A happy & healthy new year to you and your family. May this year find you riding safely with good friends. Hope to see you out on the road soon. Your favorite psychic astrologer, Kathi Calahan.
ARIES: You will be feeling totally amped this year, and ... Views: 1552
This month the energies are positive for uniting, rather than dividing people. We’ll take a look at which qualities within each sign cause divisive problems and which qualities are available for bringing about solutions. As an Aquarian, I’d like to offer a very happy birthday to my fellow ... Views: 1757
He was a former Navy SEAL during the Vietnam war. Strong, loyal and mentally tough, this man stood 6'7" and was not easily moved. He was not a man who believed in the psychic world either.
As a professional psychic, I met Mark, a 49-year-old man from Louisiana, over the internet. He ... Views: 3078
As of March 2009, the official unemployment rate for disabled Americans was 13.2%. If you are one of the many who want to work and are looking, consider starting a business from home in this forgotten niche.
The best home based business ideas begin with knowing your niche. If you are one of ... Views: 2868
Free Monthly Horoscope
By, Love Psychic Kathi Calahan
The month of October finds singles on the look-out for love and those in relationships refining an already good thing.
When it comes to love, each astrological sign has plenty to offer. Discover great astrology relationship advice ... Views: 1415
It begins at home, rears its ugly head in school, becomes apparent in early love relationships, dating, marriage and finally your children pick it up from you and unknowingly pass it on to their children.
It’s the cycle of abuse. Abusers always have a history of childhood abuse. They don’t ... Views: 3820
It’s mean, it’s cruel and it’s inexcusable.
Verbal abuse, or mental abuse, is passed on like a life-threatening disease throughout the family. We choose mates, places of employment and friends based upon family patterns of familiarity. No one ever intends to become verbally abusive, but it ... Views: 4032
There are seven excellent and proven ways of marketing for business, especially when you work from home. Today I want to share two of them with you so you can increase your sales and provide your customers with what they need.
Business entrepreneurs come to me for coaching help and the ... Views: 1438
There are 12 red flags you should be aware of before you commit to love.
Whether you are a teenager or an adult, if you see any of these red flags early on in the relationship, look out and move on! Avoid setting yourself up for heartbreak and don’t become intimate with anyone you do not ... Views: 1467
Entrepreneurs who want to start up a business, even if it’s in a different career field, and work from home should begin by first identifying their top values.
This is vital to the success of their business for two reasons.
1. Because your values and your Life’s Work (or purpose) are ... Views: 1397
The bad news is, every loving relationship begins with baggage from the past. The good news is, no matter how far back that history of damaging baggage goes, it can be reworked and healed.
We practice what we’ve learned, even if it means damaging our relationship or marriage. And crazy as ... Views: 2026
During the month of September lovers everywhere will be paying closer attention to each other. We’ll see a bit of scrutinizing as well as changing what no longer works.
The Virgo energy is hard at work now to help you discern the useful from the nonuseful in your love life, so let’s ... Views: 1635
This is the time of year to activate your leadership abilities, especially as it relates to love. Let me show you the best methods to activate your love life, according to each zodiac sign.
It’s fun and something you can do differently each month. Think of this free astrology column as a ... Views: 1648
He’s a globe trotting Sagittarius who sailed solo out of Southern California on June 14, 2008 at the age of sixteen, spent his 17th birthday at sea and returned to Southern California July 16, 2009. Zac Sunderland set a world record for the youngest person to sail alone around the world. What ... Views: 1717
He passed away June 25, 2009 amidst controversy and speculation; drama that haunted him for most of his life. Michael Jackson, “The King of Pop” was no different than any of us in that his soul came into this lifetime with a purpose and with goals.
Michael Jackson’s astrology natal chart, ... Views: 2314
The people who serve our country are no different than you or I. We all have a purpose to contribute to life, based on the qualities we were born with.
I watched on TV the Day 1 confirmation hearings for Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. As I watched and listened, I began to ... Views: 2114
Who is Sarah Palin & What is Her Purpose?
By, Kathi Calahan
She was the first woman to be nominated Vice President by the Republican Party for the 2008 election and is soon to be the ex-Governor of Alaska. Astrology shows she was destined for worldwide recognition.
Let’s look at what an ... Views: 1420
The people who serve our country are no different than you or I. We all have a purpose to contribute to life, based on the qualities we were born with.
I watched on TV the Day 1 confirmation hearings for Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. As I watched and listened, I began to ... Views: 1592
How to Start Any Business From Home
Your goal, as a business owner is to provide service and quality products. And, of course, you’re in business to make money and support yourself and your family. Whether you are a hair dresser or toy maker, you are also in business to provide something that ... Views: 1164
It used to be that we were raised knowing right from wrong, values from a self-will run riot and how to grow up to be successful in business and in life. If we believe much of the news, it would seem that too many have lost their way and forgot what it takes to be successful.
These top 10 ... Views: 2201
Everyone who has ever had a dream of starting his or her own business has felt overwhelmed as to where to start and what to do next. When entrepreneurs start with a plan and work forward, they will grow their reputation as an expert in their field, increase sales and streamline their time ... Views: 971
You have an idea for developing your own small business and it's a good one. But how do you take it out of the idea stage and into the real world? It's easier than you think. Every successful business started with an evaluation and a plan.
1.Find a need and fill it. Let's take the auto ... Views: 1360
Listed in the top 34 jobs in America, by CNN.com, Pharmacists are one of the leaders in the scientific job market. How does an average starting salary of $90,000 a year sound to you?
Do you have what it takes to make this long scholastic journey? Here’s what you must know before ... Views: 1356
If you're thinking of becoming a police officer, there are some obvious pros and cons to the job. Consider the downside of the profession before applying:
It's a very dangerous job. The U.S. Labor Department rates police work number 5 in The Most Dangerous Jobs in America.
After many years of ... Views: 1572
The day you were born your Soul brought with it all the skills, talents, interests and hobbies you would need to fulfill your Life’s Work and find the perfect career for your personality.
But sometimes we forget our purpose and end up working at jobs we don’t like.
But you ... Views: 1183
In a recent Body & Soul magazine article a reader poll indicated that the everyday workplace employs many unhappy people. But you don’t have to be one of them if you are spiritually awakened.
Before I show you the most popular answer to this question, let me assure you that whatever your answer ... Views: 1277
It’s time to tell yourself the truth.
Is your unhappiness in the workplace due to others or you?
The good news is, if the reason behind your unhappiness is self-based, you can do something about it.
There are only three things to ask yourself in order to find career happiness. Let me ... Views: 4523
When you know the talents, skills and interest your soul brought with you into this life, you are then well on your way to finding your Life’s Work.
Spiritually speaking, you find God in your job when you recognize, or remember, the gifts He gave you.
Why work 40 hours a week in a job that ... Views: 1019
Work sucks, but then again, maybe it’s your attitude.
And, maybe the people at work really do suck, but in the meantime there are some easy things you can do to ease the tension.
Keep in mind, you cannot change other people, but you can change your attitude.
Let me give you an incredible ... Views: 1045
I had to make a living, but my personal life was falling apart.
I couldn’t concentrate on what kind of work I might like, I just knew I had to get a job fast. I was willing to take the first job that came along, just so the electric company wouldn’t shut off my household lights.
Because I ... Views: 921
You need a job. Not just any job, but a GREAT job!
I’m going to ask you to open your mind and think outside the box. By doing this you will find a career path that excites and motivates you, that refreshes you and puts a smile on your face every morning.
I will show you how to find the best ... Views: 901
Have you lost your job? Do you know someone who has?
Statistics back in October 2007 showed more than 146 Million people working in the U.S. During the first five months of 2008 the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics recorded more than 4,000 mass layoff events in the United ... Views: 884
If providing well for your family is one of your top principles or values, then you’ll want to know what benchmark perks are available today in the job market.
In a recent CNN Money online article regarding Fortune Magazine’s 100 Best Companies to Work For, it was stated that perks on the job ... Views: 1195
You have a job, or many jobs, to do during your lifetime. You Life’s Work will include making use of the spiritual gifts given to you, which you will then turn around and share with others.
Your Life’s Work can consist of one job, or many, but the truth is, it doesn’t really matter what kind ... Views: 8042
Growing evidence makes it clear that NOW is the time to get a firm grasp on your career directions.
And I can help you do this.
KFYR - TV news reports
• The Bureau of Labor Statistics shows 8.5 million Americans were out of work in May 2008.
• New legislation now extends unemployment benefits ... Views: 988
Your Life’s Work is the mission of your Soul in making a difference in life.
We all know people who are angels of mercy, like Mother Theresa. She has discovered and implemented her Life’s Work internationally. Or how about the president of the United States or other leadership position ... Views: 1017
Some of us move from career to career, never really knowing where we belong.
Others know right from the start where they are destined to make a living and then go out and do it. Cortney Litwin is just such a person.
Growing up, she always had an interest in writing, astrology and public ... Views: 1187
You work because you have bills to pay.
Or do you?
The fortunate ones work because they love what they do, not because of the bills. Even if they won the lottery, they’d still get up every morning doing what they love.
How about you?
In Discovering Your Life’s Work, you will not only find ... Views: 986
Ann had it made, at one time.
She and her husband had a million-dollar home, two lovely children and the world by the short hairs. Business was good. Well, actually, it was very good.
But today, Ann’s husband is sitting in jail, her children are married and live out of state, she can’t ... Views: 923