Two Drivers to Quit Smoking
Did you know there are two major drivers that motivate people to change? What are these drivers that motivate people to quit smoking?
These motivating factors are behind every change a person makes in their life, and I share these with all of my clients because they are so critical.
These are the powerful driving forces behind changing a habit, such as quitting smoking.
These two driving factors are pain and pleasure.
Think about it. People always move away from pain and towards pleasure.
When you are a child the moment you touch a hot stove for the first time you instantly move away from that pain. You learn very quickly how touching a hot stove is painful and you never do it again.
Then every day going forward your unconscious mind will keep you away from that heat without even thinking about it. Your unconscious mind learns that fast.
And in the same way people move towards pleasure. A young child licks an ice cream cone for the very first time, and their face lights up as they notice how delightful it is to be tasting that wonderful, sweet treat.
Then from that moment forward they will seek out ice cream. They look for ice cream. They response Yes to this tasty treat.
We learn very quickly to move away from pain and move towards pleasure.
What does this have to do with smoking?
When a person smokes over time, through associations, your unconscious mind learns to connect the idea of quitting smoking to pain. When this happens, just the thought of quitting smoking is painful.
If you don’t believe me just pause a moment and think about quitting smoking right now and notice what pops up in your mind. There is an association to kicking the habit as being painful, or unpleasant or hard. Otherwise you would just do it.
What makes the shift even more challenging are the subconscious connections that link smoking - to - pleasure. Smokers have learned to connect the ‘idea’ of smoking to pleasure.
However, you learn in my smoking cessation prograz, that pleasure around smoking has nothing to do with the cigarette itself. It’s not even about the cigarette.
These connections to pain and pleasure were learned subconsciously. Which is why a smoker connects the simple “idea” of smoking to pleasure. And just the “idea” of quitting seems like pain.
And that’s what keeps smokers stuck.
They have this pain and pleasure connection backwards.
In the program Mind Movies you will be able to easily reverse these connections to pain and pleasure, at the subconscious level. This is where those connections are formed.
When you connect smoking to pain and you connect the idea of smoking to discomfort - and when you connect the idea of being a nonsmoker to feeling comfort and ease - when that happens - it becomes very easy to quit.
In the Mind Movies program you make these new connections. Then the idea of smoking feels uncomfortable. The idea of quitting smoking feels comfortable.
In fact, when you make these new connections to pain and pleasure at the subconscious level, your Desire to want to quit will increase automatically.
Having a strong desire to do something is an element of success. Perhaps you are familiar with Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich. In the book the idea of having a “burning desire” to do something is critical for success.
Mind Movies will link pain and pleasure in the correct order to create a Burning Desire to want to quit smoking.
The act of smoking in itself is not a pleasurable act. Your subconscious mind has simply learned to ‘connect’ pleasure to the ‘idea’ of smoking.
But when you apply the simple methods in the smoking cessation programs to reverse these connections, you will find you wake up suddenly feeling different than before.
All of these Drivers are stepping stones to help you to successfully quit smoking for good, without struggle, and without turning back.
Learn More Here:
Becky Hays, Certified Reiki Master, Hypnotherapist and Master NLP Life Coach offers online programs and courses to help you live a better life.
Since 2007 Becky has held private coaching sessions with guided hypnosis & NLP therapy in her downtown Austin office and with remote clients from Hawaii to NYC and beyond. Remote sessions available by phone or video.
Member of National Guild of Hypnotists
Member of National Society of NLP
Presenting Faculty Member at International Convention of NGH
In 2010 Becky co-produced the groundbreaking documentary Beyond Belief. This film explores the Power of the Subconscious Mind, and how subconscious "limiting beliefs" can keep people stuck, while tools such s hypnosis and NLP can help people make amazing changes in their life.
One decade later, in 2020, the film is still in distribution available on amazon, and through a global distributor, and has been used by NLP Training Centers around the world.
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