Whether your goal is to lose weight, change careers or finally end the relationship you know is going nowhere, we all come to points in our lives when change is necessary. In fact, many great philosophers and spiritual leaders have said that change is the only constant presence in our lives. ... Views: 2580
I invite you to take a moment and think about the women you know or admire. Perhaps it’s your mother or favorite teacher or even Miss Oprah Winfrey herself - what is it about these women that garners your affection and admiration? While they might possess many endearing qualities such as ... Views: 1554
Have you ever found yourself being really excited about some new opportunity, such as a new business venture or project only to find that your excitement eventually dissipates into fear? You might have started out with a strong sense that this is the right next step but eventually you start ... Views: 1255
Prosperity. Isn’t that a topic on every woman’s mind!? How do I become more prosperous? What will increase my financial flow? How can I prosper in my life doing something I love?
This last question is absolutely essential for women! How can I prosper with purpose? Women are not ... Views: 1476
Hiking the mountain range behind my home is where I often receive my most inspired ideas. The other morning, a phrase bolted into my head in a very dramatic fashion just as I reached the apex of my climb. Standing there, scanning the horizon, satisfied with my morning’s accomplishment, clear ... Views: 1228
Who doesn’t love the concept of LOVE? Whether that conjures up images of romantic, passionate love or the deep, soulful kind of love or the unconditional love animals often show us. Any way you look at it, LOVE just plain feels GOOD! With all the scrumptious forms it can take, I don’t know ... Views: 1203