As I’ve worked with clients throughout my career as a coach, I’ve noticed that it’s usually pretty easy for most people to give voice to their dissatisfaction. It’s not a difficult thing to define that you’re overweight, in debt, or that your relationship isn’t working. While painful, those ... Views: 1583
Time is finite. You get twenty-four hours per day, 365 days per year. Once a minute or an hour has passed, it’s gone forever. Establishing a sense of richness in your life requires that you acknowledge this limitation, and that you begin to consciously decide how you’re going to invest each ... Views: 4587
The relationship you develop with yourself will be the most pivotal connection you make in your lifetime. This is the link that allows you to understand what you want, who you are, and how you want to live your life. Your self-connection will ground you and give you a sense of certainty that ... Views: 1487
The second most prominent question I encounter as I meet with people around the world has to do with balance. “How do I balance all of the demands of my life; work, home, family and self?”
One Thing To Think About
You are unique, and your life is like no other. What equates to life balance ... Views: 1335
I believe the need to feel worthy is the most predominantly debilitating requirement in today’s society. It is also the desire that is least often addressed or satisfied.
Let me start by saying: You are perfect just as you are. I’d like to say that one more time. You are perfect, ... Views: 10028
How many times have you made a promise to yourself; perhaps to exercise, to eat well, or to start a new project, only to find that (for one reason or another) you had to break your commitment? In these moments you likely rationalized your change of plans; someone needed your support, or ... Views: 1546
In my work with clients, I’m often asked to help women balance the many demands of their work, home, and personal responsibilities. In each instance, my clients are looking for a sense of control and balance in their life. Whether I’m talking to a corporate executive or a stay-at-home mother, ... Views: 1489
The process of losing weight requires change; in lifestyle, routines, and habitual choices. One of the primary reasons you’ve fail when attempting to lose weight is that you haven’t planned for the phases of change you will experience as you begin the process of transforming their body. Let’s ... Views: 1900
What contribution will you make to your world? Who will you touch while you have this gift of life? The answers to these questions are waiting to be discovered. They live within you, and your life begins to flow once you learn to tap into them.
This flow is engaged when you recognize and ... Views: 1860
How many times have you left a meeting simmering with fury over the colleague who interrupted you each time you spoke? Have you spent precious time imagining how good it would feel to tell your co-worker what you really thought of her? How many hours have you wasted bemoaning the fact that ... Views: 3498
Your passions are the passport to the life of your dreams.
Passion is a feeling of excitement and intensity. The energy of passion fuels a fulfilled life, and supports the growth and development of our personal purpose and potential. When was the last time you felt pure passion? Do you ... Views: 1286
The quality of your life is directly related to your standards. A standard is a personal rule or expectation about the level of excellence you require in something, and when you raise your standards you change your life.In my work as a professional coach, I've found that most people ... Views: 4405
Do you have internal rules about how you expect the people in your life to treat you? Are you comfortable speaking up for yourself when someone crosses one of those lines? Are you able to say no when you don't want to participate in something you've been asked to consider? Your ... Views: 2608
In my work as a professional coach, I've had the opportunity to interact with hundreds of individuals. I've found that people who are successful and fulfilled share common characteristics.They believe their success has very little to do with what they have, and everything to do who they ... Views: 1868
Eight Baby Steps To Knowing Your "Self"
Who are you? What do you stand for? What do you believe in? What engages your passion? What brings tears of gratitude and joy to your eyes? Do you know, or have you lost yourself? In my work as a professional coach, I’ve helped many people ... Views: 1152