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In this article I'd love to show you how you can go about changing the thoughts that dominate your life. You might not like what I'm about to share with you, you might love it, either way you'll learn a powerful way to change your life just by focusing on what you think about, day in and day ... Views: 2650
I would like to introduce you to something called Redesigning Your Reality and it's all about changing how you perceive the world. This is something that I have learned with NLP and changed it slightly to come up with this concept.
Your reality is totally different from my ... Views: 1812
I'd like to tell you a story if you're willing to read on, I think it can change your thinking and could change your life.
A bear is silently strolling around in the woods looking for food.
Out of the corner of her eye she spots a mountain lion, silently creeping toward her. The bear ... Views: 2416
We all have different glasses we wear when looking at the world, and in particular, when dealing with certain events that happen in our lives.
I'd like to give you an example of what I am talking about here.
A few years ago when I was driving my eldest son home from one of his clubs, I ... Views: 2729
We learn so many lessons as we get older and it's only in quiet contemplation that we can really think about the rules we have learned along the way. Every one of us have rules we live by, whether we realise it or not.
Here are a few rules I have learned so far.
Question everything.
A ... Views: 4220
The internet has opened up so many doors in our lives and changed so many people. But, one group of individuals in particular have welcomed the internet, and social culture it has spawned, with open arms:
The introverts.
The Introverts
Introverted people typically shy away from social ... Views: 2242
If you’ve heard of a Heliotropic plant you’ll know that its stem grows in the direction of the sun so it can take full advantage of the photosynthesis process. I believe we have a Heliotropic Mind as well, we want to have positive emotions in our life and if we grow these positive emotions ... Views: 1944
How on earth can you stand out from the crowd when there is so much noise in the world? How do you make yourself known, and stand up and say 'Hey everyone, I am over here' without being a pain and losing your true identity?
Here's a few thoughts that I have on the subject of standing out ... Views: 1745
As we prepare for 2011 and all the wonderful challenges that it has to offer, I'd like to tell you about a brand new course I will be running starting on the 1st February 2011. It's called:
Mind Alchemy: Change Your Life in 28 Days
It's a complete 28 day course which will be run on the ... Views: 1762
Listen to the audio version of this article at
Today I would like to offer you a different type of post
I've learned many lessons in life, and every single one of them I am grateful for. So without further ado here are 56 Things I wished I'd known when I was ... Views: 2100
Back in August of this year I wrote 5 lessons learned from a Failed Product Launch discussing how I launched a product and how it bombed big time, except it didn't bomb, I learned so many valuable lessons from it.
Today I want to write about a successful product launch 'How to Become an ... Views: 2507
We all seem to be waiting for something to come to us before we can move on in life:
'Waiting for perfect partner before I can be truly happy'
'Waiting to make more money before I start my business'
'Waiting until the day I retire before I truly enjoy life'
Every single 'waiting ... Views: 1802
Have you ever been stuck with a question about life, about your business, about your spirituality? I want to share with you a technique I have used to great effect over the last few years.
As an example I would like to use growing my blog as an example. I often ask ‘How can I make the blog ... Views: 2223
Is it possible that different types of thoughts have different frequencies, just like a radio station? I believe the answer to that is that to a degree they do, however it’s not the thoughts that emit a frequency it’s the brainwaves, which are directly controlled by thoughts and emotions. That ... Views: 4125
I want to start this article by letting you know that I am not a health guru, I'm not a fitness freak, I don't even go to the gym, and I'm not a medical expert in any way. I am an ordinary guy who wanted to lose a few pounds and accidentally discovered a way to do this, and I am so excited ... Views: 3513
A lot of us are living outside the circle and feeling bad about it or making ourselves miserable because of it, but I want to tell you that living outside the circle is the best place in the world to be.
What is the Circle
The circle is the place where the crowd hang out, where people who ... Views: 1746