A common cause of frustration in communicating with others is the difference between logical and values-based decision makers.
Logical decision makers (like Mr Spock in the original Star Trek series) need sound reasoning to be the basis of their well thought through decisions. They remain ... Views: 4995
Several of my coaching clients have requested support with either time management or work life balance
When we have a discovery conversation on their challenge there is generally much more to discuss on the topic of insufficient delegation.
They're keeping excessive responsibilities, ... Views: 4074
Last week I was coaching with a highly focused and talented leader. He asked me if he was using the “right” leadership style.
What a great question!
The conversation proceeded and we worked through what was appropriate to his goals, his personality, his long term outcomes and the situation ... Views: 2788
My business gives me the opportunity to work with many wonderful people as a client and as a supplier of services.
Some time back however, I found myself doubting. I have been doubting other people and their integrity.
I found myself in the position where I was filtering all my ... Views: 3253
We cover the topic of Locus of Control in our Leadership programs, so it is 2nd nature for me to take full ownership for whatever outcomes I am creating in my life. After all why teach it if I am not living it?
REcently I have had some events seemingly “happen to me” which rocked my belief in ... Views: 2704
In the last week I have worked with 2 different people who are struggling to get their message across. They each have an idea and are being blocked by another persons’ apparent stubbornness.
In each case when they analysed what was happening they discovered that the other person was not in ... Views: 3019
When you delegate effectively the person you delegate to is both willing and able to take on your task.
Being able to shift someone else’s mood up a notch is a useful life skill and is especially useful for leaders and influencers. Being able to shift others moods is a core part of Emotional ... Views: 2706
Have you ever set a goal, or had one set for you, and you really believed deep down that you couldn't do it? What happened? You were right weren't you? Conversely have you ever had a goal where you knew for sure that this was a piece of cake? Yes, and you were right again, weren't you? Each News ... Views: 3413