Do you ever wonder why things you try just do not work out? Or you have an idea, but never finish. Here is an answer. It starts with sounding like a tongue twister.
Today I am going to share some secrets kept secret in the movie The Secret, based on the Law of Attraction. Guess what the ... Views: 1708
No matter what degrees it is outside, spring is a marker in time. Every season has its message. We think of spring as the time to clean out closets, get rid of the old, to prepare for the new.
Spring cleaning is also for the mind, stories that just do not serve me are erased, and stories which ... Views: 1322
Spring is wonderful season for planting the seeds of abundance. Flowers bloom in abundant colors, gardens yield fresh yummy vegetables and the sun shines for outdoor adventures with family and friends. Abundance truly is many things to many people.
Have you ever seen someone do the money ... Views: 2679
Under a glimmering full moon my sisters and I began our monthy ritual. The medicine bowl was set in the middle of four candles, one for each of the four directions. The bowl was filled with water, to capture our prayers and the moons energy. We sang a chant to heal the ocean, songs to heal our ... Views: 1301
We all want to be happy! Mad can sound harsh, but in actuality, feeling upset, in a bad mood, or depression all have roots in being mad. It is nothing to be ashamed of because actually it is normal, as we all have felt mad at one time or another.
Most of us will experience a crisis or loss ... Views: 1570
"Sadness flies on the wings of the morning and out of the heart of darkness comes light" Jean Giraudoux
Searching for the right words to shed light after the tragedy in Tucson, I remembered a book I wrote after the Columbine Shootings, titled Another Parent For Love a book on answers for ... Views: 1215