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Sexuality. The word in its self can conjure up social warfare quicker than say the endless debates between two enthusiastic fans of the Yankees and the Boston Red Sox at a bar and enjoying a friendly beer. After religion and politics, sexuality is one subject matter a questioner can receive 107 ... Views: 3841
Is Cerebral Science the Ultimate Cure for Disease?
Each year the Medical Science Industry along with countless Endowment Funds, Colleges and corporations spend billions upon billions of dollars, yens and Euros seeking wonder pills and cure all witches brews. No matter the currency being ... Views: 2247
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The Birdcage - by W. Richard Hoffman WRHoffman and Associates
The Birdcage
I remember in my younger days, it was fashionable for people to own birds such as Parakeets, Song Birds and Canaries. Gentle birds who could be domesticated. These birds through training and experience with man could entertain with songs or repeat human words. Their reward would ... Views: 1486
Today, as has been the norm throughout history, mankind has placed such importance in the way we are physically accepted by others. People's physical aspects such as body shape, hair, eyes, etc. have become paramount in their existence and acceptance on Earth. All of this wasted energy knowing ... Views: 884