The Path of Relationship —Legend and Legacy
The Legend: The story has been told many ways, in many a place
Is it true? Search your soul ..feel.. divine grace
From the unity of the infinite came a separation-a separation that would birth a
passionate expression of vital energy…Life
Heaven meets Earth- Yin welcomes Yang, Bright and Dark embrace in a compelling
loving force that conceived a child…planet earth
There was a time estimated at 26,000 years ago when the poles of our planet faced a part of the
galaxy where the concentration of constellations was of far greater magnitude than we see and
feel today.
Imagine looking up to behold a bright confetti-like vision in the night sky— A tapestry of
infinite stars glimmering, sparkling and radiating their light and vital force towards the planet
earth. At this time on earth, the inhabitants were deeply aligned with the vibrations of the
universe that originated at the dawn of creation.
The people of this time embodied the same vital charge that blessed every speck of life. Their
bodies were charged with an adaptable vitality that could endure the wide range of atmospheric
influences. The food was filled with so much nourishment that very little cultivation or
preparation was necessary. The peoples’ innate ability to survive nature’s widely changing moods
allowed them to focus their time on developing consciousness in communion with all living
things. Humans, animals and plants lived together and cooperated in a harmonious life dance. The
abundance of chi/life force surrounding each being made it very natural to feel and live in
extraordinary ways…telepathy, teleportation, psycho kinesis, acceptance, honesty and beauty all
dominated the existence of this civilization who intuitively knew how to transform any difficulty
into inspiration. Lies, hate or violence were unknown —compassion was the final result of every
circumstance. People smiled at the clouds of interpersonal adversity because they trusted that
everything exists in a harmonious cycle. Light always followed darkness, which in turn, was the
mother of renewed light. The attitude of gratitude—grace full attitude was a given. The intense
vital forces of nature were balanced by an opposite yet complementary force of peace and
harmony within the people who were exposed to these influences— creative forces of nature
streaming down and uniting with the equally fertile planet earth— Life was dominated by a
spring and summer-like enthusiasm and passion…
And all things come to pass
The intense forces of nature eventually exerted a force so strong on the planet that the poles of the
earth changed to face a different part of the galaxy. Survivors of the resulting catastrophe now
found a different night sky with less stars shining down on the planet.
The water and soil quality was no longer nourished by the same vitality radiating from the
heavens above. Increased food cultivation and the use of fire became necessary to provide the
resulting less vital foods with the energy necessary to sustain health. To compensate for the
diminished forces of nature influencing the planet, humans were being called upon to look within
and create new ways to establish peace and harmony.
A Fall from grace? A Winter hibernation
Where Analysis replaced Intuition
Where time and space seemed linear
How could we forget?
A fall from paradise??or a necessary development ?
The Legacy
From the period after 6000 BC elders and wise ones (Jesus, Buddah, Mohammed, Lao Tse are
some of the more well known) tried to speak or write memories of the past to be once again
realized by the human race. That innate wisdom which was once a given, had become a valued
mystery that all beings longed for. The essence of vitality showered upon us in the past seemed
hidden or distorted. It was up to humanity now to find new ways to sort out this dark veil of
confusion. For so long our outer environment provided these answers intuitively and now instead
of adapting by looking more deeply into the wisdom within, we continued to look outside
ourselves for solutions….. to no avail —so where we once respected our surrounding influences,
we instead began to blame our external environment for the troubles we experienced. Instead of
blending with nature we sought to control it as quickly as possible in ways that bypassed
reverence or thought to the consequences on our mother planet. In times of stress, this dodging of
respect was extended to our brothers and sisters. We forgot that all our relations were an
extension of ourselves. In an effort to survive we protected our immediate communities. We
created boundaries, cities, and countries. We separated from the one world society of the past.
This trend has continued into modern times. Our words and actions reveal inconsistencies. We
say we strive to maintain cleanliness yet pollute the planet to do so? We say we value peace
among all beings yet kill to have it? We say we want truth yet lie when it serves us? We say we
love our brothers and sisters and use the word hate as often or more than we express love?
These inconsistencies create a gap in our awareness—an inner lack of trust in our self AND if we
both recognize and transform these in congruencies, we will get that the energy derived from
these contradictions is here to drive us to create a better world. Acknowledgment of our extreme
personal polarities and transforming them into harmony is perhaps the very goal of our existence.
This transformation from blame to response ability compensates for the constellational energy we
lost 6,000 years ago. Energy is never created or destroyed. The deficit is balanced by our ability
to turn fear into love…and it happens through relationship. When we make choices that are
motivated by love instead of fear, we create the necessary life force to make the world go around.
Start with the self, and extend the power of healing our inconsistencies to family, friends,
spouses, partners. The resulting harmony will overflow into social and political relations. When
making choices, ask yourself: Which decision is best for my health and the health of the planet I
live on? Which decision creates more love within myself and in the world around me? Which
decision brings me to my authentic life dream and the dream we all share—Love in a peaceful
world? This legend is ongoing and will be the legacy we leave for generations to come.
Why have I chosen?
Why do I care and persist?
Because inside a voice whispers, sometimes screams
We’re here to shift.
Follow Love’s call. Maintain-Connect with all the rest.
for the Glory of Heart, Spirit and Soul
Beckons Our Drive - And the Glow of this light
Always Persists.
Conflict! I welcome your shade
for the seed is nourished by darkness ....
To transform... Metamorphis.
I revel in the fuel created by Fear’s grinding
Deeper into the abyss..
Seymour Koblin is the founder of the School of Healing Arts in San Diego and current owner of the International School of Healing Arts. He has been presenting classes and workshops in Zen-Touch™ Shiatsu and Eastern Healing since 1984. Humor, intuition and a modern day perspective to traditional Holistic Health practices make his presentations an inspiring experience.
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