Most people familiar with massage and bodywork are aware of how it can benefit the body and improve physical health and wellbeing:- improved circulation and muscle tone, greater strength and flexibility, relief from pain and tension are just a handful of the positive effects that can be realized.

However, I would like to address the effects massage and bodywork can have on the spiritual self – effects which, though subtle in nature, run deep and in many ways are of greater benefit than the immediate physical plusses.

I just returned home from a receiving a massage myself and found I was both unwilling and unable to dive back into the list of “things to do” in my calendar today. I had originally envisioned being re-energized from the session and being able to move mountains and accomplish all those things that needed my attention.

Instead I was drawn to sit outside in the sun where I became aware of listening to the birds and squirrels playing in the backyard. Then my attention was drawn to the plants and flowers and I heard those that were asking for water.

As I sat and warmed my body in the sun, I recognized the deeply meditative space I was in where my consciousness was increasing and I became aware of all the energy that I was releasing as a result of the massage.

I sensed those parts of my body that were still responding to the physical manipulation of my bodyworker’s hands – places where I had been unaware of how much I was holding on to.

My body was talking to me loud and clear – “take a break, step off the fast track for a moment.”

I have been working a lot in the last couple of months, something that is hard to complain about in these turbulent times, but in the process I had been ignoring how tired my body was and the massage had allowed that fact to come to light.

So I listened…..

I continued to sit and meditate. Meditation is something I have practiced regularly for 26 years, but I realized that recently it was getting put off more frequently due to the demands of work, family and responsibilities in general.

In the process of my meditation, I became aware of reconnecting with myself, recognizing who I am and redefining my path – through this self-reflection I became conscious of both my connection to and my individuality within the world at large.

Massage and bodywork provides the opportunity to become more aware of all that you are – physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally. It brings to light energy you are carrying or becoming the effect of that is not yours, and allows you to release and reconnect with who you really are.

Are you stuck on the fast track, being driven by the forces of nature in a direction you would rather not be headed? Or perhaps you feel pulled in a number of different directions by the energy of those demands in your space? Have you forgotten to say hello to yourself recently and to recognize who you really are and why you are here?

I recommend making time for a massage or bodywork session. Taking time for yourself is a gift that goes way beyond skin deep. The benefits will be felt in the depths of your soul!