You've heard heaps of these, haven't you?
That to shed unwanted "baggages" (aka excess pounds, fat/weight), you got to go for the combo of:
-Exercise 3-4 times per week for at least 30 minutes per session
-Eat well-balanced, nutritious diet that promotes weight loss
Ouch! Isn't that pretty ... Views: 960
Hello there, anyone for aerobic exercise?
The aerobic exercise popularised by Jane Fonda in the late 1970s and early 1980s?
You know, the aerobic craze that took millions of Americans to group exercise classes for the first time?
You wore tights, leotards and thongs to the aerobic class.
You ... Views: 2192
I'm sure you go through this thing every new year - making new resolutions to exercise.
It would be the same this year - you've resolved you want to start a regular exercise program, to keep fit and to be healthy.
Well, we're now into the 3rd month of 2007 and chances are you've already broken ... Views: 1057
You Reckon Who's Older, You or Your Body?
Could your body's age be older than your chronological age?
Chronologically you're 45, but your body in terms of age, could be 53......
Ah....Your body's already on the verge of "retirement" but you're only 45......
Can you do something about your ... Views: 2639
What Causes Obesity?
Obesity refers to a state of a person's bodyweight when it's 20% or more above normal bodyweight.
Obesity increases risks of developing high blood pressure, diabetes (type 2), heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease and cancer of the breast, prostate and colon.
In ... Views: 5589
Sleep experts say exercise is powerful because it has the effects similar to sleeping pills, but minus all the pills’ ugly side effects!
If you have trouble sleeping, you should consider exercise as an option as it could help to relieve your sleep problem and you have better quality sleep, ... Views: 1333