Being one of the most popular programming languages, every Angular.JS developer, has his task cut out, for himself. In simple terms, an AngularJS developer’s responsibility mainly revolves around writing and testing JavaScript, HTML and CSS based codes. However, there is much more to an AngularJS developer, than just writing codes. It is not just about possessing these skill sets. It’s how effectively it is made use of.

An AngularJS Development Company looks at how efficient the developers are, before hiring them but many times, these developers commit some common mistakes, which can well be avoided. The severity of these mistakes may vary. Let’s take a look at some mistakes which can happen.

Inability to use the available tools

One of the desired parameter to hire AngularJS developers is how effectively they can make use of the available development tools. Commonly used tools in this case are TestWhiz and Protractor. This could prove to be a costly mistake as it becomes necessary to utilize a tool sooner or later. For e.g., Firefox and Chrome use uncommon improvement strings that involve investigation, mistake yields, and profiling. These instruments help developers identify the errors beforehand and save time.

Improper distribution of code

The process of Angular development generally involves distribution of codes into small cubicles or compartments, as it is also referred to, so that it is easier to track errors if found and work on them. What generally happens with the developers is that since AngularJS involves working with the MVC architecture, there is a tendency to put excessive codes into one controller. A proper code organization generally helps when you have a team of developers working on the same project.

Failure to Unsubscribe

Many companies into web development look to hire AngularJS developers, who have a good control of the subject basics to begin with. One of the key requirements of AngularJS development is cleaning up your subscriptions. Constant new subscriptions might risk data security and failure to do this on the part of Angular developers, might lead to a huge problem.

Direct Manipulation of the Document Object Model (DOM)

DOM, as it is abbreviated as, is the API for HTML and XML documents. However, Angular developers commit a very common mistake which is working directly on the DOM and editing it. It would therefore be in the best interests of any AngularJS development company to hire AngularJS developers, who have a good understanding of DOM. One of the solutions, AngularJS developers can look forward to be use JQuery, which is an accepted library.

Declaring with nameless functions

There are instances where developers fail to assign functions correctly while coding. This is very much necessary to achieve a neat and easily maintainable code. If developers adopt this practice, it would help them a great deal in application testing and maintenance.

Giving too much for Controllers to Handle

It is a known fact that, companies are always under pressure, to meet customer deadlines. This might force the developers to mix logic layers and give too many tasks for the controllers to perform, resulting in a code, which is designed to execute much more, within a given situation. For example, performing AJAX calls in controllers or having many event handlers, to perform a given task

Failure to adhere to Pre-launch tests

Like any other software application, it is imperative that Angular Developers adhere to examining an app, before launching it. Hence, companies would do well to hire AngularJS developers who have the ability to work on well-known tools which work well across browsers.

Ignoring Batarang

AngularJS developers would be well aware of the significance of using Batarang, a very useful Google Chrome extension, used for developing as well as debugging Angular applications. It is seen quite often that developers don’t make use of this tool to its fullest potential.

Not using Event Handlers properly

AngularJS can be perfect specifically when it comes to attaching an action to an activity likes for example, clicking a button by the user. It is important for developers to understand and use event handlers efficiently.

Settled Scope Binding

Scope in AngularJS refers to built-in objects which contains application data. Since AngularJS makes use of the MVC architecture, scope can be understood as glue which binds controller and view. Normally, Angular provides its very own scoping rules. To ensure a proper binding system and smooth development, it is imperative that the developer needs to assemble their scope objects properly.

At the End of the Day

It is quite normal and common that everybody makes mistakes. Even experienced Angular Developers commit mistakes which happen either by oversight or due to pressing reasons. However, all comes down to how the error is handled and negotiated. What AngularJS developers can do best is that before attending to those errors, they can probably make a note or record those mistakes and make sure they do not repeat the same again.

Author's Bio: 

Jitesh Jain heads the technical department at DeveloperonRent and leads a well-furnished team of application developers. Jitesh has extensive experience in man-management and is technically sound to bring out the best output from his team.