For years, I’ve often felt like the outsider. Not one of the cool kids in school. Not part of the in crowd. The MBA graduate who’s definitely not pursuing the typical MBA path – and definitely, at least to this point, without the typical MBA paycheque and back account. Still not married at a ... Views: 1205
A few years ago, I had a dream about someone I haven’t met yet. In the dream, he and I shared a look that required no words to convey the depth of our love for each other and our acceptance of the other. We shared a soulful connection that took my breath away, a connection that was so powerful ... Views: 1173
It can feel almost automatic to hold onto the past. We may not really enjoy it, but it’s what we know, and it can feel easier than making the changes that our necessary to living more fulfilling, joyous, meaningful lives.
After a while, the past can seem to take on a life of its own, gaining ... Views: 1201
It doesn’t take much to increase your anxiety these days, especially if you’re already sensitive to it.
Look at the news for a just a few minutes, and you can easily feel a mix of sadness, anger, pain, resignation and fear. When you see everything that’s happening in the world, you might ... Views: 1376
It can be easy to say that words are just words. Once you’ve said them, it’s like they evaporate into thin air and leave no real impact on the world. This way of thinking, however, is in fact far from the truth. Once you’ve said it, there’s no taking it back. Maybe you’ll feel bad or ... Views: 2232
Excuses can be sneaky. Sometimes, even when you’re in the process of using one, you know it’s just an excuse. Sometimes, though, you deeply believe them and let them run the show. For example, let’s say you’re planning to exercise. “But I’m so tired tonight,” you say. “I’ll rest up tonight ... Views: 1355
It can be so easy, in the course of day-to-day life, to get swept along. Sometimes you just go with the flow, almost on automatic pilot. Sometimes those decisions are brilliant. Sometimes – not so much.
When you look back at your actions, do you ever find yourself saying, “I had no ... Views: 1313
The experts seem to have all the answers.
Been there, done that, have the postcard and now can tell you everything you need to know to make your dreams come true.
You’re a good girl, do what they say – and nothing. Or at least not what they seemed to promise.
That weight they said you ... Views: 1162
You feel tired and exhausted. Sure, you don’t get enough sleep, so that explains some of it, but there’s more. It’s not just physically tired. You feel emotionally drained. You feel stuck. You feel like you’ve tried what you can think of, and you just don’t really feel like trying anymore, ... Views: 1139
If you’re an avid or even sometime reader of many of the personal growth and development resources available, you’ve probably come across the word “authenticity”, but what does that really mean? What does it mean to “be authentic”?
According to, authenticity ... Views: 2811
Sometimes you know something needs to change, but maybe it’s something big and you’re not even sure where to start, let alone every step you will need to take. Maybe it seems too big and like if you aren’t able to do it “all” then it’s not worth doing anything. Maybe it seems impossible and ... Views: 1057
When baking something for the first time, it’s often important to have a recipe handy to give you some idea of what ingredients are needed and in what quantities. When working on something new and perhaps bigger than what you’ve done in the past, there are some essential ingredients to include ... Views: 789
Ask people who’ve known me for years and you aren’t likely to find someone who will say I’m a wild, rule breaking party animal. In fact the opposite is MUCH closer to the truth. So what I’m suggesting to you today may surprise some people, and that is…
It’s time to break the rules.
Yes, ... Views: 780
Have you ever felt you were hitting your head against a wall trying to get some of the people in your life to understand what you’re doing and why? You feel like all the time, effort, energy and money you’re investing in pursuing your dream would mean so much more if they would “get” it, but it ... Views: 795
Do you think that after seeing people for a short time, you have a pretty good sense of who they are and what they’re like? If they do something “wrong”, do you feel like you know what the motivation was, maybe that they were just being mean or didn’t care enough about you? If someone reacts to ... Views: 821
Have you ever found yourself stuck trying to make a decision, especially when it’s between two or more options that all seem like they can be the “right” choice?
Here are six strategies to help you make that decision when you find yourself torn and jumping back and forth between different ... Views: 760
If I were to ask you right now to tell me something big and bold that you would like to do, you may think of some amazing ideas.
Now go do them!
I can almost hear the words flowing in your minds, “But I can’t!”
But that’s not it.
And I can hear the wheels going again in your minds, ... Views: 833
Those of you who have been following me for a while know how important I feel having a clear vision and goals that motivate you are.
Sometimes, though, we may have the most beautiful vision – with a timeline to match – and just don’t seem to be getting there.
If you would have asked me 10 ... Views: 996
Have you ever looked at other people and found yourself feeling like you’ve fallen short? Whether it’s comparisons to business or career success, personal fulfillment or relationships, we might find ourselves looking at what other people have achieved and feel that what we’ve done is ... Views: 990
Have you ever had one of those days where you’re halfway through it and you think it might be best for all involved if you just go back to bed and throw the covers over your head?
You know, the kind of day when the words just aren’t flowing, the brain just won’t really focus, yet you have to ... Views: 959