Wellness and Nutrition
Author of 9 consciousness research books Nataša Pantović has told Buzzfeed that her latest personal development book called: Mindful Being towards Mindful Living Course, is about how ‘consciousness transforms into its golden possibilities’.
While sitting and ... Views: 2109
Schumann Resonance Meditation, Energy Psychology through Earth Breathing and Alpha Brainwaves
The earth is surrounded by air, and the ionosphere, and it is a wonderfully resonant system. Any energy trapped within this earth-ionosphere cavity, like lightning storms, etc., will cause it to ring ... Views: 2140
Conscious Parenting or Entering a Spiritual Parenting Journey
Parenting IS the most difficult job in the world. The Journey of Personal Development magically enfolds in front of the Parents that are at all times asked to increase their capacity to Love, and Understand this complex matrix of ... Views: 1598
Our Personal Development Journey
Self Realization Journey is a most amazing Journey we will ever embark on.
It never ends and it is always successful because an invisible driver (our soul) directs the Journey.
Our commitment to grow as spiritual beings is always beautifully ... Views: 3805
We live surrounded by an increasingly complex matrix of impulses allowing strangers of all sorts (TV, media, Internet) interfere in our mental, emotional and spiritual development. Understanding this intricate network and how does the human brain interacts with it is becoming our door to ... Views: 1697
Conscious Parenting and Power of Mind
Parenting Behavior / Style Reward and Punishment: Is Santa Claus myth working?
Our basic strategy for raising children or motivating employees is a reward and punishment strategy. From an early age we have our Santa Claus that carefully observes ... Views: 2206
Consciousness and Spiritual Growth
The purpose of life is the evolution of consciousness. Spiritual awakening offers life in the state of joy (Bliss / Ananda). If we learn to listen to our souls we can consciously choose to be joyful or sad, peaceful or loving, alert or relaxed. There is a ... Views: 1563
Can love be trained? How to open this amazing door to Happiness?
True love, Personal Development and Happiness
Now, maybe this will sound strange for some very young lovers, but the essence of this wonderful feeling, this joyful state of being is that Love can and must be ... Views: 3239
Divergent Thinking: Essence of Creativity
Divergent thinking is essential for creativity. It is the ability to see lots of possible ways to interpret a question and lots of possible answers to it.
It is a thought process used to generate creative ideas by exploring many possibilities. ... Views: 3224
Mind Power and Motivation
Some Interesting Brain Facts
The human brain is truly extraordinary. A healthy brain has some 200 billion neurons. The conscious mind controls our brain for only five per cent of the day, whereas the subconscious mind has control of our thoughts 95 per cent of ... Views: 2128
Success Skills and Future of Learning
‘You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may ... Views: 2827
Sexuality and Spirituality through Ages
The likes of Nikola Tesla, St. Teresa of Avila or Sri Aurobindo would tell you that they have deliberately avoided sex and relationships to preserve energy and to safeguard it for the fulfillment of their mission – their mental work or their spiritual ... Views: 1997
An Honest Look into a Mindfulness Journey from Ancient Europe's Perspective
"Look at every path closely and deliberately, then ask ourselves this crucial question: Does this path have a heart? If it does, then the path is good. If it doesn't, it is of no use." Carlos Castaneda
Why do ... Views: 3550