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Facing Your Face
by Roselle Kovitz
In our culture where extreme makeovers are more and more commonplace and the concept of designer children is not out of the question, opting for refining or remaking our appearance is an increasingly accepted practice. I admit, I’ve lingered over glossy ... Views: 1043
Labyrinths – transformational paths to peace
By Cate Montana
As a student working on her Ph.D. in Psychology at the Institute of Imaginal Studies in San Francisco, Kimberly Lowelle discovered the labyrinths at Grace Cathedral while exploring the city with a fellow student. Not expecting ... Views: 960
Interview with Barbara Marx Hubbard
by Cate Montana
CM - You are in a unique position after dedicating 40 years of intense work and focus to understanding and assisting human evolution. From your perspective, how are we doing?
Barbara - My basic metaphor of our crisis is birth. I saw that ... Views: 837
Going Solar: hot technology is cooling energy costs
by Cate Montana
In 1978, John Schaeffer, founder and CEO of Real Goods, sold and installed the first residential photovoltaic power system in the United States. It was an off-the-grid 12 volt, DC (direct current) system that ran at an 8% ... Views: 1830
Picture this. You’re in a nightclub in New York City (no longer smoke-filled of course), waiting for the comedy act to begin. A tall, dark haired, rather exotic looking beauty strides onto the stage and up to the mike. Expecting the usual comedy shtick about ex-husbands, mothers-in-laws or ... Views: 1031