My clients tell me of a love/hate relationship with systems. The love part comes because systems make things easier. The results are predictable, you know what you need to do and know where all the things you need to do it are. The hate part comes because there is a belief (which I disagree ... Views: 1326
I went for a walk the other day and saw a squirrel gathering acorns for the upcoming winter. I was thinking about how much easier his life would be if only he could go to Target for all of his acorn needs.
I pictured the sale Target would have in order to attract the squirrels and imagined ... Views: 1459
Hunger, noise, temperature, surroundings, energy level and overall health. All of these impact how well you function, your productivity and the quality of your work. It doesn't matter what your business plan or marketing strategy is, the one thing that will make or break your bottom line is ... Views: 1471
One of the biggest challenges an entrepreneur faces is that there is no road map for what they want to do because it's their dream that they are following. They don't have a boss telling them what projects to work on and no teacher giving them homework assignments, teaching them what they need ... Views: 1486
I like to believe that I know what's most important to concentrate on. After all, the reason people hire me as their business coach is to help them get focused, set priorities and keep them motivated and productive, so that their projects get done and their business grows.
So why have I felt ... Views: 1627
I participated in a duathlon last week. It was a 2-mile run followed by a 10-mile bike ride and finally a 2-mile run. After 64 minutes and 35 seconds I was done. I was sweaty and tired. I got a medal (we all did). I know it was an accomplishment. I trained for it. Now here's the part ... Views: 1409
I was on the treadmill, one mile into my two-mile run. Once I finished, I would get on a bike and ride for ten miles, then back to the treadmill for another two miles.
Running doesn't come easy to me. Frankly, neither does biking. I signed up for the duathlon at my gym as a challenge. I ... Views: 2220
The weather here in NJ has been pretty stormy lately. A couple of hours ago, it was dark outside. Thunder was rumbling. Everything seemed to be in place for a terrific downpour but the storm didn't come, at least not then. All we got were a couple of raindrops that quickly disappeared. Hours ... Views: 1490
Networking is vital to growing your business. Simply put, unless you go out and meet people nobody will know you exist. If they don't know you exist they can't hire you. You can be the best "networker" out there but unless you follow up with the people you meet you are wasting your time.
I ... Views: 1205
Procrastination is the result of many things. Oftentimes it's the result of simply not wanting to do something. You know you should or that you're supposed to, but you don't do it. This is what I hear when I talk to my clients about going to networking events. They know it's the right thing ... Views: 1281
Wouldn’t it be great if we could do it all? Imagine never having to think about having the time or resources necessary to do a project because you had all the time and resources in the world. Wishful thinking huh?
The truth is that you don’t have infinite access to time or resources. There ... Views: 1542
I decided to write an article about getting things done and not worrying about perfection and found myself in need of my own advice...
I like to think that I subscribe to the idea that "good enough" is good enough. Sure it's important to do a good job and make sure there are no major mistakes ... Views: 1284
Have you seen the show Hoarders, Buried Alive? Many people are entranced by it. It’s reminds me of when you drive down the road and pass an accident… it’s hard to turn away. I’ve heard people say that they are amazed at how “those people” live. Can’t “they” understand the difference between ... Views: 3692
My sons, Eric and Josh, graduated from middle school last week. I had a conversation with them about moving onto high school. I expected to hear "I'm looking forward to high school," "I'm nervous" and "I hope there isn't that much more homework" but, after all of the complaints I heard this ... Views: 4481
Springtime is a season of activity and anticipation. During spring, the view outside my window seems to change everyday. It starts when the bare branches of the trees suddenly seem to get fat and then like magic the leaves appear. The birds are busy flying all over the place and building ... Views: 876
Guess what, I figured out where a lot of clutter comes from. You might not be happy to hear this but, you may be creating it yourself. This is actually good news, because when you know what causes the clutter you can learn how to stop generating it.
I went food shopping this past weekend. ... Views: 860
OK, I'll admit it; I love getting rid of things. A couple of weeks ago I was sitting in my office and suddenly had the urge to purge. I filled four bags with papers, notes and other things that weren't serving my needs.
The reason I love getting rid of things is because of the space I ... Views: 1049
Like many kids, my son Eric has crooked teeth. About a year ago we started along the orthodontics route and he got a Herbst appliance. In case you're not an orthodontist, a Herbst appliance is designed to do some preliminary moving and adjusting before "real braces". Unlike a retainer it is ... Views: 823
I get to the gym often. Yesterday, I took a class called "Cardio Boot Camp". I went in thinking that it was going to be just another class; that I'll get my heart pumping and I'll lift some weights. As soon as the music started I sensed a change, it was a really tough class.
Many of the ... Views: 916
I know a lot about getting organized and clutter, yet the more I talk about it the more I realize that getting organized and decluttering is not what it's about.
So then what is it about? It is about creating time, space and energy so you can focus your attention on the things that are ... Views: 755
Distractions, it's a topic I've written about before. Some of us are simply more susceptible to distractions but based on what I've been hearing lately and what I've been experiencing myself it's getting worse for everyone.
Did you know that one of the best things you can do to increase ... Views: 1416
Constructive procrastination, or what I call "I'll Just Do This One Thing First" syndrome, is something I excel at. Even as I type these words my brain is busy searching for something I "need" to do first.
According to the dictionary to procrastinate means to postpone or delay needlessly. We ... Views: 787
Everyone talks about clutter these days. A whole industry has sprung up around it. There are TV shows, magazines, books and professionals like me to help you deal with all of the stuff that you have in your homes, offices and cars. Here are 4 tips you can use IMMEDIATELY to help you stop the ... Views: 835
Many people have trouble staying focused on what they are doing. I got this email recently, take a look, does this sound familiar to you? "I know what I have to do but never do it. I get side tracked, then I lose track of time and next thing I know the day is gone and I've done nothing. It ... Views: 1352
It’s all over the news, ADHD is everywhere. Kids have it in record numbers, adults have it too. Is ADHD the latest craze? Is ADHD real or is it just an excuse? What is ADHD anyway?
ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is commonly referred to as ADHD, ADD, AD/HD or ... Views: 1117
A client of mine recently said to me "I have to work on my time management but I never get to it!" Does this sound familiar? Problems with time management seem to lie at the heart of the difficulties faced by many adults with ADHD.
Everyone has issues with time management especially when life ... Views: 875