The word "competition" evokes various uplifting images. It might be the images of sportsmen and athletes performing marvelous feats of strength, agility or endurance. Or you might visualize corporations increasing their efficiency and innovating newer and better products or services; as they say ... Views: 817
“And the award for the best supporting actress goes to…….”. As the show host glibly intoned these words, I suppressed a yawn. I was watching the Golden Globe awards ceremony, but NOT finding it terribly exciting. After all, there is a plethora of awards, the Oscars, the Tony’s the SAG’s, not to ... Views: 1178
Fundamental vs. Emotional Rights
As citizens of free countries, we are all aware of and enjoy our fundamental rights. We enjoy the right to work, the right to travel, right to worship, freedom of speech and many other such privileges. These rights, mandated by our Constitution, govern how ... Views: 2803
A few days ago I realized that it was over 25 years, a quarter century, since I came to America. This put me in a reminiscent mood and my mind went back to those days when I was new to America and unfamiliar with the customs and institutions that make up this great country. ... Views: 1003