Are you often disappointed with the number of signups into your programs or classes? Do you think there could be something IN you that is sabotaging your success without you knowing? So much of what is happening in your business as a spiritual entrepreneur is impacted by what is happening ... Views: 953
One of the biggest stumbling blocks in business is narrowing down exactly what it is that you do. Many people can struggle with this for years feeling way less confident than they could and charging way less than they should because they can’t get to clarity around this.
When you are not ... Views: 901
Have you ever been having a big, painful challenge in your life and you realized you had no idea how to get out of it? And in that moment you asked the Universe to help you, you surrendered…
Then you hear a line on TV that comforts you, read an article online that opens up your mind, or ... Views: 890
Do you always feel like you're "trying" to be more or do more? Like you have to become something you're not in order to get what you want?
It is common to think that if you haven't created what you want in your life that something has to change.
But what if what has to change is not ... Views: 2083
If there's one thing that slows down the momentum of anything spiritually conscious people are trying to create, it's "waiting".
Be honest for a moment, when you think of the good things you are trying to create and manifest in your life right now, is there anything you're "waiting" for?
... Views: 1756
The logical mind thinks in terms of the known, the visible, what can be confirmed. The Universe thinks in terms of possibility. The deeper part of you is connected to a greater wisdom and knows that all is possible and what you see around you is changeable.
I have found that the path of ... Views: 1948
Recently a client of mine had decided it was time, she could not be in her old job any longer. She had to make the leap, even though it was a leap into the unknown with no real safety net she could see.
I couldn't believe how excited I was for her to make this leap. She wrote a powerful ... Views: 1631
Are there challenges in your life that you really don't understand? And do you actually avoid looking at these challenges because you are not competent in your ability to move beyond them?
Recently it has become more and more obvious to me that spiritually conscious women are very good at ... Views: 855
One thing that I have found is a common challenge on this path is that spiritually conscious people tend to not allow themselves to feel their negative emotions. They are strong, capable people who in general are very positive, yet in order to “stay positive” and have things “going good” they ... Views: 2135
Do you know you have intuition, but are sometimes afraid to check in with it in certain situations in your life? This can mean that part of you fears your intuition. This is actually quite common and can really slow down the progress in your life in the important areas you are afraid to check ... Views: 818
Are you overwhelmed by too much information, too many ideas to try, too many ways to get there?
Do you feel guided and supported in moving forward, confident in your ability to create what you want or do you still feel as unsure as you have in the past?
There is so much information and ... Views: 944
I have really had freedom on my mind a lot lately, so I want to ask you:
How free do you feel in your life right now?
Do you feel a sense of freedom as you look around at your life or do you feel restricted?
Do you feel free to be yourself? Do you feel free to live life “your ... Views: 1055
Is there something shaking your foundation in your life right now?
Does life seem to be forcing major changes all around you?
When this happens it can make us feel fear, insecurity and sometimes even shock.
We so often feel secure in our lives when the outer situations make us feel secure. ... Views: 1231
It is so normal in our society to look outside ourselves for so many things. And when we hear fearful things going on in the world around us it is easy to get caught up in it. It is so easy to give in to the fear that so many are holding.
But I want to remind you of who you really are. You ... Views: 941
There is really no success or failure, it is more like a continuous progression forward. I used to find myself giving up on my deepest desires every other week. Wanting so badly to be doing what I love full time and a part of me feeling as though it was impossible.
I'd try and try, do this and ... Views: 754
Copyright 2008 Fia Crandall
Did you know that one of the biggest challenges to creating new things in your life is that you must literally create a new "normal" for yourself?
This has been my experience, particularly in creating the work I love as my full-time career. The old normal that I ... Views: 849
Copyright 2008 Fia Crandall
We live in a Universe of constant expansion. We will never get it done, we will never reach some final destination. Our mind tends to think that there is some final destination, where you will finally be able to "relax" and then enjoy your life.
I have found this ... Views: 922
How much of your day is spent in "go, go, go" mode? Where your mind is in charge and has completely let behind your emotions and body… Where you feel a sort of tiredness all over. Where everything seems to be without life and joy.
How often do you spend in this disconnected state?
In my ... Views: 909
Contrast is a part of life as we are on a path of continual growth and expansion. The Universe is in a state of constant expansion and that is how it is supposed to be.
Look at your own life for a moment and see the contrast of where you are now to where you were 5 years ago. Even where you ... Views: 802
I'm sure you've been there, maybe you're there right now. Wanting your life to be better, your love to be better, your career to be better, your life to feel better. Yet not ever fully being able to move from here to "better".
Maybe you start moving forward in the direction of better. Maybe ... Views: 821
I imagine you are feeling called to move your life to a bigger place. That you have a vision of what you would truly love your life to be that you have been focusing on for some time, taking action, growing and learning all you can to make it happen. Doing all you can to make it become your ... Views: 822
I don't know about you but for most of my life I was on the difficult, frustrating path of struggle. It's almost like things had to be that way, it was so rare for things to work out easily and joyfully.
I think part of me found value in facing big challenge after big challenge, saying "look ... Views: 825
Consciously using the Law of Attraction is a powerful way to create your reality. By having a clear vision of what you want and spend time focusing on it through visualization or writing, you become magnetic to it.
But as you spend more time focusing on your vision, something else happens. ... Views: 763
Have you ever wanted to create something in your life that was a bit out of the comfort zone and found that you had talked yourself out of it almost as quickly as the idea entered your mind?
Perhaps you were excited about the idea when you first had it - "I'm going to have an amazing ...Have ... Views: 11934
Why meditate, what can it do for you? You have probably heard you should meditate, but what’s in it for you? What are the true benefits to meditation?
The biggest benefit I see in meditation is that you still your mind. It becomes quiet...
Think of the last time your mind was racing with ... Views: 1965
It is a widely accepted spiritual principle that your thoughts and beliefs create your reality, they even made a movie about it! What does this really mean, and how can you apply it to your life to begin to create the reality that you want?
Basically, what you have in your life now is a ... Views: 962