Everyone is watching their budgets and doing more with less. So how do you grow and increase profits most effectively?
Here are 3 Low Cost Tips to Positively Profit at Work.
Business is a discovery mission. You have multiple opportunities to discover more customers, niches, and ... Views: 1616
“How do you know you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing for work?” the college student asked me.
A middle-aged guy and I had the same discussion recently as he transitions careers.
The answer lies in your heart; what you “Believe” about your work, the third core practice of a Work ... Views: 1272
When we connect with someone on LinkedIn, we welcome them with an invitation to read free chapters of one of our books. We hope just one idea will coach the reader closer to achieving business dreams.
One connection recently replied, “Thanks, but I don’t have time to sit down and read a ... Views: 1453
A couple of weeks ago I shared with you “3 Positive Strategies to Deal with an Eeyore Vampire Boss.” I knew there were flocks of negative bosses everywhere, but evidently more than I realized.
Your overwhelming response prompted me to remember some of my Eeyore Vampire bosses. The one who was ... Views: 1956
Watching NCAA March Madness Tournament college basketball games, I’ve learned again the supremacy of team versus a star-player-plus-four approach. Sure the “one and done” star freshman who’s merely passing through for a year on his way to the NBA might be thrilling to watch, but several such ... Views: 1704
Ever find yourself striving to Work Positive and your Eeyore Vampire boss is doing everything he can to prevent it?
You’re in good company. Negative bosses—Eeyore Vampires—swoop in with alarming consistency on our coaching clients despite their best efforts to Work Positive.
How do you ... Views: 1737
College basketball’s annual trek up the Final Four mountain has started.
While the school names change from year to year, the qualities of championship caliber teams are consistent. What are they? And how can you learn from them to win championships at work?
Here are 3 Key Strategies to ... Views: 1427
The snow finally melted to reveal a spring-like day. The calendar called my wife and I to activity—to act on our plans for the blueberry bushes to grow fruit.
Positively successful people understand that it’s a process to grow personally and professionally. They Work Positive with themselves ... Views: 1223
I live in a part of the U.S. that received a once-a-decade snowfall last week. At least 12,000 flights were cancelled. Millions of people were home from work, rearranging untold numbers of meetings and assignments.
Such rapid change is commonplace in our world today. Snow is forecast. Other ... Views: 1452
While studying Great Depression businesses created by successful entrepreneurs, I discovered five core practices that were daily habits for them. They asked themselves five questions daily that charted their course to success.
You become a successful business person, also, by asking yourself ... Views: 1508
According to a survey conducted by Arizona State University’s W.P. Carey School of Business, about half of all American households experience customer service-related problems. Over two-thirds of those customers were “very” or “extremely upset” about the company response when they complained. ... Views: 2358
Has your to-do list grown overnight?
Yes, it’s “the most wonderful time of the year”…and yet many of us miss the wonder of it all due to the overwhelm at work that accompanies the holidays.
Here are 3 ways to cure your holiday overwhelm at work starting today:
Focus on Positive ... Views: 1078
Announcements of office parties are met with either go-for-it’s or groans.
The go-for-it’s are the ones who enjoyed last year’s party or just look forward to any social experience.
The groans are the persons who remember last year’s with disdain or generally avoid socializing with their ... Views: 1357
Shoppers will crowd the super centers and malls starting Thanksgiving evening in the U.S. In fact, over the next several weeks, retail stores will do 50% or more of their business for the year.
So where will you go? And who will you do business with?
Create a Work Positive impact with ... Views: 1799
The time changed for most of the U.S. last weekend. We “fell back.”
How does this change affect you? Pretty much like any change does.
Here are 3 Timely Strategies to Positive Change:
Acknowledge the Change
Like most change, the reversal back to Standard Time came without our ... Views: 1518
When my younger brother and I went trick-or-treating as kids at Halloween, he was scared of ghosts. When he was very young, he had eye surgery a couple of times. All of the OR people wore white. He associated their white dress and the white sheets of “the ghosts” with pain.
Like him, we ... Views: 1478
Most business professionals today that we coach are overwhelmed. They get to the end of the day with an ever expanding to-do list and fall exhausted into the evening commute. They return the next morning after reversing the commute and fall exhausted into their desk chair, thinking, “Here we go ... Views: 1422
I was lying flat on my back in the grassy outfield, trying to come around. I had drifted back from my third-base position for the Little League team White Sox into shallow left field to catch a fly ball. I missed the ball with my glove and instead caught it with my forehead.
Someone said, ... Views: 1366
Just because the U.S. government can afford a shutdown doesn't mean you can. You have a family to provide for, bills to pay, and hopefully a retirement to fund.
So despite all the news about the federal shutdown, what can you do to succeed in a shutdown?
Check out these 3 Positive Ways to ... Views: 1620
What one word describes what these three scenarios share:
Many states have passed a “no texting while driving” law.
The gallery is quiet while a golfer putts.
You are overwhelmed at work.
So what’s your one word? Mine is…
Texting diverts your attention from driving and you ... Views: 1170
The most common sentence I receive in coaching today is, “We’ve gone through a lot of changes and more are coming.”
Ironically, each client believes their situation is unique.
It’s all of us.
Some of us are excited by it. Others are terrified. Most are just trying to keep up.
So how ... Views: 1206
You’re increasing your sales. Your team is more productive. You get out of the office earlier to do what you love with those you love…
…and yet there’s something missing. You struggle to keep all the business plates spinning simultaneously. It’s exhausting to be you some days. Your family and ... Views: 1219
Zig Ziglar describes well the essence of the fifth core practice, “Receive,” of a Work Positive lifestyle in which you increase sales with greater team productivity so you get out of the office earlier: “When you help others get what they want, you get everything you want,” he said.
What goes ... Views: 1590
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale talked about how a constantly bent bow will break. The bow needs pressure released to function well.
Dr. Stephen Covey extolled the seventh habit of sharpening the saw. If you saw without a break to sharpen, you work harder with less production.
In today’s ... Views: 1351
You’ve made your reservations. You’ve paid your deposits. Now it’s time to go on vacation.
Have you planned to have a great time?
Or, do you just hope it will happen and work avoids intruding on your experience?
Here are 3 Tips to Positively Enjoy Your Vacation More:
In ... Views: 1313
“Dr. Joey,” she asked. “Why is it to be gone on vacation for one week, I have to do two extra weeks of work? One before I leave, and the other when I get back?”
Have you ever wondered that?
Sure seems that way, doesn’t it?
Here are 3 Strategies to Avoid Vacation Anxiety:
Describe ... Views: 1198
It costs too much to do business with some people.
Who are your “some people?”
How much time do they steal from your enjoyable customers? How much energy do you give them? How much attention that can be more profitably invested in your ideal customers’ relationships?
You’re throwing ... Views: 1554
A friend of mine told me about his customer experience with an oil change. He arrived before the shop officially opened, simultaneously with another customer. She tried the door, found it open, and walked in. He followed.
The two chatted, waiting for the attendant. When he arrived from the ... Views: 1322
Positive salespersons sell 56% more than their negative peers. Positive leaders see team productivity increase by more than one-third.
So if you want to increase sales with greater productivity, be positive, right?
The question is, How? How do you Work Positive in such a negative ... Views: 1077
Positive productivity is more difficult for most business persons these days. Persevering and achieving your business dreams in the midst of a negative world is increasingly challenging. The uncontrollable negatives from bombings to an unfamiliar economy that just won’t correct assault us ... Views: 1008
It was a routine attempt to block a three point shot. But when University of Louisville sophomore guard Kevin Ware landed, his tibia compound fractured.
The unthinkable happened.
The next 30 minutes plus the rest of the game was a lesson to us all when dealing with life or business.
As ... Views: 1014
When we connect with someone on LinkedIn, we welcome them with an invitation to read free chapters of one of our books. We hope just one idea will coach the reader closer to achieving business dreams.
One connection recently replied, “Thanks, but I don’t have time to sit down and read a ... Views: 1368
The banks aren’t calling to loan you money to grow your business…or start one. So how will you expand in the most profitable manner?
Here are 3 Low Cost Tips to Positively Profit at Work.
Think of business as a discovery mission. Daily you have multiple opportunities to discover ... Views: 1256
College basketball’s annual trek up the Final Four mountain began this week.
While the school names change from year to year, the qualities of championship caliber teams are consistent. What are they? And how can you learn from them to win championships at work?
Here are 3 Strategies to ... Views: 1271
Daylight Savings Time starts this weekend in most of the U.S. We “lose an hour” to supposedly gain more sunlight at the end of the day.
So how do you deal with this lost hour? And all the other lost hours of productivity at work?
Here are 3 Ways to Positively Gain Time:
Dr. ... Views: 1088
How do you walk the red carpet at work and up onto stage to accept the Academy Award for increasing sales with greater productivity so you get out of the office earlier?
Here are 5 Ways to Positively Win an Oscar at Work:
Focus on the Part
As talented as you are, you have one part to ... Views: 1039
“Overwhelm” is a constant theme in our coaching conversations lately. Business professionals have this sense of more effort and fewer positive results. There’s more to do than there is of me to do it.
How do you deal with overwhelm?
Here are 3 things you can do starting right now to move ... Views: 1916
Remember the saying, “Do what you love and love what you do and you’ll never work another day in your life?”
Sounds great, but how do you do that?
Here are 3 Ways to Positively Love Your Work:
Love What You Do for Work
The physical and mental activity of your work must reward you ... Views: 1739
Super Bowl 47 will best be remembered as, “The Night the Lights Went Out in N’Orleans.”
Adversity happens at the most inconvenient times in unexpected ways, and not just at the Super Bowl, but in business, too. Everything from product outages to a teammate goes out or a vital system fails. It ... Views: 1020
Our attention this week in the U.S. focuses on celebrating the life and accomplishments of noted civil rights leader, Dr. M.L. King, Jr. Dr. King positively led a movement in the midst of much adversity.
What can you learn from him about how you can positively lead in business while ... Views: 1119
You want to increase sales with greater productivity so you leave the office earlier to do what you love with those you love, right?
The “Receive” core practice of a Work Positive lifestyle in which you do just that involves the ethical dynamic of your business. You understand you Receive a ... Views: 1178
How’s your New Year’s resolution working out?
How would you like to SWAP your resolution for something more successful? Think of SWAP as an acronym and Work Positive to transform your chosen target of change into productive results using these three proven methods:
S - Song
Resolutions ... Views: 1108
Our attention has been riveted by one person’s heinous actions and the consequences felt in Newtown, CT. Complete understanding of this tragedy defies our intellect. However, we do choose how to respond.
While I pray such disaster avoids your area, reality suggests some variation will ... Views: 1540
In the last few months, our team has run up a steep learning curve in developing a new product line and the means to administer it. We’ve experienced a great deal of change and discovered as we’ve run this race that exceptional customer care is an integral part of a successful process.
Here ... Views: 1097
Has your to-do list grown overnight?
Yes, it’s “the most wonderful time of the year”…and yet many of us miss the wonder of it all due to the overwhelm at work that accompanies the holidays.
Here are 3 ways to cure your holiday overwhelm at work starting today:
Focus on Positive ... Views: 1133
Shoppers will crowd the super centers and malls this weekend following Thanksgiving in the U.S. In fact, over the next several weeks, retail stores will do 50% or more of their business for the year.
So where will you go? And who will you do business with?
If you truly want to create a ... Views: 1062
There may be only one day a year devoted to giving thanks, but expressing thanks year round and doing it well is one of the most profitable business strategies you can have.
Numerous studies reveal that when you thank your customers, they spend more money and tell their friends about the ... Views: 1605
U.S. citizens cast their vote for the next President, Vice-President, and a host of congressional leaders this week. Attention focuses on this once-every-four-years activity with a virtual obsession.
Yet, there is a more important vote you as a business professional cast and more often than ... Views: 1190
The San Francisco Giants won the World Series…again. That’s two of the last three seasons, a rare achievement.
What discoveries are there for you in their success as you seek to increase sales with greater productivity so you can leave the office earlier to do what you love with those you ... Views: 1243
I watched a bit of the last Presidential debate. Up until the point where the debate morphed into one big interruption.
Interruptions intrude into political debates, marriage conversations (and other intimate activities if you have children at home), and your work flow.
How well do you ... Views: 1338