We all know the battle of the mind vs. the senses… is the tail wagging the dog or did we simply forget to hitch the mule to the cart? In a sense (pardon the pun), it's the popular theme of mind over matter – a very powerful concept akin to the word of God (logos) that created the world.
Now ... Views: 1698
Unchallenged assumptions in a rational, take it for granted world are extremely dangerous. Yet many of us carry on day by day as if we know-it-all, and like a speed bump in the road (what's that in the road, a head?), sooner or later evasive action must be taken to avoid calamity. So watch where ... Views: 1070
Many people these days have are proud to acknowledge that they have 'hit the spiritual trail', they've taken up one or more of the various aspects of modern spirituality which are popularly available.
In these days of open acceptance and general tolerance of alternate spirituality practices, ... Views: 2582
Not for the Feint of Heart
Seekers of enlightenment fall into several categories, all of which, to the chagrin of those starting out on the path, are nearly mutually exclusive! As a person goes through life, their appetite for self-realization usually increases as they begin meeting ... Views: 1529