Today, technology in education is confidently changing the way people learn, whether in childhood or professional life. School closures and a wave of layoffs during the pandemic made people search for other opportunities to acquire knowledge and improve their qualifications. And the majority of them felt it was undeniably advantageous.
Now the learning process mixed with gamification helps children to watch the materials longer without losing interest. Students receive more time to learn subjects outside classrooms. And corporations create an efficient environment for improving employees' skills most cost-effectively.
In this article, we’ll talk about future e-learning trends that can become commonly used in school and online business training. So keep reading to discover valuable insights for your personal case.
Technology In Education: The Most Important Statistics
The EdTech market (including solutions for primary, secondary, higher, and business education) was valued at $340 billion at the beginning of 2023 and may reach $605.4 billion by 2027. New technological approaches like machine learning, the Internet of Things (IoT), augmented and virtual reality (AR and VR) are the key drivers to the annual 15% potential industry growth.
Since 2000, e-learning is convinced the most rapidly growing sector in the educational sphere (up to 900%). The reason for its popularity lies in the undeniable benefits for all the participants, from lecturers and business owners to students and corporate workers.
Around 73% of US teachers confirm it’s easier to present materials for students with free access to individual computers and gadgets. And EdTech solutions help them plan and give lessons more efficiently. 96% of respondents believe technology positively impacts the learning process, making it more engaging and motivating.
While gamification in school e-learning is boosting now and can potentially increase by $9.03 billion by 2025, the availability of personal devices remains one of the main challenges which limits its growth. Although the usage of gadgets has increased by 99% since 2020, around 50% of learners worldwide still don’t have household computers or an Internet connection to continue their education at home.
At the same time, the lack of trained online teachers and e-learning apps for mobile are other issues college students face when it comes to using technologies in higher education. These are the things to consider for institutions providing EdTech in their study.
81% of students confess that digital devices helped them spend more time studying their lessons at home and made the process more productive. 85% of graduates believe that e-learning enabled them to compile a better CV and get a job easier. And 86% of respondents are convinced personalized online courses and webinars were excellent investments that helped them return spending and earn more.
Considering corporate EdTechs, 76% of employees state they are more likely to work with a company that follows the latest trends in e-learning and provides continuous training. Statistics show that workers forget around 65% of educational information within seven days after they complete the course and almost 90% during the next six months. That’s why regular repeat and free access to educational materials are crucial for employees’ efficiency and experience.
More entrepreneurs focus on developing an effective learning environment that allows them to upskill workers in a less cost- and time-consuming way. Every dollar spent on implementing an online educational program brings a 30x return in corporate productivity, enduring businesses to a new level of development. With such an approach, the EdTech corporate industry, with a current market share of $22.5 billion, will reach the $44.6 billion point by 2028.
Gamification in E-Learning: 5 Main Principles To What Not To Do
Top 10 Trends to Watch in 2023
The future of e-learning seems to be very promising. While the peak of EdTech development mostly happened during the pandemic, the industry continues to gain momentum. Short video courses, gamification elements, and progress assessments remain the most popular approaches used in school and corporate study. But this article will focus on new strategies which can enhance the educational process and improve the efficiency of online training.
Learning Experience Platforms (LXP)
A lot of users think of LXP as an innovative LMS. But, in fact, their methods significantly differ. While learning management system requirements and curriculums are designed and moderated by courses authors, AI-powered experience platforms automatically gather content offerings from several resources based on the students'/employees’ previous behavior.
LMS represents a structured educational program. On the other hand, LXP is more flexible and user-oriented. It picks up the training materials for each customer depending on his job/department and identified bottlenecks in knowledge. If learners often use the platform, they receive more targeted propositions. In fact, LXP is gathering content similar to a social media engine, allowing participants to build personalized educational paths.
Mobile-first learning
Apps for personal gadgets with an opportunity to access data and use it without a worldwide network are one of the e-learning technology trends that can increase customers’ retention and improve their loyalty. Mobile programs allow students and corporate workers to download training courses faster at any time and place. Information represented in bite-sized videos helps learners to adopt new skills easier and efficiently.
In-depth assessments
Course authors now have more space to evaluate whether customers memorize the lessons and can apply them in practice. Instead of simple tests at the end of the course, participants can join group AR or VR projects and check their obtained skills and critical thinking in circumstances close to the real world. Such methods help trainers to provide quick communication and support, defining strong and weak sides for each learner.
Moreover, e-learning industry trends allow creators to make their assessments more inclusive. For example, people with different disabilities can choose the testing method that suits their case better, like a written quiz or video recording.
Group-based learning
This method considers group courses where participants pass through the educational process together, collaborating and interacting to solve common tasks. Students learn the essentials of time management, meet project deadlines and work for the community goals. During cohort-based training, curators communicate with users, giving the most relevant materials according to their reviews and interests.
Hybrid education
It is one of the massive current trends in e-learning which combines real-life lessons in classrooms and on-site materials for self-study. Participants learn to interact with peers and instructors at live meetings and receive in-depth knowledge from courses in online repositories (Google Drive, LMS, etc.) simultaneously. This type of education keeps students engaged, allows them to build their own schedules, and choose a convenient place to work with the materials.
Often, when users complete courses, they receive certificates validating upgraded skills. These documents, called micro-credentials, may be associated with mini degrees or specifications and are transferred from one educational organization to another or additionally added to the candidate's resume.
Online memberships
Creating a website where users can pay for subscriptions and access the training community takes a vital place among e-learning trends in 2023. Memberships are so popular among teachers because of additional revenue, which they receive from customers in the form of commissions on a monthly or annual base. What makes learners follow the instructors' website is the diversity of learning materials, the desire to belong to a community with the same objectives, and the possibility to leave reviews and interact with the content creator directly.
AR and VR
Virtual practices are probably one of the top e-learning trends which allow participants to train their skills and knowledge in a safe digital environment without harmful consequences. In AR courses, the technology creates a suitable response to the users’ actions, while VR provides a more immersive experience, fully distracting learners from the real world.
Such simulations (sometimes game-based) can become an essential part of educating construction and mechanical engineering workers, surgeons and healthcare specialists, emergency and rescue staff.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI-powered e-learning market trends benefit both learners and teachers. While users receive individual educational materials based on their online activity and search queries, creators save time and cost on content preparation, sorting, quiz generation, assessments, etc. Also, AI approaches allow instructors to develop intuitive chatbots which automatically handle simple users' questions and choose the correct answer from the previously determined knowledge base.
Data analysis
Together with AI trends in e-learning, data-driven predictions can significantly improve educational effectiveness. It can offer users materials they like and make the process faster, easier, and more productive. Data analysis helps course creators develop programs that will cater to consumers’ needs. Moreover, predictive analytics detect negative performance and notify trainers to support learners in their current difficulties.
As mentioned above, new trends in e-learning are expected to become the driving force in boosting skills improvement for students and employees in 2023. So if you are planning to develop an educational program that can attract the target audience, you may apply the given examples in your course creation process...
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