Recently, there have been news stories about scientists who are cloning pigs. The great benefit of this research, say the newscasters, is that pigs are anatomically similar to humans so they hope to clone organs that can be used for human transplants. Science fiction? No. Bizarre? Yes. Well, ... Views: 1451
Some years ago I wrote a book on visualization, including practical knowledge of how to understand and harmonize with Universal Law. When the book was complete, there was a final and crucial missing element: a title. I did not have a title I was satisfied with. I had lots of ideas jotted ... Views: 2314
Why is it that some people seem to live a charmed life, receiving exactly what they want?
Why do other people never seem to fulfill their desires?
How can the same universe be benevolent in one case and seemingly indifferent in the other?
The truth is, it is the same universe. The ... Views: 2490
At the beginning of the year, many people get inspired … to lose weight, start a business, write a book, or fulfill some other desire. By the end of January, the desire may have faded, and by March it’s only a wish.
How can desires become goals? The secret lies in creating a clear ... Views: 1439
When I first became a student in the School of Metaphysics my teacher used to say, “If it’s simple and it works, it’s metaphysics.” I have always remembered that. Metaphysics is simple because it is Universal Truth. Truth is profound, clear, and direct. I think sometimes people forget that. ... Views: 5105
Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Marie Curie, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa … there are many people throughout history who have changed the world through responding to inner inspiration.
We call these people geniuses. They are the ... Views: 2508
“We have learned to fly in the air like birds and swim the sea like fish, but we have not mastered the simple art of living together as brothers.” Martin Luther King, Jr.
Modern technology is supposed to simply our lives. Automobiles, cellular telephones, computers and so many more ... Views: 1466
“Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” -- Marcel Proust
Are there people you’ve known who have made a great impact on your life? A teacher who inspired you, a coach who encouraged you, a friend who was always there when ... Views: 2953
Every great thing that exists in our world was once a
thought in someone’s mind. Even the chair in which
you sit as you read this article was designed in the
mind of its creator. The imagination is one of the
most powerful tools we possess. When everyone on the
planet engages their ... Views: 2040
“Be still and know that I AM God,” counsels the Bible.
Whether we are religious or not, this is wise counsel most needed in our age of ADD and multi-tasking.
Many people do not cause their minds to be still until they experience some shocking event that arrests their attention. This is ... Views: 1584
Shakespeare is known for the quote, “To thine own self be true,” from his play Hamlet. People throughout history have yearned for the knowledge of how to be true to the Real Self.
When children are young, they seem very free in their expression. A child’s laughter is one of the most ... Views: 2108
There is a world that everyone visits every night that, to most people, is invisible and intangible. It is a world of relationships, reconnecting with old friends, meeting strangers who seem familiar, sometimes falling in love. In this place, we can experience things we’ve never seen or touched ... Views: 2025
"I have absolutely no fear of death. From my near-death research and my personal experiences, death is, in my judgment, simply a transition into another kind of reality." - Dr. Raymond Moody
Most people fear death. Although we know that death is inevitable, there is often a difference ... Views: 7670
We hear a lot of people talking about manifestation. Henry Ford said, "Think you can, you can. Think you can't, you can't. Either way you're right!"
The mind is a powerful mechanism for producing what we want or don't want. How, then, can we insure that we produce what we want?
First ... Views: 1815