Are you or your loved ones getting older and becoming isolated? Perhaps the idea of an animal as a companion may be just the thing. An animal offers so much more than companionship, but having a friend nearby can prevent loneliness and other health concerns.
One might be forgiven to think ... Views: 1752
For thousands of years dogs have provided people with protection, companionship and support. What we today recognize as the domestic dog became a part of human society when nomadic bands of hunter gatherers were roaming the Earth. There is evidence to suggest that these dogs, descended from the ... Views: 1693
Is Your Child a Bully? Aggressive Behavior to Watch For in Kids.
Does your child manipulate others for favors, and never make an effort to reciprocate? Do they have a lack of concern for the feelings and well being of others? Do they fight, steal, vandalize or set fires?
What do you do ... Views: 1271
As an empowerment coach and life educator, I teach families about the importance of self-soothing rituals and calming techniques for each member of the family. If you have been a parent, you will remember the methods you developed to sooth a fretful baby or toddler. You knew what worked and ... Views: 1382
Home is where your heart is safe. It is the one place you can relax and be authentic. Home is not just walls, floor and bed, but the intangible aspects of your environment that make you feel welcome and blessed. It is, or should be, a refuge from the world.
I am not going to write much about ... Views: 1245
Learned Optimism-Overcome Fear
Perhaps, like many others in the world, you began to have doubts and fears as your constant thoughts. You may have given up hope for a brighter future and an easier daily life.
You may feel a darkness or shadow when you are associating with negative people ... Views: 1355
As parents our job is to teach our children how to be the person that will attract the kind of people they want to be around. As we empower them to respect and be kind to others, it will reflect on how they feel about themselves.
When we teach them how to be a kind and responsible person we ... Views: 1723
As I travel the country teaching workshops for parents, teachers and day care providers I often ask them if they recognize the Indigo Children. These children are not content to color in the lines or glue macaroni on paper. They are very bright but also very active and curious.
Born To Be ... Views: 2050
Why won't my kid behave? What makes him so angry? How can I control his angry behavior? Why is his behavior rude and obnoxious? How can we teach respect and responsibility? Are all kids his age lazy? What am I doing wrong?
These are common questions that come up in parenting classes I teach ... Views: 1549
Why does a six-year-old become stressed when their parent loses a job? Why does an eight-year-old suddenly become queasy and ill when its time to go to Little League?
Many feel that children live relaxed, stress free lives. This isn't always the case.
Over the years I have had a chance to ... Views: 2134
Do you have to like or love someone to be considerate, kind and courteous? The answer to that question is simply- No.
You can be respectful without agreeing with, or even liking another person. One reason this is such a vital life skill for our children, is for the rest of their lives they ... Views: 1826
When children learn to be compassionate, caring and learn they may not be the centre of universe they become more confident. They need to realize that they are an important part of the earth, but it does not revolve around them.
When we teach our children to give service, and care about ... Views: 3284
Teasing is universal, its a fact of life. In my classroom when I ask any person if they were teased as a child the answer is always the same. Yes. Then I ask who they were teased by, there are a number of answers I get: siblings, the kid down the street, their teacher, or even their family. ... Views: 6205
In the world today we are faced with many choices. We are all built with the instinct for fight or flight when faced with confrontation.
Recently I ran into a situation where I was faced with a rude, nasty response to a birthday greeting I had sent to an acquaintance through Facebook. I ... Views: 1876
Ernest Hemingway once said: "The world breaks everyone. and afterward,many are strong in the broken places."
When we are going through adversity, it is not always possible to believe that everyone suffers loss and heartache. It feels and acts very personal when bad luck and rotten life ... Views: 3859
It is not the strangers who manipulate and prey on their sexual victims, it is someone who is usually known and respected by the family. Sexual abuse is often first committed by juvenile family members who are loved and trusted. As hormones begin to surge and if they have not been taught how to ... Views: 3530
To many dads discipline means yelling, threatening or spanking when the behavior of the child is unacceptable. They may be confusing discipline, which means loving guidance and teaching, with punishment. Punishment is punitive and harsh. Their own fathers worked long hours and the mother did ... Views: 2012
Children who have been allowed to participate in the care of loved one, including hospice care at end of life, are better prepared later in life when losses of any kind occur.
Loss of a Pet
For many children the first death they may witness or participate in, is the death of a pet. When I ... Views: 2313
As I travel the country teaching workshops for parents, teachers and day care providers I often ask them if they recognize the Indigo Children. These children are not content to color in the lines or glue macaroni on paper. They are very bright but also very active and curious.
Born To Be ... Views: 3315
Why won't my kid behave? What makes him so angry? How can I control his angry behavior? Why is his behavior rude and obnoxious? How can we teach respect and responsibility? Are all kids his age lazy? What am I doing wrong?
These are common questions that come up in parenting classes I teach ... Views: 2582
If your bills and expenses equals more than your income, you are headed for trouble and must take steps immediately to get back on track. There must be enough coming in your household to cover what is going out in expenses. If there is a big difference between the two, then you may be headed for ... Views: 1934
Are You Afraid and Frustrated?
If you are having difficulty turning problems into opportunities, you may be discouraged. You may have a need to build your self esteem in order to overcome fear, doubts and frustrations that are impacting the life you deserve to live. Having courage does not ... Views: 3709
Character is the set of qualities that make somebody distinctive. It is the outward manifestation of what you believe inside your mind and spirit. It is your nature, personality and moral fiber. Your character is the attitude and mindset which indicates to others who you are and what you stand ... Views: 8385
Your intention is to motivate a child or employee to do better. You are clear in your mind what you want to achieve and the behavior that you want changed. You expect to be listened to and obeyed! You are right and they are wrong. Someday, they will be grateful that you cared enough to show them ... Views: 2252
If you are like most parents, grandparents, teachers today, you probably think that children are watching way too much television today. Not only are they sitting on their rear ends inside, when you can get them outside, they are playing video games on their cell-phones or other electronics. ... Views: 2266
Even though 10% or more of reported deaths are unexpected and traumatic, you are still blindsided when it happens to those you love and care about. It is not something that one ever plans on and so are not only grieving emotionally, but have no idea on what to do in order to handle the ... Views: 1380
Internal work on our believe systems, thought patterns and behaviors is the hardest work any of us will ever do. It takes a great deal of courage and desire to change to undergo the strenuous work of digging through the layers of hidden feelings, experiences and hurts.
Those who are in ... Views: 1248
The family is the foundation of life. It is the basic organization and where family members learn what is expected of them in life and their part in the scheme of things. It is in the family setting that children understand their external environment. Young children and teenagers figure out ... Views: 1552
Are you a frustrated parent who sometimes finds it is easier to take the garbage out yourself than to keep nagging your son? Do you wonder what kind of employee he will become since he doesn't always follow through at home?
Is it worth the effort on your part to insist that he do his share? ... Views: 2359
Home, home on the range,
Where never is heard
A discouraging word
And the skies are not cloudy all day!
Oh, that would be wonderful but most parents and bosses tend to feel that criticism and pointing out what is wrong will make others want to do what is right. However, people cannot improve ... Views: 5341
In order to take care of others, we must first use self-care strategies in our own life. If we have children in the house, they will model what we do, not what we say.
Stress and Adversity can be handled if the following tips are used often enough that they become automatic action and good ... Views: 1344
Your intention is to motivate a child or employee to do better. You are clear in your mind what you want to achieve and the behavior that you want changed. You expect to be listened to and obeyed! You are right and they are wrong. Someday, they will be grateful that you cared enough to show them ... Views: 2844
What do children really need besides food, shelter and protection? Have you ever wondered what your responsibility is to ensure that your child will grow up to be a contributing member of society? As a mom, foster mom and grandmother as well as a family educator and relationship coach, I have ... Views: 2331
Are you more stressed than usual? Frustrated with life? Are you afraid and scared about the future? Do you find yourself getting more annoyed with the children and coworkers?
It is easy to be grateful when your needs are being met, but what about when you are stressed and worried? Keep ... Views: 1547
A reader is not always a leader, but a leader is always a reader.
- David Gergen
How do you get kids to read? You read to them or with them.
How do you teach values, standards and leadership? You talk with them, not to them.
How do you get them to talk? Children, no matter what age group, ... Views: 1497
Do your kids think you have too many rules? Do they push the limits and boundaries of respect? Perhaps you have had similar conversations that started like these in order to teach respect for others.
"What’s the matter with that word, they say it all the time on television?"
"We were ... Views: 2332
Are you a parent, grandparent, teacher, coach or employer who is dismayed at the sense of entitlement many of our young children have? And that is not all they have. They have clothes enough to outfit a small orphanage, toys enough for a play land and an excuse for every chore they are asked ... Views: 1858
"While practicing a little mindful eating today I discovered a glorious source of gratitude--colors! While I was concentrating on a potato mindfully, the thought suddenly arose--how would you describe the taste of a potato...and from there my monkey mind jumped would one describe a ... Views: 1198
Character is the set of qualities that make somebody distinctive. It is the outward manifestation of what you believe inside your mind and spirit. It is your nature, personality and moral fiber. Your character is the attitude and set of mind which indicates to others who you are and what you ... Views: 6168
The five-year-old is surer of himself and is generally dependable. He has learned to do what is expected of him. You can usually reason with him, and he will understand why you want something done a certain way. A five-year-old may still have some difficulty using small muscles, but can usually ... Views: 1548
The third year is a fascinating one in the growth of a child and is personally my very favorite. I have never met a three-year-old I didn't just adore.
The three-year-old can do things. He can run, jump, ride a trike and go up and down stairs proficiently. He loves to run errands, and his best ... Views: 1545
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Get Kids To Help At Home - by (c)Judy H. Wright aka Auntie Artichoke, family relationship coach and author
It is not always easy to combine fun and work, but it is possible. The goal of family relationships should be one of mutual respect and cooperation. The sooner the chores are done, the sooner you can go have fun. Or, if you use the techniques and ideas listed below, you can do both at the same ... Views: 1424
Families and individuals often struggle to find words which describe what they are feeling. Many find themselves referring back to mad, sad and happy, especially if the parents were never allowed to express feelings in their childhood homes. One of the cornerstones of successful families is ... Views: 8491
For every moment you are angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Where is your stress coming from? Inside or outside of you? Are you subconsciously adding to your feelings of frustration? Perhaps you are sabotaging your self by not being honest about what you need. ... Views: 1268
Twelve-, Thirteen- and Fourteen-Year-Olds
Middle school and junior high students are growing more rapidly than they have at any time since infancy. They vary in size tremendously, a fact which directly relates to their feelings about themselves. It should also be noted that ... Views: 1276
Duh! I just recently came to realize that I listen to my body when it is telling me that I have to go to the bathroom, and when I am tired. These little subtle nudges warn me that my physical body needs some attention.
Active since a small child, this internal monitoring system has sent me ... Views: 1198
Many people have no idea how to accept a compliment with grace and ease. Those old self defeating thoughts are right there yammering away; “She’s crazy if she thinks that I did a great job. I messed up big time last week” or “If I agree, it will seem like I am conceited.”
Sometimes the ... Views: 1172
There are certain characteristics of those who have high self esteem and confidence in their ability to affect the journey of their life. These factors are universal and can be learned if they are not present in you life right now.
1. They are ambitious. They want more from life than ... Views: 20978
If I were to pick one period of our lives that could stand as a symbol of love, sharing, friendship and in fact, the very personification of the teaching and life of that little babe born in Bethlehem so long ago, it would have to be the Christmas of 1979.
It had been a year filled with ... Views: 1534
How and why do we believe what we believe?
How do we arrive at our underlying set of beliefs, attitudes, assumptions and prejudices?
Who planted the information in our minds?
Was the information nurturing or toxic?
What did we hear, see or experience that established our life’s action ... Views: 1468