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Knowing your 'why' is the key to fulfillment. When you are clear about it, your intention will then be a magnet for miracles.” - Colette Baron-Reed
I recall a time in the not too distant past when I was unsettled, unfulfilled, unhappy, and just plain tired. Tired of my life the way it was. I ... Views: 1035
Excuses, we’ve all made them.
I’d be a liar if I said that I never made an excuse to try and get out of doing something. Oh, not to mention the endless excuses I’ve made for my food choices over the years or some of my less than desirable decisions, particularly when it came to ... Views: 1193
Imagine clothing racks where all the items are stuffed on hangers and shoved onto the racks in no particular order. Crumpled shiny shirts like the ones John Travolta wore in Saturday Night Fever, co-mingling with pairs of brightly colored spandex leggings circa 1980. In between the disarray of ... Views: 1253
Think about the last time you were involved in a discussion or argument where you reacted. How did you show up in that exchange? Prickly? Angry? Defensive? Powerless? Personally, when I am being reactive I become susceptible to all sorts of negativity.
As a matter of fact, I have to raise my ... Views: 1188
"All the cool stuff you need to feel good about who you are rests inside of you. Time to be your own cake so that someone else's kind words are the icing." - Heart Messages
We all have the amazing capacity to increase our own self worth or self-esteem, to get to a place where we are able to ... Views: 1409
Marie* is a bright, innovative, creative woman who recently started her own consulting business after working for many years in the corporate world. She is proud of herself for taking the leap from employee to self-employed and has high hopes for her new business.
One day while having lunch ... Views: 1188
I was recently asked how I define greatness and for me it has always been a feeling or a sense of empowerment and peace. But to put it into words, to me greatness is being who you need to be for you, getting clear on what you want and being willing to take action in order to bring the things you ... Views: 1415
Sometimes it is all too easy to fall into the feelings of being a flop or defective because a clear direction is no where in sight. Those feelings can come from internal and external pressures. It would seem that society expects one to have a course mapped out, one that covers from the time you ... Views: 1333
Each year hundreds upon thousands of us start the New Year off by making resolutions with great excitement and the feeling that this year’s going to be different from last. This year, we recommit to following through and we swear that we are going to stick with our resolutions.
Well, that ... Views: 1340
What does hiding get you?
We all do it or have done it in our life times. We hide or have hidden behind fears, old wounds, our past, false expectations (our own and others), perceptions…and why? Because hiding behind some thing that may be uncomfortable actual feels safe and familiar.
As a ... Views: 1143
Perfection is a topic that is near and dear to my heart because some where along the way I got the message to be perfect. The perfect person who did not make mistakes, who was the perfect weight, who wore the perfect clothes… I think you get the idea.
How did that message to be perfect serve ... Views: 1168
Picture this…everyday getting up to your alarm clock, begrudgingly rolling out of bed, grabbing a cup of coffee, showering, dressing, making that long commute to work, doing your job, coming home, going to bed, only to do it all over again the next day.
Waking up, excited to greet the day ... Views: 975
Imagine having more energy or more time to focus on the things you really want. Imagine being able to move forward in your life without some of your current stress. Doesn’t that sound good?
We all have things in our life that we just put up with or tolerate, for example, a cluttered desk, a ... Views: 1001
This is a discussion and topic that has been coming up a lot lately…at least it seems that way anyway. So what’s the difference between an intention and a goal? Aren’t they one in the same?
Not really, but they are related and intertwined with one another. I like to think of an intention as the ... Views: 1522