Transformation takes place many times a day. Think of it as a hat that you wear and how many times you change the hat when you play a different role. We transform our thought process to conform to whom we are speaking with, our surroundings, etc.
As we grow, our self-image, self-confidence, and our thoughts transform. Transformation can be mental, physical, or both. Transforming your mind is changing your thoughts or your beliefs. Transforming your body is putting your body into action; exercise, yoga, or changing your eating habits. Transforming your spirit means going deep within yourself and developing new ways to learn about you. A way to connect with your spirit is through meditation. When you connect with your spirit, it raises your awareness of your desires; it can heal you, and gives you a greater sense of connection not only of yourself, but of the universe.
I strive daily to transform my thought process. I work with energies so that no negative energy, regardless of the source, can have an impact on me. I rid myself of old ideas and seek new ones. I see the world through the eyes of a child, full of innocence and love.
Like a river that flows, your mind, body and spirit are transforming every single moment as the scenery of your life changes. Just as a chameleon disguises their color to adapt to their surroundings, we transform ourselves as well. For those of us that seek transformation, we are constantly and consistently working on making a better version of ourselves, and welcome the thought of taking ourselves to a higher level and transforming the things that no longer work for us. Learning the powerful world of healing ourselves can have such a powerful transformation within us.
Everyone transforms at a different rate, there is no right or wrong in transforming; and not everyone choses to be transformed.
My website,, offers hope and encouragement to others. We are here to help each other and learn from each other.
I wrote four books "Walk in Peace" & "My Soulful Journey" and "The Wishing Well" and "The Green Rabbit" which can be purchased on my website, and
I also have a Blog Talk Radio show. I have interviewed people regarding all subject matter. Feel free to listen to the archives at:
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