Who Am I Meant to Be?
Few people dare to dream. To live their lives striving to achieve their potential and become the person they were meant to be. Most people live in survival, as though they have to constantly protect themselves from unseen dangers, even though they don’t exist. Sadly, ... Views: 1505
Think for a moment of a time when you felt truly connected to yourself – you were on purpose, knew what you needed, had a plan to get it, and felt passionate about doing so. Although many of us have experienced times when we felt we were acting from our true selves, aligned with our interests ... Views: 1510
When we think about the Socializer Striving Style, with their predominant need to be connected, the Barbra Streisand song "People” (People Who Need People) comes to mind. Socializers are the “Weavers of the Social Fabric” in families, the workplace and in communities. They easily build and ... Views: 1429
In the absence of being able to express their emotions and connect with the organizational identity, employees are expected to adapt to role driven behaviour. This can result in a decrease in an employee’s ability to contribute anything more than what is defined by the role, leaving both leaders ... Views: 1947
The way we think about ourselves and how others perceive us can be well-aligned or light years apart. This is often the case for managers and leaders, who can believe that they know what they are doing simply because they have been given the job. They can have difficulty recognizing that what ... Views: 2019
What benefit is it to the organization if short-term goals are met but a leader’s behaviour contributes to employee unrest, sabotage, or high turnover with loss of skills and knowledge? Leaders must be aware of how their behaviour impacts on the motivation and performance of their ... Views: 1779
Many of us have been conditioned to control, ignore or dismiss our emotions rather than use them as a source of valuable information. This leads to what is known as “bucket dumping”. We accumulate our feeling responses inside of us and when full, we dump it on whatever situation or person that ... Views: 2586
We believe that through focusing on their personal development, people can learn to handle emotions intelligently, and in doing so increase their ability to succeed in personal and professional relationships. Emotional self-awareness is the core of emotional intelligence. Knowing one's emotional ... Views: 1896
Identifying our automatic thinking usually changes the way we feel and puts us in a much more empowered position to make wise and meaningful decisions. Learning to observe your thoughts gives you the opportunity to recognize the emotional responses you are creating with your interpretation of ... Views: 10210
The Striving Styles Personality System shows how we can take greater control of our mental health. Mental health was originally defined as the absence of mental illness. The World Health Organization defines mental health as "a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own ... Views: 1890
Leaders are one of the most responsible of all the Striving Styles. When they are fully engaged with the holiday season, they act as though it is their responsibility to make sure everything runs smoothly and everyone has a good time. They work very hard during the season to ensure it does as ... Views: 1295
I don’t think any of the Striving Styles embrace the spirit of the holidays more than the Performer. Everything from the enjoyment of shopping to organizing and attending social events brings them an opportunity to get their need for recognition met. They are truly energized by making the ... Views: 1124
Our thoughts about the future frequently cause emotions that get in the way of enjoying, appreciating, or participating in the present. Start listening to what people are already saying about the holidays. You hear things like “I am so stressed out about the holidays. I have so much to do.” “I ... Views: 1563
Theory best comes alive with examples of people demonstrating behaviours and today I have a sample of the Holiday Survival Style of the Intellectual that typifies the behaviour of these people. The social expectations of the holidays cause the Intellectual no end of challenge. Generally ... Views: 1401
Getting the most this season based on your Holiday Style
Do you go into the holiday season full of anticipation and excitement, only to finish up feeling let down and deflated?
Are you looking for ways to get greater enjoyment from the holidays and avoid the post holiday depression this ... Views: 1421
If not, do you know what is stopping you? Who is the voice in your head that talks you out of going after what you really want for yourself and achieving your potential?
- by Heather Dranitsaris-Hilliard
This is top of mind for me as both friends and clients alike struggle to, not only ... Views: 1378
By understanding the different needs, approaches, strengths and weaknesses of each of the Striving Styles, the organization can maximize a team’s effectiveness by harnessing the natural energy that is engaged when individuals can meet their own needs through teamwork.
A team is an integral ... Views: 1848
Defensiveness in Daily Life
Not a day goes by that I don’t notice my Self-Protective System (emotional/instinctual brains) being triggered and that I am on the verge of reacting in a defensive fashion. It might be triggered by something as simple as being asked whether I have finished ... Views: 10672
Presenteeism is the act of an employee showing up at work without fully engaging their energy, hearts and minds. In many organizations, it is actually the norm. Employees gather around the water cooler talking about what they’re manager is doing wrong, what the company should be doing for them, ... Views: 2302
But it takes motivation, determination and discipline to change your brain over time. Most people believe that once you learn something your behaviour should reflect what you know. The brain doesn’t work like that. We have more information than ever before on nutrition and the benefits of a ... Views: 1705
Organizations have their mission, vision, systems, mandates, values, policies and procedures that ensure they function effectively. They also have their own unique systems and patterns of behaviour and human interaction. This is the dynamic aspect of organizational life, which influences how ... Views: 3395
Collectively, we love to learn about how to improve and develop ourselves. We watch shows, read books, and take courses because we want to learn how to change our behavior. There has never been a time in society when we have had more information about what it takes to maintain a healthy body, ... Views: 1595
The Striving Styles Personality System is based on the premise that if we want to know what we are born for, we must know what we are born as. Too often we are trying to figure out what we are meant to be or do without really knowing who we are. This disconnect causes us to look outside of ... Views: 1408
Think for a moment of a time when you felt truly connected to yourself – you were on purpose, knew what you needed, had a plan to get it, and felt passionate about doing so. Although many of us have experienced times when we felt we were acting from our true selves, aligned with our interests ... Views: 1480
American psychologist Henry Murray (1893-1988) described needs as a, “potentiality or readiness to respond in a certain way under certain given circumstances” (1938). Human needs are the source of intrinsic motivation for all behavior and social interaction. We all have needs that we strive to ... Views: 1988
Leaders no longer have the protection of a structure of given authority behind which their vulnerabilities remain unseen. The new social norms have transformed organizations into social democracies where leaders are expected to reveal themselves and their irrational side to their staff, to ... Views: 1345
People need to feel a sense of belonging in order to find meaning in their work and to engage the power of their emotions. The more employees discover links between personal ideals, a meaningful organizational mission or intention, and larger social values, the greater their commitment to their ... Views: 11363
The Striving Styles System goes deeper than other systems of typology by looking at the predominant needs of each of the Styles and how they behave when they are self-actualizing and self-protecting.
The Striving Styles System can be of enormous benefit to human resource professionals, leaders, ... Views: 1179
The Striving Styles Personality System, an evolution of Carl Jung’s Psychological Type, was developed in 2008 by Dr. Anne Dranitsaris, Ph.D. It is an easy, yet profound way of understanding what motivates different personalities and the predominant need that must be satisfied for them to achieve ... Views: 1206
Featured in the Globe & Mail business section, Wednesday, March 9th, 2011
Much of what we read about employee motivation suggests that this is the job of leaders and managers as though employees are incapable of doing so themselves. The assumption that people are naturally unmotivated has ... Views: 2080