As you know, marketing is all about psychology. Most people think of the psychology of their prospects because we must direct our efforts towards our prospects’ needs and wants. While this is certainly important and I teach these ideas as well, equally important is the psychology of YOU.
I ... Views: 1857
Did you ever notice how it’s easy to help others do something but difficult to help yourself do it?
I love marketing and am great at helping others to see their core values and do their positioning and competitive advantage.
But, of course, when it comes to doing my own, I struggle. It’s ... Views: 1040
In helping clients build confidence with sales presentations and overcoming performance anxiety, I have noticed that many of them relate to getting and effectively using support to improve your presentations. We often feel as though we need to tackle everything on our own, and we neglect to take ... Views: 975
Fear is one of the most common human emotions. We all have things that we are afraid of. Many children worry about going to school or are afraid of animals or new activities. Adults commonly fear public speaking, interpersonal conflicts, flying, and many other things that we perceive as ... Views: 1268
Conventional wisdom stated that in order to sell products or services, you needed to sell the features. A car salesperson would go on and on about all the wonderful features of the car. The typical buyer, like me, who knows little about cars would find themselves getting lost. Their eyes would ... Views: 990
What is the key to high achievement?
Well, there are many factors that lead to our greatest work success. At the top of the list is our ability to push ourselves.
Imagine this familiar scenario:
You are faced with an incredible opportunity. You know that you could propel yourself to new ... Views: 1105
If your goal is to achieve more and raise the bar for yourself, then I have a powerful and counterintuitive tip for you:
Sometimes the way to master a challenge is actually by lowering the bar.
There are two critical factors that go into where you set the bar:
1. The level of achievement. For ... Views: 1192
As a business owner, you know you need to market your business.
So, you sit at your computer and come up with your “elevator pitch.” You hang out on Facebook, looking for people to “friend.” You perfect an article and start thinking about what you’ll do with it. You buy dozens of information ... Views: 890
Jesse is a big thinker. He is creative, perceptive, intuitive, and thoughtful. He’s always coming up with great ideas. He’s not afraid to think big and plan how to make a true difference in the world. Friends go to Jesse when they’re stuck because they know he’ll come up with bright ... Views: 1070
I did it again! Despite my New Years resolution and all my research and writing on procrastination, last week I found myself guilty of my #1 procrastinating habit: Trying to do too much.
Now, doing too much sounds like the opposite of procrastination, but it is an equally powerful form of ... Views: 888
I went to a particularly challenging Pilates class which got me thinking about exercise and success. I've been going to Pilates once or twice weekly for about six months now, and wow, is it tough.
But I'm actually starting to feel stronger (and less sore the next day), which is exciting. And ... Views: 932
Performance appraisals, as you may know, can be very stressful for both the employee and the manager. I’d like to share some of my tips in making the appraisals less nerve-wracking and more productive.
Tips for Employees
For the employees, performance appraisals are inherently difficult ... Views: 1125
Do you ever feel like you’re an imposter?
You feel like an imposter when you're able to act confident on the outside but you don't really feel confident on the inside.
One of the hidden causes of The Imposter Syndrome is trying too hard. You really want to appear a certain way so you over-do ... Views: 1119
As you know, habits are difficult to break. This is because habits are formed by a complex combination of emotions, actions, biology, and relationships. Here are 6 simple steps to breaking your bad habits and creating healthy eating habits.
Step #1: Identify the Problem Behaviors
We think we ... Views: 1580
Wouldn’t it be great to pop out of bed in the morning, have flowing energy throughout your day without any caffeine or candy bars, accomplish everything you want, and feel great? For most people this would be a dream—we could all use more energy!
I’ll share with you 10 simple tips to boost ... Views: 1166
In my work with family businesses, there are four components that I have found to be crucial. These include managing conflict, succession, communication, and roles.
Manage Family Business Conflict
As part of a family business, you know how quickly conversations can degenerate into conflict. ... Views: 1410
Do you have a sneaking suspicion that you’re not assertive enough? There may be some truth to your fear. If so, we’ll get to the bottom of it and help you develop assertiveness skills. Answer “agree” or “disagree” to these 6 statements to find out if you’re not assertive enough and if becoming ... Views: 12320
As the author of 6 books for publishers like Wiley, Harmony, and McGraw-Hill (who published my New York Times bestselling book The Confident Speaker), I thought I knew what it takes to get a great book deal. Now, however, I’m working on a new proposal and in developing my book concept and ... Views: 906
There are tons of myths and misconceptions about public speaking. Unfortunately these untruths serve to reinforce and increase speaking anxiety. I’d like to share with you here three of the twelve myths that my coauthor and I expose in our New York Times bestselling book The Confident ... Views: 1044
Are you wondering if you’re burned out or afraid you may be getting there? Here are some quick tips to see if you are burned out and what you can do about it.
Are you experiencing two or more of the following?
1) Difficulty getting out of bed and getting to work in the ... Views: 1161
As you know, habits are difficult to break. This is because habits are formed by a complex combination of emotions, actions, biology, and relationships. Here are 6 simple steps to breaking your bad habits.
Step #1: Identify the Problem Behaviors
We think we are aware of our eating patterns, but ... Views: 1198
Okay, I admit it. I’m an emotional eater.
People are often surprised when they hear me say this because I’m so into the psychology of weight loss. But it really isn’t that big of a revelation. The truth is, we’re all emotional eaters. It’s human nature. I’m not going to try to make you never ... Views: 2182
A business executive named Bob had a hidden problem at work. He became nervous when he interacted with colleagues and performed various tasks. While he didn’t have an anxiety disorder, he frequently worried about his work performance.
Because Bob was grateful for his position, he was afraid of ... Views: 3251
I crave sugary foods when I am stressed. I like salty foods when I am tired or when I am bored. I eat comfort foods like pasta when I am down. Are you like me? Do you eat based on how you feel?
Many people eat in response to particular emotions. It is human nature really. Think about it, this ... Views: 1118
Would you like to obtain the respect of many individuals in your organization?
Do you want your ideas to be heard, validated, and implemented?
Would you like employees to come to you for assistance with problem-solving on projects?
Would you like to move up to a higher level of leadership?
If ... Views: 932
Do you want to earn more, work less, and find greater enjoyment in your job or business?
Are you stressed out or burned out and ready to get into the driver’s seat of your career?
If so, I’d love to help you. Here is a five-step program to help you take your career where you want it to go. As ... Views: 2157
Would you rather scrub your bathroom floor than get up and speak in front of people?
If so, you’re not alone. The fear of public speaking is the #1 fear in Americans, and affects people across the globe.
I’ve helped hundreds of people build presentation skills and I’d like to help you too. ... Views: 1158
Do You Have The Sunday Night Syndrome?
By Dr. Larina Kase
Do you get the Sunday blues, thinking about the weekend being over?
Do you get a pit in your stomach on Sundays and find yourself nervously anticipating the week ahead?
Do you have sleep problems on Sunday nights, and dread that ... Views: 10167