In our experience, a person’s life dramatically improving at
any particular time is precisely reflected in their numerology
and astrology timing charts.
Relocation charts involving a move do symbolize to some
extent what’s happening in a person’s life, but it doesn’t
make those circumstances ... Views: 1092
In our opinion, the best way to select the most appropriate
name for a baby is to remove any ego-self from the equation.
What we mean is that you need to “get out of the way,” and
let the name come to you. Whatever name feels best is the
most fitting name.
If you are expecting, and if you ... Views: 3567
Rather than embracing religious or spiritual teachings blindly,
question what you read or hear and consider other viewpoints.
For those who claim that metaphysical practices such as
astrology and numerology are sinful, we recommend reading
"The Christian Conspiracy," by Dr. L. David Moore, who ... Views: 2484
When working with numerology, it's good to consider your
interpretation of what the aspects reflect, yet it's also
a good idea to remain detached from the analysis. Being
detached from it all is not easy, but with practice you'll
be able to do it.
There are two different paths you could take ... Views: 1705
Some people may be too quick to accept metaphysical
theories and methods without much consideration, but
unfortunately, blind acceptance doesn't usually lead to
complete comprehension.
Most people who advocate various metaphysical concepts
don't automatically accept new theories. For many, ... Views: 924
Many have asked, “If there really was a God, why would he
or she allow all the violence, poverty, and suffering that
is so prevalent in our world?”
This question implies a belief that God is only good and that
some antichrist is behind all our problems. If we could only get
rid of this ... Views: 1707
Too often, there are reports of people claiming to have been
glorified historical figures in past lives.
It’s a frequent misconception, perhaps encouraged in part by
somewhat unscrupulous psychics who tell clients how important
they were in their past lives. When people are regressed and ... Views: 1069
We once had a past life regression client who, after We directed
him into a past life, became mad at us. "I find it hard to
believe I was a prostitute in a past life!" he said.
His reasoning was that since he would never do "such a low-
life thing" now, he couldn't have possibly done it ... Views: 1058
The concept of karma is often misunderstood. It's not about
punishment. That would imply there's a judging God and we
don't believe that, nor do other experts in the field, such as
Brad Steiger, Richard Sutphen, Dr. Ian Stevenson, Dr.
Raymond Moody, Dr. Leo R. Sprinkle, and numerous ... Views: 794
Some people have a more challenging time meeting
compatible romantic partners than others.
Patterns in numerology and astrology charts symbolize
life circumstances. Whenever we see patterns in a person’s
charts representing tough love energy, their actual love life
circumstances always match ... Views: 3417
We recently heard of a case where an eight year-old girl’s
aunt died of lung cancer and since the young girl was so
close to her aunt, she told everyone to call her by her aunt’s
name, insisted that her aunt’s clothes were hers, and began
stealing her father’s cigarettes (her aunt died of lung ... Views: 1378
A client told us that he’s had at least seven bad accidents
throughout his life. At the scene of the last one (a car
roll-over), after walking away without a scratch, a stranger
told him “God has something special for you.” He asked us if
those accidents could have been his possible destined ... Views: 10807
Someone recently told us that she thinks she has the worst
luck of anyone. She said she thinks she has been offered a
“dark mysterious life,” and asked if there is any way to
change it. We relayed the following information to her.
It’s time to disregard the idea that you have bad luck ... Views: 1400
An anxious client asked us if he would get a new job soon
and if he was destined to be out of work for a while. He
wanted to know when he would find a great new job. We
told him the following and it will give you an idea of the
mechanics of predictive work, along with some insight
about ... Views: 2082
Since the right to marry is denied to homosexual couples,
according to the concept of karma, they may have denied
equal rights to others in past lives. However, karma doesn't
always work that simply; there could be other reasons their
unions aren't legally recognized. For example, a gay ... Views: 2283
It is possible to predict the approximate date of a solid love
connection (and the inherent rewards/challenges therein) if the
numerologist and/or astrologer has the complete birth data of
the person in question. Full legal birth name (exactly as it is
on the birth certificate), exact time and ... Views: 1450
Is winning the lottery pure chance or is it destined?
Seasoned predictive numerologists and astrologers
will tell you that no circumstance in anyone's life is
completely random.
Auspicious times in people's lives are easily seen in
numerology and astrology charts. The far less prosperous ... Views: 5468
It's difficult for many of us to see how responsible
non-monogamy can save a relationship; fears and
misconceptions about this emotionally touchy subject
can interfere with understanding how it can be beneficial.
Although non-monogamy is not for everyone and is not
always appropriate, below ... Views: 2395
The modern mainstream scientific community often discredits
sciences such as numerology, astrology and graphology and
says that no proof exists of their validity. Traditional scientific “experts” sometimes even call these esoteric, empirically based sciences “pseudo sciences.”
Underwood ... Views: 3134
A death in the family is always difficult and we feel compassion for those who find themselves in this situation.
Our research tells us that we choose our paths (especially the key players and major events) before incarnating. However, when we say "we" we mean our souls. Once we're here on ... Views: 1485
Contrary to what many have been told, metaphysical practices
or disciplines such as clairvoyance, numerology, astrology,
handwriting analysis, meditation, past life regression, tarot,
and others are very much in harmony with ancient (before the
Catholic Church) Christian teachings. The ... Views: 1105
Whether to stay or leave an unhappy relationship can be a
very difficult decision, especially when children and other
factors are involved.
Will you create negative karma if you leave your marriage?
Some may say that you have an obligation to stay married
for your children. We disagree ... Views: 4462
Some of our New Age friends claim they can erase all of
their karma and create whatever they desire.
No more relationship, family, money, or health problems.
Sounds good!
Alas, years of empirical research convinces us that this is
If it were possible to create whatever you ... Views: 2276