We are living not in an economic storm…but the Perfect Storm. I realize that there are those of you out there that are shaking their heads at this statement. Because of everything you hear in the media you are afraid to do any expanding in your home based franchise. Because of the global doom ... Views: 969
What does it take to become a success in the home based franchise industry? What is the secret formula, if there is a secret formula, in the home based franchise...and who actually has it? You may be asking these questions of yourself and of the present company that you are currently aligned ... Views: 896
Build the most Irresistible offer of all Irresistible offers for your home based franchise. Remember the Ronco Commercials with their But Wait...There’s More slogan? OK… I am dating myself, aren’t I? But guess what; this method of building irresistible offers continues to work and it can ... Views: 905
Do want to embody the American Dream for your home based franchise? Follow these 9 must have solutions and watch your home based franchise grow into the home based franchise of your dreams.
Have a terrific idea. Do a bit of brainstorming. What type of home based franchise would you like? ... Views: 855
Sales and Closing...Closing and Sales in home based franchises (or any business or company for that matter) seems to still have a negative undertone. Even though I have been in sales for years, have consistently been in the top 5% of earners, I still hate the word close.
I know for me, it ... Views: 952
If you’re just joining us in this series of articles I have been talking about recession buster strategies for your business. Guess what; it’s true that you and your home based franchise can thrive in today’s market place, you just have to focus on the incredible opportunities that are right in ... Views: 872
Do you know that the word can’t is the most frequently used word out of an unsuccessful home based franchise entrepreneur’s mouth? I challenge you take a look at this unfortunate word and really think about how many times you might use it in one day.
The word can’t is a word that I detest, ... Views: 894
Most People Do Not Study.
Reason two on why 95% of people fail in their home based franchise and will never become a top producer is because most people do not study.
I asked the question in the first article of this series if you were obtaining what was needed for the accomplishment ... Views: 1035
It’s disturbing to me and yes sad, the amount of people who fail at their home based franchise. Do I think that people set out each day with the goal of failure on their mind? Quite the opposite. But, in general…most people do not set themselves up with the intent, the strategy and the ... Views: 1475
It seems that everywhere we turn all we hear about is how tough it is to start a home based franchise. I say that the exact opposite is true and quite frankly there couldn’t be a better time to start your own home based franchise. I’m here to remind you that you need to focus on the ... Views: 1050
You probably hear it all the time: You must be willing to fail in order to win. As you probably suspected, most people are not are not willing to take the failure walk for their home based franchise and that is what stops 97% of entrepreneurs dead in their tracks. The fear of failure has ... Views: 887
The media drone is all around us; the economy stinks, it’s tough to make a buck...blah, blah, blah. I’m here to remind you that you must focus on opportunities rather than challenges in your home based franchise.
You probably know most of what I am going to share with you, but maybe, for ... Views: 992
Still can't make a decision in your home based franchise, even after everything you have seen and read? I can understand that and in fact, indecision is one of the biggest reasons of failure. I recently wrote an article for JBS Communications...the newsletter I publish every other week and it ... Views: 909
There is a very powerful shift that is taking place in the direct marketing world. A shift that will have a powerful and profound effect on your home based franchise, but only if you apply it correctly AND only if you actually take the action to apply it.
I think that you would agree that ... Views: 1012
Whether you are a newbie or have had a home based franchise for years. Whether you are direct marketing or marketing in Corporate America, it’s these three mistakes that cost people their top producer status and big income in their home based franchise time and time again.
I have been in ... Views: 807
Every great home based franchise starts at the beginning. Every great entrepreneur was once a beginner. Every top sales person was once a beginner. Every great athlete was once a beginner. I think that you get the point…everyone starts at the beginning on their journey to their ... Views: 924
Do you actually believe that you are going to achieve those lofty goals of being a top home business entrepreneur and make big money in your home based franchise for this last part of 2009, looking into 2010? Most people don’t believe. And when I say believe, sure on the surface they might ... Views: 857
I was recently at a conference and one of the speakers was talking about the uncomfortable feeling of developing and growing our home based franchise and ourselves to becoming a top producer is kind of like a rubber band.
This association resonated deeply with me since I used this exact ... Views: 990
Ask for help. Asking for help is the lesson, habit, message to be learned from Og Mandino’s last scroll in his book The Greatest Salesman In The World. We all possess a natural instinct to ask for help. When we are deep trouble, we ask for help. When we know we have done something terribly ... Views: 763
Take Action…Let’s face it...your dreams are worth nothing, your plans for your home based franchise will never come to light and all of your goals will be impossible to make unless you take the action necessary to make them all come true.
It continues to blow my mind that people come to me ... Views: 867
Goal setting; sales 101 plain and simple, right? However, it really isn’t that plain and simple is it? Have you set your detailed goals for the day, the week, the month and your year both personally and for the success of your home based franchise?
Goal setting is critically important to ... Views: 1099
How many of us procrastinate? How many of us don’t fill our day with the actions and activity that is needed to ensure that success in our home based franchise will come our way each day? On a more personal note, how many of us don’t take the time to even say I love you to those that we truly ... Views: 854
You are nature’s greatest miracle!! Think about that statement and realize how true it is. You are completely unique and there is not one other person out there that is like you.
Og Mandino’s teaches in the fourth scroll that you are your own unique leader...a leader that people are ... Views: 882
The game of selling…quite honestly it is the biggest mind game that I know for the success of your top home based franchise. Once you have mastered the game of selling you have mastered your key to success in everything that you do; not just success in your home based franchise.
Today’s ... Views: 1019
Sales…quite honestly it is the biggest mind game that I know for the success of your home based franchise. Once you have mastered the art of selling you have mastered your key to success in everything that you do; not just success in your top home based franchise.
The lesson for each of us ... Views: 921
Sales…quite honestly it is the biggest mind game that I know for the success of your home based franchise. Once you have mastered the art of selling you have mastered your key to success in everything that you do; not just success in your home based franchise.
One of the best sources of ... Views: 929
Success…what does it really mean for you personally and for your home based franchise?
When I ask the question to prospects and leads, most times they are not able to tell me what their success would look like. If you don’t even know what success looks like for you and for your home ... Views: 902
I am here to tell you that shift happens to all of us. It happens in our home based franchise, it happens when as we become a top sales producer, it happens in life and it all depends on how you handle that shift.
I was recently reintroduced to this phrase and for me; it couldn’t ring truer ... Views: 854
Having your own home based franchise, you must each day know exactly who your energy vampires are and how to keep them away. We have all heard it before, the Law of Attraction states that we transmit both positive and negative energy and how we manage this energy positively is what really ... Views: 987
It’s amazing what people do studies on, but I found his study to be quite interesting whether it be for the benefit of your home based franchise, if you are searching on how to become a top producer in sales, or whether you are searching for a different path for your life. Hopefully you will as ... Views: 903
I was reading a very powerful article written in the New York Times (printed on Saturday…March 14th ), and it centered on the benefits of having your own home based franchise; which if you are thinking about starting a home based franchise, should be of great interest to you.
The article ... Views: 1264
Listen up! I have got the bargain of a lifetime.. I am a top sales and marketing consultant and I will give to you the best home based franchise idea for a buck…that’s right…for one dollar. You can do absolutely anything that you want to with that idea, and I will have no rights to that idea ... Views: 1060
Lottery sales are going through the roof. This statement should be of no surprise, right? The economy is at all time record lows, we have the highest rate of unemployment ever recorded, we have over spent for so long that we don’t know how to live within what our means really should be. ... Views: 1006
Resistance: Confrontation, fight, battle, struggle, conflict. Resistance is known to be one of the biggest obstacles that hold people back from succeeding whether it is succeeding in your home base franchise or personally.
Tell me, have you risen to the level of success in your best home ... Views: 1873
Did you know that the original act of sabotage is thought to have occurred not long after the introduction of machinery when someone slipped a workman's wooden shoe, called a sabot, into a loom in order to stop production?
How does sabotage enter in to your best home based franchise business? ... Views: 1001
“What’s the secret?”...”What do you do in your marketing that makes your home base franchise so successful?”... “Tell me your inside scoop to your home based business franchise success”…”Give me exactly what you do every day”…
The questions are never ending when seeking the winning lottery ... Views: 999
In today’s economy I think that it is fair to ask about your currency and how it is holding up. If you take a look at currency just as your normal, everyday quarters, dimes and nickels, you might be thinking to yourself that it isn’t holding so well, and you would be right. But I am not ... Views: 651