Whether you are in multi-level marketing in a small way or a big way, if you live with anyone else, there is another multi-level marketer in your business. They may not be officially in your business (although if you are a committed relationship they should be), but, like it or not, they are most definitely involved.
If you are involved in network marketing in a big way, you are spending large amounts of time on your business. If you have a family, a house, you need to eat, etc. then someone else is picking up those chores that you no longer have time to do. This rises exponentially if you have children. That other person is most likely your spouse or significant other. While most people that work in home based businesses recognize this fact, it is easy to discount the value of it (since there is usually no physical monetary reward). Those who continue to discount the value may find themselves having to pay for those same services when their spouse, feeling unappreciated, leaves! Even if you are only involved in a small way in network marketing or some other home-based business, you are spending time in the business.
The other person in the house is also often a passive listener. When you are spending hours a day on the phone, they can’t help but overhear many of the conversations. You spouse or significant other may have great insight when it comes to what is going on with your business. They also have a different perspective when it comes to the people that you are working with. Often you get so involved in your business that you can become blinded to certain problems that may be arising. The other people in your house saw it coming a mile away. Involving your spouse or significant other in conversations about specific things that are going on in the business will not only give you another perspective, but will help them understand what you are trying to do. Most of the time, they really want to know what you are doing, even if they are not actively participating in the business.
Even if your spouse or significant other doesn’t actively participate in the business, they have their own set of passive contacts. It is your job to make sure that they understand enough about the business to be able to explain in coherently to someone else. They don’t have to know every detail about every product or about the compensation plan, but they should at least be able to recognize the value of the products and that there is an opportunity to start a business. Your spouse or significant other should not be hesitant about letting people know what you do. They should also carry business cards at all time. You never know who might want to know more.
Your spouse or significant other can be a great asset in your business, even if they are not an active participant. Don’t sell them short and make sure they fell like they are an important part of your team.
"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." Henry Ford
I was born in the summer of 1955, in a Soddy on the Great Plains, in the …oh wrong story.
My friends call me they call me Robin, Dr Robin, the Blindguy and Dr Blindguy.
I am married to Kathy and have two grown daughters out of the house (26 and 27) and two daughters in the house, 16 and 17 and a granddaughter 10 and a grandson 2 years old, that live with in Iowa City, Iowa.
“Dr. Robin”, the well known MLM Radio personality is an Eagle Scout and 24 year U.S. Army and Army Reserves veteran. While still in the Army, he began building his “honorary” doctorate in the Network Marketing world. He built a huge Amway organization in the tens of thousands. He later was a top producer at A.L. Williams and has had experience in numerous other network marketing companies. He is a nationally recognized expert in the network marketing business with the following credentials: Certified Network Marketing Instructor since 2005, Certified Network Marketing Mentor since 2005, Certified Network Marketing Scholar since 2006, Certified Master Network Marketer since 2007. Dr. Robin is also considered an ambassador for network marketing as well as serving in the capacity of policing the companies that do not positively represent the industry. Dr. Robin has been the host of several radio shows (KEN I, KDEF, KKIM, KQAK,). Did we forget to mention; he has done all of this in the past several years and Dr. Robin is blind? Dr. Robin is the current host of his radio show, "Networking with the Blindguy" with up to 4.7 million listeners.
Certified Network Marketing Instructor
Certified Network Marketing Mentor
Certified Network Marketing Scholar
Over 37 years in Network Marketing (MLM)
Millionaires Club three times
#2 Retailer in a MLM for 2005
#1 Recruiter in another MLM for 2006
#1 Mentor for Network Marketing in 2006
Presidents Club 2007
Nominated for an American Business Award (Stevie) 2005,2006,2007,2008.
Nominated for an International Business Award (Stevie) 2005,2006,2007,2008.
In Marquis Who's Who in America for 4 years straight
Over 6.5 connection in my LINKEDIN.COM Network
Holds the following, PhD in Accounting, MBA in Marketing, MS in Bio Chemistry, and several BA and BS degrees.
Now for the rest of the Story.
Dr Robin Rushlo has been through many trials and ups and downs in his life.
He has pins in both ankles, both knees, right hip, an artificial right shoulder, a full metal plate in his head. He is 100% blind with only light perception in the right eye. He been 100% blind since January 2000. Without hearing aids he is 78% deaf. He uses adaptive software to surf the net and run his businesses. He has adaptive software that runs his cell phone and walking GPS systems.
Dr Robin has the motto "If the Blindguy can DO IT, anyone can!"
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