are those who reject the idea.
In our experience, many individuals who doubt the existence of dark energies also reject the concepts of organized religion, God, and ... Views: 1350
Never having experienced a psychic reading before, your expectations may be skewed due to the enormous amount of misinformation about psychics, astrologers and numerologists, mediums, and other similar practitioners.
As in any industry, there are both treacherous and honorable practitioners ... Views: 1267
Wouldn’t it be nice to have an extra push to be motivated to eat healthily and exercise often?
You could try diet pills, but those have side effects. Hiring a trainer and personal chef would be nice, but may not be within your budget.
Many people know what to do to lose weight, but then ... Views: 1010
Numbers symbolize qualities, beyond mere quantities, and for thousands of years various civilizations have utilized numerology to infer timing, compatibility, and personality traits.
Numerology, otherwise known as number mysticism in ancient times, is one of our favorite methods of ... Views: 1239
Have you ever noticed that people who behave like a class act tend to go further in life, and their work and personal relationships are more harmonious and less stressful?
Why is that? Is it because they have less drama and chaos in their life than most people? Maybe sometimes, but often ... Views: 1889
Cynics say there is no evidence for reincarnation. Based on the presumptuous and angry reactions we sometimes receive about the idea of past lives, it seems like some people don't want any evidence to exist. Maybe they don't like the idea of having to come back and suffer the consequences of ... Views: 1291
Thirty-five years ago, the idea of daily meditation seemed foreign to us. But today, it’s a normal part of our daily schedule, even if it means getting up thirty minutes earlier or skipping TV to do so.
People of all walks of life practice meditation now, unlike in the past when it was mainly ... Views: 1184
The first thing that comes to mind for most people after hearing the words demonic possession is the Exorcist movie, Halloween, or perhaps your in-laws.
We understand the reluctance to embrace the concept of ghosts and dark energy.
Many years ago we were unsure about the notion of demonic ... Views: 2182