I am reminded by fellow coach Phil Evans of the following truth. The most common 'theme' that I introduce to new clients when working in the Life Coaching realm, is the critical importance of being true to oneself!  It's just so darned easy to get into doing everything for everybody else, but sadly neglecting that important person in the mirror.
Yep, too darned easy to put everybody else first; and eventually something will kick our butts as it tries to alert us of the need to look after that person also known as ME!

That something can often be health issues; depression; anger; sadness and moodiness; and a variety of other stuff.

We all need to be aware of the importance of looking after ourselves holistically: creating a healthy approach to our Mind/Body/Spirit balance and general well-being!  All three aspects need to be in sync with who we are, and what we're doing, and where we're headed.

Very important note: This doesn't mean that any of us should suddenly give up doing good things for others; quite the opposite actually!  It simply means to aim for a healthy balance in doing things for self AND others in a manner which still serves the inner-self and our own needs; and not just the needs of others. (Free daily balance checklist at www.hopeserenity.ca).

So here's the challenge: What's holding you back from making those important decisions for YOU; and then acting on them?  Maybe it's time that you cut those strings that bind you to a job that you hate; a relationship that doesn't serve you; a health issue which has been left unattended; your financial situation; .... Or whatever it is that's testing you right now.

C'mon .... you can do it!
Yell out if you need some help!  (I'll see you ... or hear you!)

Author's Bio: 

Addiction Help,Life Recovery Coach