“You are never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true. You may have to work for it, however.” Richard Bach
Finding my daughter’s birth family is by far the most touching and life altering story I have yet to relay. It is nothing short of a miracle and testimony to ... Views: 3334
Are you one of many who claim not to be very intuitive? Do you have children? If you are a parent, can you tell at a moment’s glance, that something is bothering your child, even when they refuse to admit it? What about over the phone when they just don’t sound right? Have you had restless ... Views: 2674
Metaphysical teaching through the ages has proposed that fostering a certain mentality will connect us to the esoteric and the supernatural. Meditation, positive affirmations, focused breath and movement, are all spiritual practices which guide one to develop a sense of inner connection to the ... Views: 2398
How well can you read your pet’s behavior? Most owners know when their animals are stressed, and usually, when they are sick. But, how many people trust their intuition when it comes to their animal’s well being and health care? In this post I will share some amazing animal stories which ... Views: 1817
Over the years I have consulted with friends, family members, and clients, about potential rental properties, and real estate purchases. One of the benefits of intuition is that information comes any time and any where. Although meeting face to face is more personal, modern technology now gives ... Views: 1838
Some people seem to have a propensity for intuiting impending danger, including catastrophes like the events of September 11, 2001. I can hardly imagine the weight of not knowing whether these types of intense perceptions are real? When we sense or dream that something is wrong with family ... Views: 2421
Although one might not label it is as such, I suspect most people have had a telepathic experience in their life. You think of someone and they call or email minutes later, or start humming a song, turn on the radio, select a station and hear the same song playing. There are many examples of ... Views: 3754
I am a mother of two wonderful young adults, my natural born son and my daughter, who was adopted fifteen years ago from Kien Giang province in Vietnam. I write as a mother in search of information and connections specifically to families with children from Kien Giang, and as a professional ... Views: 2221
For those who have grown up in less than ideal families subjected to one or more forms of abuse, some describe a defining moment that lifts them up and out of what feels like living hell.
An intuitive insight or an amazing event creates a breakthrough clearing an emotional escape route towards ... Views: 2203
This weekend I saw Clint Eastward’s new movie HEREAFTER which explores the issues of near death experience, afterlife, and an intimate look into the life of someone who is psychic. The movie also touches on the difference between those who profess to be and those who truly have heightened ... Views: 2724
A friend sent an amazing story to share, in which she describes trusting her gut feelings in regard to breast cancer and her health care. It is another testimony to the importance of being proactive, honoring your instincts rather than acting on impulse out of fear. The month of October is ... Views: 1793
In my heart of hearts’ means that you know or have known that something is true even if you have not been willing to admit it to yourself or others.”
On the deepest level I believe we instinctively know when our health is in jeopardy and death is threatening; when our life force or the ... Views: 2518
How in-tune are you with your body and overall health? The body-mind connection is truly phenomenal and for those of us blessed with good health this automatic signaling system is often taken for granted until our health becomes compromised. As we learn to pay closer attention we become more ... Views: 1960
Have you ever met someone you recognize even though it is your first time meeting? There’s a cosmic chemistry, a sixth sense magnetism that seems to pull you towards one another. Is this person a soul mate or a karmic connection? Time usually tells. Are you still with this person? Does he or she ... Views: 11794
As Mother’s Day approaches I thought it timely to share out of the ordinary extraordinary stories about becoming mothers. Both my experiences are unconventional and with each child woman’s intuition played a vital role guiding my journeys to motherhood.
Sometimes planned sometimes not, many ... Views: 2440
The approach and actual anniversary day of the death of someone loved and lost, brings to the surface an unsettling sea of emotions. As a therapist and life coach who provides bereavement and grief counseling, and someone who has experienced death at an early age, understanding grieving and loss ... Views: 4117
I remember feeling my mother’s sorrow as a child. Sometimes I would stand next to her and begin to cry. “Why are you crying” she’d ask bewildered? “I don’t know mommy, because you are sad” I’d say. Some of us physically register the suffering of others in our bodies. We tap into their feelings ... Views: 1113
Probably the most important lesson I have learned in developing my intuition is to trust and act on “knowing without knowing why”. Most often this empathic connection; an acute feeling sense, happens between family members and close friends. But it can also happen with our pets. A few nights ago ... Views: 2827
Do you have or know a highly intuitive child? When you look into their eyes it’s as if there’s an unspoken understanding between you, a psychic connection. I casually refer to these children as “old souls”. They just seem wiser than their years, and more tuned in to the sixth sense.
I have ... Views: 4631
Have you ever had dreams that startle you awake? You sit up alert wondering “Did this really happen? Is it going to”? Did you note a marked difference from the other dreams you have; the ones in which you seem to be dealing with things that have recently been on your mind?
People ask how you ... Views: 12528
In the hopes of reaching the moon men fail to see the flowers that blossom at their feet.
Albert Schweitzer
In relationships, both personal and professional it’s important to be conscious of our goals and expectations. It’s also a good idea to honestly assess the present and the past. How ... Views: 1854
How often have you had futile thoughts like, “Nothing is working. I feel like I am banging my head against the wall”? And then you surrender the mental strife, you “Let Go and let God”, “Cast your fate to the wind”, think “What will be, will be”, and to your amazement somehow a new opportunity, ... Views: 1637
I never get tired reading amazing animal stories; how pets alert their owner’s when there is danger, and act as guides for those who are physically impaired. The astonishing tales of lost animals who find their way back home after years and miles of trekking. For many of us, our animals are like ... Views: 1303
Many people have asked about the various animals that appear on my website, wondering if they have special meaning. Yes, I chose each animal specifically to represent the sentiment of each web page. If you haven't seen my website here is the link; www.of2minds,.com
I often refer to these as my ... Views: 5647
I have been asked how I am able to intuit accurate, specific information, consistently. Please know that I have worked for years to hone my intuition. It takes determination, time,and practice, to acquire any new set of skills, including intuitive ones, to make them second nature.
Decide what ... Views: 5036