Creative Driven Life
Creative Driven Life what does that mean? I believe it means the life that we all were looking for and the reason we came to Neothink. A life without mysticism, a life driven by creativity, a life driven by integrations.
The question is why aren’t we living this life? I ... Views: 1369
Do you want it all?
Most people do but just don’t know how to go about it. They are either too lazy to go after it or just don’t care anymore.
Wouldn’t you love to have all the money you ever needed, a great relationship, a beautiful home or homes, having a career that you love and ... Views: 1664
Are you aware of your awareness? I call it room awareness. I sold Time Share for years and we would train our Sales People about room awareness. If you ever been to a Time Share Presentation you know that everyone sits in the same room at different tables and each table is close to every other ... Views: 1096
How do we move forward?
Does anyone have any idea how much potential we have and why we don’t use it? Does anyone have any idea that there is no reason at all left in this world? Does anyone have any idea on how to change this and what it is that we have to change? And one final question do ... Views: 2265
We are at the right place at the right time. Do you believe that? If you think that you are not then let’s look at this in a different way. I believe that most of us have not moved forward enough because of self-doubt. You don’t believe in yourself, you don’t see yourself doing what you want to ... Views: 1486
I was looking in the dictionaries for the meaning of passion and mostly they were defining romantic love, then I find this meaning; Passion is when you put more energy into something than is required to do it. It is more than just enthusiasm or excitement, passion is ambition that is ... Views: 1344
Now there is one word—a single word—which can blast the morality of altruism out of existence and which it cannot withstand—the word: “Why?” Why must man live for the sake of others? Why must he be a sacrificial animal? Why is that the good? There is no earthly reason for it—and, ladies and ... Views: 1294
Business the way out
Not too long ago, I discussed the United States' deterioration with friends of mine. I had expressed that we are no longer the world’s greatest country, and that upset them. As I presented valid reasons to support my thoughts, I started to realize that most of society ... Views: 1738
What Happened to the Baby-Boomers?
I remember graduating from High School in 1968 and like every class graduating, we felt like we were going to change the world. Well, we did change the world, but is the world a better place? You have to answer that question. Personally, I don’t think so. ... Views: 1913
Self Belief
Your level of self-belief in not set in stone. We can be flexible and change. Remember you were born into this world with no sense of what you could and couldn’t do. Then the world started to teach you to limit yourself.
When you start to doubt yourself, to that negative inner ... Views: 1612
After watching the news today, 5 days after the shooting in Ct., it is amazing to watch the News Media and their experts explain who is to blame for this horrible shooting. Here is a list that I heard in under 1 hour of watching video games, guns, drugs, lack of God in School, ... Views: 1461
I am Just a Human Being
I have been thinking about this a lot over the past year and I am wondering if anyone else feels this way. Are you tired of always being put into certain categories? For example, I am a 62 year old, so the government will categorized me into a Senior Citizen, a ... Views: 1510
Most people believe that each day is a gift and that we should be grateful for it. How many people actually are grateful for each day I don’t know, but I would guess that it is not as much as it should be. How many people enjoy each day, realize that each day is different and we ... Views: 1291
Take Control
Now that the election is over and the dust is starting to settle, I started to think about the next 4 years and how it is going to get worse (I hope I am wrong). There was over 2 billion dollars spent on this election only to get the same results, nothing changed.
So I looked ... Views: 1615
Do you want it all?
Most people do but just don’t know how to go about it. They are either too lazy to go after it or just don’t care anymore.
Wouldn’t you love to have all the money you ever needed, a great relationship, a beautiful home or homes, having a career that you love and ... Views: 1525
Whose Essence is it….
I was watching the news today and it seem like it was all about the election coming up. Each candidate saying what they thought was good for us. I started to think and I am saying to myself how do they know what is best for you or for me. I look around every day and see ... Views: 1603
How Coaching can change the world.
We live in a world where it seems that nothing is going right, nothing makes sense, violence is out of control, people are very unhappy, and this country is turning against the principles of our constitution. We are losing our rights and we are losing ... Views: 1947
As this country is turning more and more to collectivism (where you are part of a group, that has no rights, and that you must sacrifice for others) or are you part of a smaller group fighting to be a individual and staying true to yourself.
If you are fighting to stay an individual, I ... Views: 1974