Although you may be tempted to go all out and push yourself to the max every day to get the results that you desire quicker, rest and recovery are equally important as the workout itself. This is especially the case if you want to improve your overall fitness and enhance your physique.
Therefore, it is vital that you know the best way to help your body recover after an intense workout. From eating the right food to stretching to giving your body a little extra boost to get it back fighting fit as soon as possible, keep reading to discover the top four tips for recovering after exercise. You will be guaranteed to see faster and better results.
Top 4 Methods for Recovering after an Intense Workout
1. Replenish any lost fluids
If you have worked out properly, then you should have sweat
a lot. Sweating is your body’s natural way of keeping cool and preventing
overheating, and it is an essential part of exercising. That being said, it can
leave you dehydrated and therefore, you need to make sure that you replace any
lost fluids. Although many fitness fanatics swear by sports drinks for a quick recovery, these
are often full of sugar. Simply, rehydrating with good old H2O is more than
sufficient, although coconut water can also be beneficial.
Alternatively, if you are an endurance athlete or feel
like you need any extra boost hydration-wise, iv hydration is incredibly effective at helping your body
recover fast from a strenuous workout.
2. Fuel up with recovery foods
What you eat after working out is nearly as important
as what you drink. Your body needs proper nutrition if you expect it to be able
to recover quickly and be ready for your next workout.
Ideally, you should try to eat within an hour of your
last workout and focus on foods that are high in protein as well as some
carbohydrates to give you energy.
Avoid fast food, processed food, and alcohol as all of
these will delay your recovery and make you feel sluggish.
3. Help your muscles recover
Your muscles need time to recover and rebuild after
strenuous physical activity so that they are strong enough to deal with any
future workouts. Stretching after a workout is an essential step in your body’s
recovery that is often overlooked, especially by men, but if done correctly and
consistently, it can significantly improve your overall fitness levels.
Massage is also a great way to make you feel relaxed
and pampered after an intense workout, plus it has the added benefit of
improving your circulation.
If you are concerned about the expense of a professional
sports massage, you can try a range of self-massage techniques that are designed to relax
and ease any pain or discomfort associated with tight muscles.
4. Make sure you get sufficient sleep
Although most people are aware of the importance of getting enough sleep (7-9 hours a night being the recommended amount of shut-eye for optimal health), if you are regularly partaking in strenuous workouts, then you may find that your body craves more sleep. If this is the case, listen to it. If your body is showing signs of being fatigued or needing more rest, this is exactly what you should give it.
Grant Donovan is a successful entrepreneur and expert in many disciplines including aviation, automotive, political, anti-aging and life coaching to name a few. But it is his passion for health, nutrition and fitness that he attributes as the leading factor for his success. All of which led him to create to share his large breadth of knowledge with the everyday man, and empower them to make the changes that will help lead to their success. He believes a life in balance of mind, body and soul is a life well lived and only when achieved can one unlock their true potential. At age 60, Grant serves as a living example of why staying healthy not only helps you live longer, but the improved quality of life, will allow you to push past boundaries and reach new heights you never knew were possible. With his inspirational personal journey of achievement he has motivated over 350,000+ subscribers to make a positive change in their life and guide them on their pursuit of happiness.
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