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I had the good fortune to follow Dr. Ron Capps, a/k/a “The Niche Prof,” speaking at Willie Crawford’s 50th birthday celebration in Orlando.
Ron started his speech by saying, don’t worry about taking notes; I’ll send you my slides. But please feel free to Tweet. I was one of several people ... Views: 1164
I confess--I'm a marketing heretic! I've built my career on breaking all the rules--and one of the rules I break is that I don't hype.
Do I put the best possible "spin" on the truth? Of course! But I refuse to deceive my readers into action.
What are some of the common copywriter tricks ... Views: 1152
Do Crucial Market Research For Free, On Your Own
Is market research only for big corporations with deep pockets? No-actually, any business can put simple market research into place, and get about 80% of the benefit of the big, complex, expensive methods-without paying a penny.
In my own ... Views: 988
In this age of business scandals, it's crucial to remember that businesses based on ethics and quality actually work better. With that in mind, here are ten easy resolutions to inspire your business to achieve a very profitable 2008.
1) I will base every aspect of my business on honesty, ... Views: 1032
1. Base your business in the Magic Triangle. Honesty, integrity, and quality are the three sides of the Magic Triangle of business success. Create the kind of company that stands for something more than the bottom line, and your bottom line will increase.
2. Stop worrying about market share. ... Views: 1378
7. You're much more likely to build a lasting business, and build it more easily
6. When your customers trust you, they come back again and again
5. It's much easier to build joint-venture relationships that can exponentially grow your business
4. When your customers fall in love with ... Views: 961
Do you want your book to open doors, or do you just want to hold your own words, bound and printed? How you publish affects your income, reputation, and your leverage.
Let's look at three options:
1. Publish With a Traditional Publisher
You'll gain prestige, credibility, and a nice ... Views: 1110
Shel Horowitz, Apex Award winning author of Principled Profit: Marketing That Puts People First and founder of the international Business Ethics Pledge campaign, shares 7 reasons why ethics will help your business succeed and 5 easy steps you can take towards building a more ethical ... Views: 1551
Marketing doesn't have to be a win-lose battle, says Shel Horowitz, author of Principled Profit: Marketing That Puts People First (AWM Books, 2003, too many businesses can't understand that they win when their customers also win.
"It wouldn't be so bad if ... Views: 1162
As a child, you probably heard, "to thine own self be true." But what does that really mean? When the newspapers are full of cheating and lying business owners, politicians, and academics, does it really make sense to maintain your integrity?
To me, the answer is a clear, unwaffling YES! ... Views: 1028
In this age of business scandals, it's crucial to remember that businesses based on ethics and quality actually work better. With that in mind, here are ten easy resolutions to inspire your business to achieve a very profitable 2008.
1) I will base every aspect of my business on honesty, ... Views: 774
You want to be a published author, of course. You've got five choices about how to do that. Here's a brief overview of the five major methods, outlining the advantages/disadvantages of each. Some can even be combined—for example, you can easily create an e-book and a self-published printed ... Views: 908
I confess--I'm a marketing heretic! I've built my career on breaking all the rules--and one of the rules I break is that I don't hype.
Do I put the best possible "spin" on the truth? Of course! But I refuse to deceive my readers into action.
What are some of the common copywriter tricks ... Views: 853