You tell yourself you want something more. You tell yourself, at times, that you’re ready.
And then you don’t act. Or, maybe you sabotage. Or, maybe you fail to see opportunities that are right under your nose. Why?
You’re too worried about “the how.”
When you worry too much about how ... Views: 1185
We all lead busy lives. No doubt. The problem with living busy lives is that we forget, sometimes, about the living part.
Part of living is in the everyday interaction. It’s seeing the person whose eyes you avoid as you walk down the street, or the waitress who served you, the person who ... Views: 1391
Let’s say you really wanted something: a house, a new suit for that big interview or to pay for college for one of your kids. Maybe you wanted to (ahem) invest in a coaching program. You set your sights on it. You wrote intentions. You were sure you were going to find the money to do what you ... Views: 1460
It happened without your noticing. “Yes!” slipped out of your mouth, even though you felt your shoulders rise, your stomach clench and your heart start beating a little faster. You feel resentment creeping into you as you leave the conversation.
“Dammit! I caved again.”
It’s a double ... Views: 1176
I conduct classes with the title, Shining Your Light, because I believe so strongly in this message: You are a light being and have a light that is unique to you. When you stay buried under all the details of life, your light dims, and eventually, is not even distinguishable in the existence ... Views: 1239
"Have faith in your dreams, and someday, your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true". - Cinderella
What is the key to creating magic in your life? Well, I can promise you it's not by abdicating ... Views: 1190
First, let's get the definitions out of the way:
Entitlement: the fact of having a right to something or, belief that one is deserving or entitled to certain privileges.
Deservedness: something rightfully earned because of something done or qualities show; merited.
I have a Facebook page ... Views: 1232
What is your relationship with money? There's a good chance it has a somewhat sordid tinge to it. Most of us are a bit ashamed to talk about how we really feel about it. We'd rather talk about details of our sexual intimacies, than our real relationship with money. Our deep, intimate ... Views: 1344
So, this is sort of my mini, juicy manifesto on love. Dig in.
Did you know that you can actually cultivate more love within yourself? Love is not something that happens to you, it is something that is in you. Remember my constant refrain to always be aware of your thoughts because they create ... Views: 1317
Continually focusing on what isn't only gives more power to it. The universe doesn't really have an opinion about what you want or don't want. It just listens to you. So, if you are telling the universe that the status quo is okay with you, it will listen. The universe doesn't pick and choose ... Views: 1993
It’s a simple question. And you probably know the answer. But you don’t want to go there. But first, what does it mean to “tolerate” something? By definition, if you are tolerating something, it is a negative in your life. You are “putting up with it,” and there is no positive feedback loop. We ... Views: 1160
I like to think of each one of us like a branch on an enormous tree. We are a part of something bigger than each of us, yet we are a part of creator/spirit/universe. Because we are a tribe of one, and individually, a part of the whole, our ability to create our life is astounding. (In other ... Views: 1050
So, I’ve been going along, loving my life, loving my work. Spirit has been whispering in my ear, “Psst. Hey.” I listen, hear a little something, do a little tweaking, and continue right on with what I am doing. Some time goes by, and I get a stronger clunk on the head. Spirit says, “YO! I’m ... Views: 1271
Guilt is an emotion you feel because you believe you’ve caused (or will cause) harm. Aside from objective evidence that you caused true (not perceived) harm to someone, I suggest you question the logic of your guilt. How did you come to the conclusion that you should feel guilty for wanting ... Views: 1105
So many people start out the new year thinking, “Starting January 2 (because you give yourself that extra day to be ‘bad’ ) I’m going to …quit smoking, lose weight, go to the gym, open my own business, switch jobs, stand up for myself….” The list can go on and on, but the truth is, resolutions ... Views: 1210
Personal transformation is not selfish. It is not egotistical or self-centered to want to be the best person you can be. It is when people feel “less than” that they feel the need to prove their point, strike out, cause strife, hurt people. Those feelings are, obviously, evidence of the amount ... Views: 2030
A journal from February 9, 2009:
As I sit here on a Sunday morning in February, snow blanketing the ground, a light breeze making the chimes sing, I love the soft quiet. My girls, my ducklings, as I like to call them when they’re here together, are asleep in their beds. It’s nearly noon, ... Views: 1222
The concept of yin and yang is used a lot in contemporary language, but the beauty and breadth of this concept is not always fully understood. Yin and yang can serve to guide and give us a framework for virtually anything life serves up. It's especially useful when approaching the inescapability ... Views: 1438
During the holidays it's go-go-go! We easily become stressed, short-tempered and overwhelmed. I have a very simple suggestion for you that might seem obvious, but I don't see a lot of people (outside of my clients!) doing it!
Take time for self-care!
Seriously. I'm listing some ideas here ... Views: 1160
Holidays are often bittersweet. We (generally!) love being with family and/or friends, we love the sharing of stories, the non-denominational feel of being grateful. We love the food!
But, as my friend Robin says, people tend to bring their baggage in along with their pies on Thanksgiving! ... Views: 1246
We've all heard of the importance of positive thinking, affirmations, visualizations, and having dreams. But often these goals feel somehow so amorphous, that sometimes it feels a little like"hoo ha", doesn't it? Here's the key: if you make it just a mental exercise, it is ineffective. It's not ... Views: 1266
So, I might get on a soapbox here.
Since when is self-care selfish? Why is investing in yourself so that you are whole, happy, and in love with your life self-centered? The idea that it is both good and admirable to suffer so that you can give to others is martyrdom. And useless, in my ... Views: 1147
For years, little pieces of me got lost in the cracks, in between the details of everyday life. I had this feeling of uncertainty, of something being off. I just knew there was more for me. I searched everywhere for myself. And then I released something, and that's when it happened.
I tried ... Views: 1177
Here's a challenge: Find inspiration in someone who bugs you. Yes, seriously. Find what it is this annoying person gives to the world. Look for why this person is special.
You want to know why?
Because when you do that, you realize that we are all beautiful, special individuals. We all ... Views: 1149
Phase I: Facing Judgment and Creating Awareness
You've heard the phrase, "be here now." While it has become quite over-used and sadly, cliche'd, it does have enormous value. Be here now is more than just being present - which I've talked about before. Being present in this moment creates the ... Views: 1035
You are always at choice. Even in the way you feel. No matter what happens to you, you can adjust the way you feel about it. Even if it's something you wish did not happen, and "negatively" effects you, you always have the choice to look at the event in another light.
In my experience with my ... Views: 1002
I recently did an online survey to ask women what their biggest block to moving forward in their lives was. Almost overwhelmingly, the response was fear: fear of failure, fear of what others might think, fear of success, fear of being laughed at, fear of getting hurt. The list goes on. Since ... Views: 1040
There's a moment when negative thoughts arise in your head, unbidden. In that moment, you need to decide how you are going to think about a given situation or person. You know what I'm talking about. It's that moment where you feel the urge to indulge in a negative thought or say a negative ... Views: 1406
When I talk about transitions, I am speaking about the major milestones in one's life. The saying that "the only constant in life is change" is true. But there is something a little different which occurs when we are facing one of life's major milestones - divorce, empty nesting, career change, ... Views: 1355
Let's face it. As women we give. We do (a lot), we feel, we work, we play (though not enough play!). Do you get tired from so much giving? What I see happening very often with some of my clients is that they get tired, and they feel taken advantage of. But they also get pissed.
All these ... Views: 1761
Transitions tend to be a time when we are very emotional. Part of the problem, then, is that we're not staying present if we're stuck in our emotional roller coaster. I hesitate to use the phrase "staying present" because it is so overused and people tend to glaze over when they hear that. But, ... Views: 1457
What is your spiritual relationship with money? There’s a good chance it has a somewhat sordid tinge to it. Most of us are a bit ashamed to talk about how we really feel about it. We’d rather talk about details of our sexual intimacies, than our real relationship with money. Our deep, intimate ... Views: 2252
Ok, did I get your attention? What I mean is, have you ever considered that we might better succeed by NOT getting what we think we want? That sounds counter intuitive to all the counsel I give about thinking positively, dreaming our dreams and writing affirmations – ALL of which are hugely ... Views: 2021
We all have our own stories. Have you ever heard yourself tell your personal story to someone else, almost as if you were talking about another person, like it was a script? You might have felt disconnected with the story (because you’ve told it so many times that even you’re bored with it). ... Views: 1734
As we move from the shortest day of the year to days getting longer, we move into the holiday season. Winter, though a time of reflection, moves into high gear with a lot of moving parts, people coming and going — and often times, a lot of stress. It’s an odd sort of conflict because ... Views: 3183
When we think of surrender, many of us think of "giving up." By surrender, I don't mean give up and lie in bed. This is not, "I can't do this, so I quit!" QUITE the contrary. This is about Positive Expectation while allowing the Universe free rein on how to bring it on!
So, you may ask why I ... Views: 4080