While reading this, please bear in mind that it is not just father's who leave. There are also mothers who chose to leave. Whatever their reasons are; try your best to put yourself in their shoes. This is a tool for those whom might need it. I love my father, I just don't know him.
I never met you face to face. I’ve heard a lot of stories about you, none of them good. I heard you were tall, and that you were no good. I remember the day you left; you were so tall you looked like a giant. But I guess to every two year old, everything is big. I remember asking my mom who you were, and then just walked away. I remember the house in Harvey was huge, we had no furniture. I had this old curler box that I grabbed right away so no one else could take it and it was my little table. That’s where I ate my hotdogs and beans for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Ate that for a long time, but I never went hungry thanks to my mom. I guess throughout the years I never thought of you. I heard how you and my mom had met, I always thought growing up that Navy men were good men, but not you. I was raised to think that they were good men; at least that’s what my Uncle’s would tell me. I always had to make excuses for you growing up and I must have grown tired of it. You know the family tree in school, the medical questions, etc. Finally I just told them that you were dead. It seemed a lot easier than trying to explain things. I remember getting a gift from you. I was so mad, it didn’t even have my name on it, to make it easier there were two presents with my siblings name on it. I guess you forgot my name. I threw the brown suede purse in the garbage. After awhile I went and got it out, hung onto it for many years, it was the only thing that linked us together.
As I grew older I started to wonder what you looked like or sounded like. I even had the perfect plan for when we met. I was going to stand right next to you in a train station and just look at you. Look at your eyes, your hands, your height, your build. And then I would walk away. You see I would have the advantage of knowing it was you that I was standing next to. You wouldn’t know it was me. And I would be the one to walk away this time. But none of that ever happened. It was just a dream.
Later on when I was in High School, I was 16 or 17 we had spoken and you wanted me to come and visit. I had a boyfriend and school and a full time job. You even invited my boyfriend to come out as well. I declined; I had too much going on between school and work. A few years later, I spoke with you again. This time I was married and had my first child, your grandson. Then we lost contact for about 20 years. We spoke briefly after that, and lost contact again for another 10 years.
Where did all the time go? You were busy with your life, I was busy with mine. Whose fault is it that everything happened the way it did? I guess we can sit and point fingers all day long, but who is that helping? No one!
I had extended an offer for me to fly out and meet you. I had asked that you think about it and then let me know so that I can make the arrangements. Three weeks later, no phone call. I am leaving tomorrow to go on a vacation with my husband. I made other plans when I didn’t hear from you. Maybe like in school, you are dead. I guess you have issues that you haven’t dealt with. We’ll try again in another ten years.
My advice to the parent who has left behind a child, whatever the circumstance was, just make it right. Take that hatchet and throw it hard on the ground, and then pull yourself together and walk over to a mirror and look at yourself and say “I have a beloved child on this earth whom I have not seen, whom I have not hugged, nor told I love you” and you go out and find that child. If years have gone by, they are now an adult. And be ready, be a man because you are not going to like the anger that is going to coming at you. Expect and accept the harsh words against you. You deserve them in the child’s eyes. Explain your best, but don’t lie! Children are so forgiving. And get to know that child and give them every ounce of moral support you have in you so they can try to make it in this tough world. You owe them that. It’s not about money. It’s all about the love and the strong sense of belonging, the family ties, and the pride in just knowing. It’s all about you being there!
For the child/adult who hasn’t met their parent. Here’s your hug, here’s an ear to listen, here’s a tissue and I’ll dry your tears. When you are down, I will reach out my hand and help you back up. When you are sad, I’ll take you out for ice cream and then on the swings, and I’ll understand how you feel the whole way. You can and will become anything that you want. I will not let you fail. You make me proud of who you are. I might not be your parent, and I understand that void that you feel, trust me I do. And when you look at your family tree and it has a bunch of missing branches, we can make new ones. We can cross family off of the heading and put friends.
I leave for my vacation soon, and I will enjoy it. It is not the trip I planned on taking, but it will give me time to lick my wounds and give me the time and space I need to really appreciate all that I have in my life. I am so very blessed, and I truly hope you are too.
My name is Tami Principe. I am the creator of Womensrecreation.com. Go to http://www.womensrecreation.com. I created my website so that everyone had a place to go to offer and receive hope and encouragement. You can post a comment on one of my blogs, visit my chat room and say hello to others. You can view the books that I have posted on my website. I also offer online courses. I also have an extensive resource list as well.
You can also listen live or to the archives of my Blog Talk Radio show. My subject matter varies. Here is the link for my radio show; http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/womensrecreation. You can mark me as your favorite, follow me or simply listen.
I currently have two books in publication and look forward to their completion. They are to inspire others through hope and encouragement as well.
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