The Japanese have a word for death by overwork: Karoshi. A recent survey said 40 percent of all Japanese workers fear that they will actually work themselves to death.
Karoshi is not my idea of success. Sure, I talk about “Never Settling for Success,” but that’s not a prescription for ... Views: 789
Humor is often the best motivator.
What do you do when you're having one of those days from management hell: when everything goes wrong, when you fumble or stumble, when everything you do or you say is just the wrong thing to do or to say; When everything you do or say proves conclusively to ... Views: 856
“The people I want to hire aren’t concerned with whether the glass is half empty or half full. They’re concerned with figuring out how to fill the thing up."
--From "Filling the Glass" by Barry Maher
Before one of my keynotes, an attendee who introduced himself as Mr. Lansdorf came up ... Views: 694
10. You believe the numbers in the business plan.
9. When the new management team declares they're on the verge of turning things around, you move 100 percent of your 401k into company stock.
8. You're convinced your boss will make all your extra efforts worthwhile just as soon as the ... Views: 769
A few years ago, a management and sales expert came up with what he considered a first-rate idea. With so many unhappy, lonely people in the world, he figured he could provide them with a little comfort and make money at the same time by offering them personalized, written advice on their ... Views: 850