Many religions and individuals throughout history accept the notion that everyone has at least one guardian angel, which is a helpful being on the other side. Below we give advice to avoid trouble with negative energies and make the most of your option to guardian Angel option.
“On Earth, we ... Views: 778
Sometimes, no matter what you try, a specific goal is unattainable, which could mean fate rules over your free will. The more effort you put into it, the worse the disappointment. Even though this is an unfortunate part of life, you can minimize the disappointment of fate with your awareness. ... Views: 591
Many ancient cultures embraced the concept of the mind consisting of conscious awareness (and unconscious) coexisting with the soul or super-conscious.
“Just as the soul fills the body, so God fills the world. Just as the soul bears the body, so God endures the world. Just as the soul sees ... Views: 804
Ultimate spirituality, in part, involves uncovering your hidden personality, the distinct strengths and weaknesses that are underneath your persona. Try as you might, you aren’t really in control of your subconscious mind which greatly influences your behavior.
Although some of your concealed ... Views: 540
The power of the human mind is truly remarkable. You’re consciously aware of the content of this article as you read it, but the focus of your collective subconscious mind is likely elsewhere, and is infinitely more powerful.
Ultimately, you can’t control what your subconscious mind does; it ... Views: 600
Beyond your conscious awareness resides your collective subconscious with unique fears, biases, defenses, and abilities that comprises the real you.
One of the fastest ways to advance your self-knowledge, thus, spirituality, is to delve into your concealed mind; self-awareness is one of the ... Views: 590
The ancients knew there is much more to the human mind than that which you are consciously aware. The hidden mind is the real power of your mind.
“The conscious mind is the editor, and the subconscious mind is the writer.”
Steve Martin
“It's interesting what pops out of an author's ... Views: 554
Your mind is comprised of what you are consciously aware of and what is hidden from your awareness, the subconscious or unconscious.
Considering your spiritual self is your inner self, it's very spiritual to get in touch with your subconscious fears, defenses, and strengths. We believe it’s ... Views: 777
Known as number mysticism in ancient times, numerology is one of many forms of divination, and one of our favorites.
Our long-term experience shows us that pattern recognition using hundreds of indicators is the best way to reliably interpret personal fate and personality. But you can get a ... Views: 752
Timing is important. If you pay attention to personal and universal cycles, you can use it to your advantage and even get a major edge.
Astrology and numerology are tools that can give you a great deal of insight about timing. But, like learning a foreign language, they take many years to ... Views: 610
Thousands of years ago, through empirical observation and pattern recognition, adepts discovered select numbers such as 7, 9, 11, 22, and others symbolically possess a stronger link to other dimensions (i.e., the other side), thus are more mystical than other numbers. The realization that ... Views: 851
Edgar Cayce (1877 – 1945) also referred to as the “sleeping prophet” and the “father of holistic medicine,” was the most documented psychic of the 20th century. He gave thousands of readings for over 40 years, often correctly diagnosing illnesses and predicting future events.
Hundreds of ... Views: 1028
“Isn’t there always deliberation involved with behavior? Wouldn’t you say that an individual who deliberates is free to commit a crime or not, which would indicate most crimes even fraud or murder aren’t fated?”
We would like to believe that life’s unpleasantness is ... Views: 783
Dr. Julie Beischel is a scientist who has scientifically researched mediumship and life after death for over 15 years. Her goal with Windbridge Research Center is to ease suffering around dying, death, and what comes next. They do rigorous scientific research and share it with general public ... Views: 815
Dr. Julie Beischel is a scientist who has scientifically researched mediumship and life after death for over 15 years. Her goal with Windbridge Research Center is to ease suffering around dying, death, and what comes next. They do rigorous scientific research and share it with general public ... Views: 795
The reason the topics of universal order vs. randomness, and personal fate vs. complete free will are so fascinating is because they deal with the meaning of life itself.
Predicting future trends is an ancient, and now largely underground tradition since the Age of Reason; seers, psychics, ... Views: 840
Dr. Raymond Moody introduced the concept of NDE, or Near Death Experience in 1975 to millions with his best-selling book Life After Life.
Well before and since Dr. Moody’s book, countless people from all over the world have reported having a NDE, or Near Death Experience.
Most NDE ... Views: 795
According to a study, most Americans believe it’s important to follow the Ten Commandments
The study found “US Adults overall are more likely to say every commandment is ‘an ... Views: 692
Eons ago, truth seekers and spiritualists recognized that numbers represent qualities as well as quantities.
Number mysticism, the ancient and more complex form of today’s modern numerology, is one sure-fire divination method to discern personality and compatibility.
Everyone has ... Views: 733
Mystics realized thousands of years ago that numbers symbolize qualities as well as amounts.
Numerology, or what used to be referred to as number mysticism, is one of several tried and true forms of divination used to derive personality traits and compatibility.
Nobody is perfect, and ... Views: 775
Mystics realized thousands of years ago that numbers symbolize qualities as well as amounts.
Numerology, or what used to be referred to as number mysticism, is one of several tried and true forms of divination used to derive personality traits and compatibility.
Nobody is perfect, and ... Views: 742
Part of life is accepting that not all relationships and friendships are meant to last forever. People mature at different rates, change hobbies, meet more compatible friends, move away, grow up, grow a backbone, regress, progress, and fall out of love or in love with other people.
“Laughter ... Views: 722
We remember many years ago a psychic predicting Arnold Schwarzenegger would be on a sitcom late in his life playing a grumpy old man.
Fast-forward to today, and Arnold isn't staring in a sitcom. However, there's a 2019 video clip of him promoting the most recent installment of the ... Views: 791
Many people claim using the law of attraction can help reach goals. Does it always work? No, because there are other spiritual laws, some that supersede the law of attraction, you need to be aware of in order to have an advantage in life.
Law of Universal Order
Examples of this law ... Views: 888
According to the theories of reincarnation, karma, and personal fate, your soul selects a lifetime to experience conditions, circumstances, and specific key events prior to your birth in order to learn and understand.
You have free will, within predetermined events in your life, to respond ... Views: 650
45% of Americans believe that ghosts and demons exist. Yet we estimate spiritual clutter is negatively affecting at least 80% of the population and most people don’t even know it.
What are signs you need to clear the spiritual clutter?
Are you having a difficult time relaxing or ... Views: 804
“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” Mark Twain
According to the New Oxford American Dictionary, ignorance is defined as “the lack of knowledge or information.”
The trap of ignorance, including spiritual ignorance, ... Views: 769
Sex is a wonderful part of the human experience. Most adults are aware of the potential physical and emotional pitfalls of sex, but few know it’s possible to pick up toxic energy from sex.
Although it's near impossible to measure with conventional science, those sensitive to other people's ... Views: 968
The debate about whether or not fate exists will endure because it's difficult to prove either way, though there is plenty of evidence for it being credible. Our long-term findings have convinced us of the controversial viewpoint that personal fate exists, for everyone.
No matter what we ... Views: 727
The most commonly known spiritual law today seems to be the law of attraction. However, our findings tell us that other spiritual laws are just as important.
“Nature is the source of all true knowledge. She has her own logic, her own laws, she has no effect without cause nor invention ... Views: 995
Subject: Why Demonic Possession Is On The Rise
According to priests who perform exorcisms, requests for them are increasing. Does that mean possession is real and on the rise?
According to a 2013 Youguv survey, 57% believe in the devil, 28% don't, and 15% don't know. 51% from the same ... Views: 828
The phenomenon of repeatedly, unexplainably, seeing the same stranger on the street, in your office building, at the grocery store, or elsewhere, instead of all the other people you could possibly bump into, is a fairly common occurrence. We believe there are spiritual explanations for this ... Views: 743
Have you ever communicated intuitively with your pet, or wondered if your pet has psychic abilities?
Stephen once took care of his mom's cat, Tigger, and dog, Chloe, for two weeks. After Tigger's dinner one evening, he appeared at Stephen's bedroom door, stared at Stephen, and meowed softly. ... Views: 729
Pattern recognition, over time, demonstrates Master Numbers are remarkable numbers; they have a special connection to the higher planes.
Modern numerology, a condensed form of the ancient discipline, may or may not show one or more Master Numbers in your basic natal and timing charts due to ... Views: 766
Master Numbers originated due to pattern recognition; these numbers, time and time again, are directly associated with patterns relating to extraordinary circumstances.
The modern numerology Day of Birth and Life Path are but two factors where Master Numbers show up. Dig deep enough in the ... Views: 844
The Science Council defines science as "the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence. Scientific methodology includes the following: objective observation; measurement and data (possibly although ... Views: 678
Subject: Quiz--How Demonically Possessed Are You?
Unwanted entity attachment and negative energy are a part of life, but most people aren't aware of this hidden problem, or how it can influence their lives.
The source of the unwanted energy can be negative energy directed at you from ... Views: 1067
Dr. Richard Gallagher, professor at New York Medical College and Columbia University, believes possession and demons are real. He is the author of Demonic Foes, A Psychiatrist Investigates Demonic Possession in the Modern United ... Views: 971
The text within the mysterious Emerald Tablet, authored by Hermes Trismegistus, states, “That which is below is like that which is above and that which is above is like that is below.”
According to hermetic tradition, the quote references the little world, or circumstances on planet Earth, ... Views: 955
Hermes Trismegistus, the author named in the text of the enigmatic Emerald Tablet, said, “That which is below is like that which is above and that which is above is like that is below.”
We interpret these wise words of the Hermetic tradition to refer to the occult principle that the microcosm ... Views: 939
Whether or not you believe descendants of black slaves in the USA should receive reparations as compensation for that terrible time in US history, there's no denying the generations of abuse and mistreatment they endured. In this article we're not going to debate the issue, but look at the ... Views: 934
Most people realize, upon maturity, that seeking a perfect relationship is futile. Another strategy is necessary in order to be happy, since it's impossible to achieve and always maintain excellent emotional, mental, and sexual compatibility.
Viewing relationships from a spiritual viewpoint ... Views: 821
By age 40, most people realize there is no such thing as a perfect relationship. Every couple has varying levels of mental, emotional, and sexual compatibility and none are perfectly matched on every level. But everyone can experience a better relationship if the pay attention to the spiritual ... Views: 692
The average person might think of hypnosis, based on what they've seen in entertaining stage shows, as a means to control other people. But that's a myth and hypnosis actually has many benefits most people aren't aware of.
Hypnosis is defined by The American Heritage Science Dictionary as “A ... Views: 1265
Hypnosis is perhaps most widely (and falsely) known as the state of being helplessly under the control of another person’s suggestions, such as in an entertaining stage show. Too many people incorrectly assume hypnosis is dangerous, But the truth about Hypnosis is quite different.
You may ... Views: 1180
Recently, an acquaintance shared his opinion with us that wicked secret societies and reptilians with evil intent control the planet and humanity, and that there is no hope.
We are not experts on secret societies and reptilians, but in our view, there is hope and the future is bright. ... Views: 827
A sure way to potentially incur negative karma and make your future fate more difficult is to align your actions with spiritual myths.
It’s understandable that competing philosophies and beliefs on planet Earth can easily snag those who are trying to do the right thing. Fortunately, you ... Views: 807
Numerology is number symbolism. Numbers designate quantity, and they can also symbolize qualities, incredibly, in relation to personal money matters.
We understand if you’re unconvinced. The ancient science of numerology (i.e., number mysticism) has been adulterated in modern times. We don’t ... Views: 877
Criminal law and spiritual law sometimes coincide, but oftentimes not. In a spiritual sense, you’re free to do what you want; the ultimate test of whether or not a given act or behavior violates spiritual law is if it hurts you or another person.
“The only power any government has is the ... Views: 930
Did you know that affirmations can help you create more success and abundance?
Some people say you can get rich with positive thinking. Is this true for anyone?
Based on our many years of empirical research, our findings show that success and abundance potential is measurable and ... Views: 902