Many spears are braking around autoblogging. Mostly, with a definition of what exactly an autoblog is, and categorizing it - good or bad? Autoblog is an expression used to describe self updated blogs, with your own unique content or with content from other related sites that offer free RSS syndication.
Contrary to the most common perception that autoblogs are "black hat blogs", autoblogs are everything but only black hat blogs.

Should you or should you not to get involved with autoblogging, can be answered by determining your ultimate goals.

For example: What would you like to achieve with more content?
-Would you like to achieve better rankings in search engines?
-Would you like to offer more relevant information to your existent audience?
-Would you like to build your online presence faster?
-Would you like to free up your time?
Those are only few questions that you should answer, prior getting involved with autoblogging, because setting clear goal will lead you to the right path when starting autoblog.

Different goals obviously offer various solutions, so for a matter of speaking, if you want to achieve better rankings in search engines, you will update your blogs with your own unique content, that is yours or outsourced.
If you would like to offer more information on the subject, you will syndicate RSS feeds from other related sites.
To gain your online presence faster you will start auoblog with a mixture of your own content, and RSS feeds in slightly larger volume, hopefully - not too large and not to fast, because it will reflect a quality of your autoblog.
Obviously, any chosen path will inevitably free up your time, so you will have more space for promoting your autoblog.

Let's not forget that autoblog can also be even better monetized than a regular blog by the usage of affiliate xml feeds, there are numbers of affiliate companies that offer customized feeds embedded with your own affiliate link.
Mixing your affiliate data feed with your own content is a proven way to bring more sales in a relatively short time, but, will you make more sales or not, relies on your autoblog promotion, something that lacks many "autoblog masters".

Please don't get too excited with a creation of autoblogs, sure they are easy to set up and basically anyone can enter autoblogging arena, but the biggest flaw is that building anything fast online, will result with poor quality and wasted time.
Finall results of uncontrolable building of autoblogs, as we see it today, is ever emerging pile of junk on the internet, with emphasis on crappy autoblogs that create "informational cacophony" resulting with a bad name for regularly updated autoblogs.

Just one small note more, Google used to love fresh and regularly updated blogs. It still does, but it got smarter, for example: if you would like to post more than two or maximum tree times on they will block your blog telling you that they discovered suspicious activity on your blog.
This fact from Google's house, tells that excessive updating is something that indicates production of poor quality material used to spoof search engines or to bring more spam faster to the people.

Whatever you choose, put your efforts towards quality, relax and take your time, this way your autoblogging efforts will pay of.

Author's Bio: 

Bruno Grezzo is Internet marketer and blogger since 2007, enjoying in freedom of home based business.
Expert in a few fields, his articles are turned towards his expertise in improving:
-Direct marketing
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